Digimon Group Theme Songs


Well-Known Member
Years ago, about two or three, Me, Seiya, Ryuugi, Latewave and Sytang, with I believe some help from Demjou and one or two other people I can't recall atm, tried finding theme songs for digimon in certain groups, we had rules about what could be used and such, I lost a comp and now the data is on a hard drive I can't access until I get a case and a jack for it, but I was able to redo most of it from memory.

Note, if you have something that I think works better, I can replace a song with the new better one.

Royal Knights:
Rules: Can be in any language, so long as a translation can be supplied, and the song fits well enough lyrically and tonally.

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode - For The King

Alphamon - The Hero Who Nobody Knows
Omegamon - Requiem
Craniummon - Mission Complete
Dukemon - Honor
Magnamon - Waiting On A Miracle
Dynasmon - Preliator
LordKnightmon - Utsukushi-Sugite...
UlforceV-dramon - Dawn of Victory
Sleipmon - Nifelheim
Duftmon -
Examon -
Gankoomon -
Jesmon -

I actually no longer have a translation for Craniummon's song. Anyone that has that could you please link it.

The Dii Consentus, well, we had all six that were out at the time done, and Seiya had a song picked out for Venusmon before she came out.
Rules: We decided to do it hard mode, so only japanese songs, guess we were feeling to cocky given how well the knights that were out at the time went.

Jupitermon -
Junomon -
Apollomon - Supernova
Dianamon - Moonlight Destiny
Marsmon - Battle no Limit
Mercurymon - Lord of the Speed
Minervamon - Junjou Punch
Neptunemon - Umi no otoko wa yo
Venusmon - Ai no Megami no How to Love
Vulcanusmon -
Bacchusmon -
Ceresmon -

Plutomon -

Finally, the Demon lords, who are only last because they're the ones we hadn't finished and also the ones I could remember the least about, song wise.

Rules: Same as the Knights, no language restrictions, just has to fit.

Lucemon - Aura
Leviamon - Inside The Fire?
Demon - A Demon's Fate?
Belphemon - The Final Decision We All Must Take?
Barbamon - Die Schlacht
Beelzebumon - Another One Bites The Dust
Lilithmon - Le Bien Qui Fait Mal

BanchoLeomon -
BanchoLilimon - Blumenkranz
BanchoStingmon -
BanchoMamemon -
BanchoGolemon -

Currently got nothing for any of the other groups, if anyone feels like making suggestions we could start on one of them as well.

EDIT1: Think I remembered the Lilithmon song, but as always, put up anything you think fits, I and the others will review it. (when they get on and have the time).

Ero suggested Blumenkranz for Lilithmon, but I looked over the lyrics and the profiles and it fits BanchoLilimon amusingly well.

EDIT2: Was fucking around, added some that might fit the remaining Demon Lords. Leviamon is the one I'm least sure on, but him, Belphemon and Demon don't seem to sit right with me. It'll have to do till I find something better.

Beelzebumon however is perfect.