GTA: Ed, Edd and Eddy style

Ok, so this was an idea that hit me about two month's ago that I honestly think could work. What if the Ed, Edd, and Eddy crew's Cul-de-sac was set in Liberty City. The boys go their seperate ways after high school, with Eddy joining the Marines to be like his older brother, Double D goes to college, and Ed, with his sister's help, get's a job in construction.

The setting to bring them all back together? Ed gets taken out in a hit, when he had gotten a drug shipment of Kenny Petrovic's seized by NOOSE. Eddy, whose four years are up, and Double D, who'd been working as a weapon's developer for the government, rush back home to attend the funeral.

Cue our two protagonist's vowing to avenge him by taking out Petrovic.

I don't know whether I'll do this myself. If anyone wants a shot at it, they are more than welcome.


Well-Known Member
Wow... maybe I'm just not used to the idea of a darker toned Ed, Edd and Eddy cause they were one of my favorites a few years back.

Do want, though.


Well-Known Member
It sounds good, will any of the Old Cul-da-Sac gang be making an apperance? I know Sarah will, since it was her own brother that was killed. I really hope someone writes this, it is just too good to pass up. Just Imagining the Mayhem that would be wrought with a Military trained Eddy and a Weapons designer Double D, is worthy of being done. Alas, the Lulz may not be as great without Ed's idiocy.
Scico-Jin said:
It sounds good, will any of the Old Cul-da-Sac gang be making an apperance? I know Sarah will, since it was her own brother that was killed. I really hope someone writes this, it is just too good to pass up. Just Imagining the Mayhem that would be wrought with a Military trained Eddy and a Weapons designer Double D, is worthy of being done. Alas, the Lulz may not be as great without Ed's idiocy.
I actually had planned(if I do write this, mind you) that the entirety of the group, Kanker's included, would be at the funeral.

I know the Lulz wouldn't be as great without Ed. (But I love Chicken's Eddy!) Doesn't necessarily mean that there wouldn't be Lulz. This is 2/3rd's of the Ed's we're talking about here.

Now, I know ships don't always help for a fic, but I like the idea of Double D and Marie Kanker. Doesn't mean it has to be done.


Well-Known Member
I personaly would love to see Ed curb stomp a few hitmen like they were little shits. He could ya know, just walk right through the walls they were hiding behind, he's done that shit before, and smash their faces in.
Because it won't quit nagging me.


Ed was tired. He was shambling his way down the street, heading towards his sister's house. He'd had to work overtime, which royally sucked. He hoped Jimmy had remembered to get more beer.

'God. I'm glad I turned in that info for the drug bust. That reward money is really helping my sister out.' He'd always loved his sister. Despite how she was in their younger years. Then, Jimmy had to go and knock her up. People called him retarded.

He would never forgive his parents for kicking his sister out of the house for getting pregnant. Parents were supposed to be supportive. His parents were slime.

As he turned the corner, he caught sight of a couple of guys hanging out by the lamp post in front of his sister's apartment. They weren't doing anything suspicious, so he just kept walking.

It was as he passed them to head up the steps that he heard it. Click. He turned to look down the barrel of a Glock. "Great, I'm gonna get mugged two feet from my apartment." Ed rolled his eyes as he started to dig in his pockets, when the gun was pushed up against his forehead.

"No, you're gonna die two feet from your, friend." Ed took in his three assailants. The guy holding the gun was wimpy looking. He could take him. The other two looked to be body builders or something, he didn't know. They could be a problem.

"You shoudn't have bothered with what you saw in that warehouse a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Petrovic doesn't like it when business goes bad." The gunman smirked. "Any last words before I smear your brains along the sidewalk?"

Ed smiled. "Nope." With that, Ed quickly knocked the gun out of the man's hand and planted his foot in the guy's crotch. As he dropped, Ed ducked a swing from Big Man No. 1 and slammed his fist in No. 2's face.

He had started trading blows with No. 1 when the gun he'd knocked away fired from hitting the brick of his apartment, drawing his attention. Bad idea, as he got a fist to the stomach. No. 2 got back up, tripping Ed up as he did so. They began to mercilessly kick him while he was down.

The gunman had finally gotten himself together, but still had a hand over his family jewels while holding the gun in his other hand. "Stop. We need to get this done and get outta here before the cops show up." He aimed the gun at chest level as the other two backed away.

"Sleep well, stupid. You won't be waking up." With that, he plugged Ed four times in the chest.


The first shot had caught Sarah and Jimmy's attention, and Sarah had gone to call the cops while Jimmy ran down to see if he could help.Jimmy was halfway down the steps when the next four rang out. He had just pulled the door open to see the gunman and his two accomplices running off. He turned his attention to the man on the sidewalk, and his stomach dropped out.

"SARAH!!! IT'S ED!!" He screamed. He rushed down the stoop steps, and dropped to his knees next to his brother-in-law. "Ed! You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK!"

Ed heard Sarah scream as she started down the steps. She dropped down next to him and set his head in her lap. "Don't you die on me, Ed! You here me?!" He looked her in the eyes and hated what was happening. He was dying. He didn't even get to see Eddy or Double D again. He was gonna die without ever seeing his two best friends again after nearly five years apart. "Don't cry, Sarah. I hate seeing you cry." He reached up feebly to wipe away one of the many tears cascading down her cheeks.

He was getting short of breath, and he had spots floating in his vision. He turned his head to Jimmy and looked him hard in the eyes. "You of her, you....hear me, Jimmy? Or...I'm...coming back for you." Jimmy, who had been tearing up himself, nodded his head. " you....both." Ed uttered before he closed his eyes.

It was on October 13th, 2008, that Ed Hill bled out in his sister's lap in front of their apartment.


Wow. That sucked to write. By the way, the Cul-de-sac gangs last names will be based off their voice actor's, because we never learned them.
Very dark, very interesting, though characterization staying true in such a story is rough. Still, if you're just writing it for kicks, then go for it! :yay:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Very dark, very interesting, though characterization staying true in such a story is rough. Still, if you're just writing it for kicks, then go for it! :yay:
That was something I was worried about, but at the same time, that can be explained away as the kids getting older. It's been about nine years since the end of the show after all.