Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?


Well-Known Member
Oh, right. Never do remember about the smaller less creepy one.


Well-Known Member
So, apparently, the book version of the play came out.

Who took the plunge and read (bought) it? I would like to know but preliminary research is conflicting.

Edit: I hate script format so I want to know if it is worth the effort to actually pick up the book.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
zerohour said:
Shirotsume said:
The books technically never say that Luna Lovegood isn't a Lizardperson from the planet Thesssra. Go wild.
A story where Luna is the precursor to an alien invasion, and no one will believe it because she's just strange? I'd read it. Only question is who is the hero no one will believe?
The fuck? OniGanon said that, not me.

Also, for those interested in getting the book, don't. My sister and Dad are massive Potterheads, who are now depressed that such a book exists having read it.

I was nice enough not to say 'told you so.'


Well-Known Member
If the synopsis I read a while back is true they ran Cedric through the mud I will buy the book to burn it on video and post in online


Well-Known Member
Well, the whole plot is on Reddit and wiki. So it seems that the whole thing looks like a really bad next gen fanfic.

They also somehow make Cedric a death eater.