Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Death of Hogwarts


Well-Known Member
There halls were hollow, dusty and silent. In the past even at this time of night they would still be silent. And the 17 year old stalking through them wouldn't be a soldier, but a student.

If the school hadn't been closed when he was a second year perhaps that would have been True. As it is the school did close that Halloween after... after.

Best not to dwell on what was. Or what could have been for that matter.

For at this moment only one thing really mattered.


I don't think I'll be keeping what is below this line, but putting it here for posterity


Harry Potter's invisibility cloak was disturbing the dust in its wake. And it's wearer was unaware.

She learned that even the invisibility cloak of death could stop it's curse.

Harry Potter stepped out of the shadows reclaimed his cloak. Not even recognizing or caring that he had killed someone he once broke bread with in her own home. One of the few who escaped him when he walked into the Great Hall those many years ago with a basilisk by his side.

A moment after he left a house elf popped next to the dead Weasley before bringing the corpse to the thestrals. They would not go hungry tonight. Although they rarely did.

Ginny Weasley was dead, and I suppose in a way so was Harry Potter.
