Harry Potter Harry Potter: Witch Hunter


Well-Known Member
I don't know if any of you have read The Witches by Roald Dahl, but essentially, real witches exist. They are the spawn of Satan, are bald, have no toes, and have claws instead of fingernails. The only thing they desire is to kill all children, and they do it so well that it is extremely difficult to catch them.

So the idea is these Witches exist side by side with the magic users in canon. They don't work together, and the canon wizards and witches might simply think they are over exaggerations of foolish muggle ideas.

Somehow, Petunia is aware of the Witches. Maybe she met one as a child, maybe her father was a Witch Hunter, however it comes about, it doesn't really matter.

This could go a few different ways. One of them, she tells Harry horror stories about witches, how they turn children into animals, and let their families kill them, how they trap children in paintings, unable to escape.

These stories scare Harry, and might even be reinforced by meeting one of them, and barely escaping. Maybe one of the neighborhood boys or girls suffers something unfortunate, but by the time the story starts, Harry is absolutely terrified of Witches. When he gets his Hogwarts letter, he breaks down crying, sure that the Witches attending school are going to kill him.

Once he learns that there is a difference between witches and Witches, I see him learning everything he can about magic, both to defend himself from any attempts, and to hunt them down to protect other children.

I would love to see a Witch in Hogwarts at some point. Either there in an alliance of convenience with some other sinister force, or simply to kill off a few children in a place that is already quite dangerous and mysterious. Harry has to convince his friends that this creature needs to be put down, or go it alone against an evil only he is aware of.

From there, it could go in a few different directions if continuation is desired. Maybe he goes out as a professional witch hunter, maybe he seeks to right whatever wrongs they have committed with his own magic , maybe he just goes as far away as he can. Maybe an encounter with the Grand High Witch, who is hideous to behold and can kill someone merely by looking at them.

But one truth remains, there will always be Witches.



Well-Known Member
hold on i'm not drunk enough to give my input...

several vodka bottles and 1 bottle of soju later

this sounds like a terrific idea. somebody write this now.


Well-Known Member
Where as I am a dirty minded bastard and immediately leapt to:

Harry Potter hunting down witches and seducing them one by one.


Well-Known Member

Whatever floats your boat, man.


Well-Known Member
Was secretly hoping this was a Witch Hunter Robin cross.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Well, hang on. This is completely doable.

In the Harry Potter universe there are the Hags, which are child-eating monsters who managed to convince the Ministry that they qualified for Beings as opposed to Beasts. They, along with the vampires in fact, led the Merfolk and the Centaurs to classify themselves as Beasts because they didn't want to be associated with Hags and Vamps.

You could totally just have Harry hunting down particularly powerful Hags.


Well-Known Member
I like hags as a cover. Ideally, I want the wizarding world to be fairly ignorant of Witches, brushing it off as muggle idiocy and poppycock. If a Witch did show up, they would probably think she was just and ordinary witch, until the children started disappearing.

Heck, maybe not even then. Hogwarts is a dangerous place, after all.


Well-Known Member
Nah the key line would be "Why bother. Its only Mudbloods / Muggles after all"

Ah Draco you horrible person you