Nasuverse Holding Back the Sea

Cherry_lover said:
Except that the only person to endanger innocents is Caster. So, ending the war sooner does not reduce deaths at all if it means letting Caster survive longer.
Last I checked Kiritsugu's goal was to obtain the Holy Grail and fulfill his ideal. Letting others die to maximize his chances to obtain it and therefore save more lives in the long run could be seen as an acceptable loss.


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Hymn of Ragnarok said:
Cherry_lover said:
Except that the only person to endanger innocents is Caster. So, ending the war sooner does not reduce deaths at all if it means letting Caster survive longer.
Last I checked Kiritsugu's goal was to obtain the Holy Grail and fulfill his ideal. Letting others die to maximize his chances to obtain it and therefore save more lives in the long run could be seen as an acceptable loss.
Yes, but that has nothing to do with "ending the war quickly". All that matters (in that respect) is whether he wins. He couldn't give a fuck if he does it in a day, or if it takes all two weeks....


Well-Known Member
Caster is a dead man walking. There's no need to go after him because he'll die to somebody else.

While he's dying to somebody else, Kiritsugu can kill somebody else, while everybody else is focused on Caster.

That's 2/6 threats gone, greatly increasing the odds of winning the war, and one where you don't even have to do anything (and so risk yourself). It's not just a slight advantage.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
I'm hoping Irisviel survives, but I don't consider it at all likely.

Also, wondering what a Shirou raised by Percy would be like.


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Avider said:
Caster is a dead man walking. There's no need to go after him because he'll die to somebody else.

While he's dying to somebody else, Kiritsugu can kill somebody else, while everybody else is focused on Caster.

That's 2/6 threats gone, greatly increasing the odds of winning the war, and one where you don't even have to do anything (and so risk yourself). It's not just a slight advantage.
What I said, but more eloquently put. Thanks.


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Tohsaka Rin thought she was ready. As the heir of a family of magi, it was natural that she would have to walk a path different from that of normal people.

At her age, normal girls would have had dreams like æbecome an idol or movie starÆ or æmarry a cute guy,Æ but RinÆs dream was different.

She wanted to be as great a magi as father. Things like her future occupation and marriage were a distant second compared to that dream; all she wanted to do was accept the same destiny that he father had accepted and to walk down the same path he hadùthat is, to inherit the magicraft of the Tohsaka family.

In her eyes, her father was perfect. For a young girl, such a view isnÆt strange, but Rin truly believed she loved her father more than any normal girl could.

As such, she was nervous.

Inheriting her familyÆs magicraft wasnÆt something that would happen just because she wished for it too. Before she could, she had to get her fatherÆs permission. She was a bit worried about the fact that her father had yet to express any plans of entrusting her with the family name in the future. Maybe he didnÆt even think she was capable of becoming a magus.

Butàeven if that was true, her dream had never changed.

Naturally, Rin knew more about what was happening in this city then any normal person. Although she didnÆt understand it as well as her parents, she was at least aware of it.

Seven magi, including her father, were fighting in a warùthat see would almost certainly affect innocent people as well.

Rin knewùand because she knew, she felt responsible.

Her friend Kotone hadnÆt come to school in two days. The teacher had said sheÆd called in sick, but the rumors that had spread through the classrooms were differentùespecially because Kotone wasnÆt the only whoÆd disappeared. When Rin had called KotoneÆs house, her parents hadnÆt wanted to speak to her.

Recently, there had been many reports of abducted children around Fuyuki. So far, investigators hadnÆt found any leads. Rin knew, even if she was a child, that the timing was too strange to be a coincidenceùand because of that, she knew that even if it was reported to the police, it was unlikely anything would be accomplished.

But, of course, she was the only one who knew.

WhatÆs worse, she couldnÆt even tell anyone; not only would she get in trouble, but so would anyone she toldùand it was unlikely they would be allowed to keep their memories long enough to do anything to save Kotone.

Kotone had always trusted Rin and Rin had always stood up for her friend. Whether it was the bullies in class or when work was forced upon herùand she was proud of that fact. She was proud to be so trusted and respected, not just by Kotone but by all of her classmates, and it was an opportunity to put the family motto, Always Maintain Your Elegance, into action.

For that reason, Kotone had always looked to her for help. Probably, even now, Kotone was waiting for her to come and save her.

She had already called her father, but he hadnÆt called back. In addition, her mother had told her not to bother himùin the same tone sheÆd used to tell her not to go out at night.

Rin didnÆt want to disobey her parentsùbut even so, there was no way she could abandon a friend who was in a dangerous situation.



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The Zenjo house didnÆt even deserve to be compared to Tohsaka manor. Compared to the manor, which was so tightly protected by bounded fields, it was easy to escape from the Zenjo house. She climbed out her bedroom window, slid down the balcony pillar into the garden, and then simply walked out through the back door. It had only taken her five minutes to get out of the house.

Unfortunately, the same route wouldnÆt work for getting back inside. It was easy enough to slide down a pillar, but climbing back up was another matter.

Thus, it was pretty much inevitable that she would be discovered when she returned and scolded harshly.

Even so, she simply reminded herself that it wasnÆt because of something bad that she sneaked out, but because this was something she had to do as a member of the Tohsaka family. She would definitely bring Kotone back with her when she returnedùthus, no matter how harshly her parents scolded her, she would be able to feel proud of herself.

She was armed with three things.

The first was simultaneously the most useful and the most trustworthy. It was a compass her father had given her for her birthday. In shape and structure, it looked the same as an ordinary compass in both shape and structure, but its needle didnÆt point towards the north, but towards emanations of large amount of prana. She was experienced in using it and neither wind nor water could prevent it from working. If something abnormal was happening, which was almost assured, this would point her towards it.

The others were two pieces of crystal that Rin had crafted while she practiced her jewel magecraft. SheÆd picked the best two from her completed worksùif she all of the prana within them at once, it would probably be enough to create a small explosionùthough sheÆd never done something that dangerous before. She could use it to protect herself if something dangerous happened.

With these three things and her own strength, she truly believed she would be able to bring Kotone back.


At the very least, if some asked her if everything would be alright, she would confidently nod her head. However, if someone pressed her and asked again, she might be a bit hesitant in nodding, or even be unable to answer.

Truthfully, she couldnÆt be sure that she wouldnÆt make mistakes or if everything would go as planned or even if she would be okay.

But the question held no meaning for her. If someone was going to question her, they should first ask if Kotone would be okay if she did nothingùor if Rin would be okay if kotone never came back to school. If they asked that, she would reply without any hesitation.

So she had left. SheÆd had enough change for a ticket at the cable car station and had taken one into Fuyuki, which was only a single station away.

It would be great if she could find Kotone before the last cable car of the night, but that would only leave her with two hours to search and that wouldnÆt be enough time at all.

First of all, sheÆd investigate Shinto. If she went to Miyama, the compass would simply point her towards the Tohsaka manor and it was very possible her father might discover her. With that in mind, she opened her compassù

And stared dumbfounded at it as it span rapidly in circles. Rather than pointing towards anything in particular, it was more like a confused animal staring aimlessly into the dark.

Just looking at it made Rin feel the same way.

But it wouldnÆt be a good idea to stay here. Already, she was getting strange looks from the few other people that were still outside.

But the further she walked, the less people there were.

Was this really the city she was used too?

The red light of a police car appeared further down the street and she quickly hid in the shadow of a building in fright. Fuyuki City had already imposed a curfew; strange murders and disappearances had been happening recently, and last night there had even been a number of strange things seen by the beachùsupposedly including a flood and a number of explosions. The police were now patrolling at night, searching for anyone that was walking alone.

As a young girl, there was no way theyÆd leave her alone if they saw her and then she wouldnÆt be able to save Kotoneù


Rin swallowed a startled scream before it could come out.

The sound had come from an alley by the house she was hiding near. In the darkness of the night, it was hard to tell if there was someone there or not.

She drew a sharp breath as she looked down at her compass. Its needle pointed directly into the shadows of the alley, towards the source of the sound.

Without a doubt, something was thereùsomething that was emitting prana, no less.

At that moment, she was at a crossroad with no idea what to do. On one hand, wasnÆt this what sheÆd been waiting for? SheÆd intended to start in Shinto and check every spot one by one, but here was something in the first place she checked; wasnÆt that a sign of good fortune?

Butàeven if that was true, her mouth had already shifted to form the word æno.Æ Again and again, she repeated it to herself, moving backwards even as the thing in the alleyway approached, terrified out of her mind for reasons she could not comprehend.

Maybe there were some clues about Kotone in there. Or maybe something in there would lead her to Kotone herself. If so, then even if it was dangerous, there was no reason to hesitate. If she did, then there was no point in coming this far. She told herself she wasnÆt a coward and she told herself that she would never do something like abandon her friend. She was a member of the distinguished Tohsaka family, and if she was ever going to be accepted as her fatherÆs successor, she had to prove she was brave.

And yetù

ôNo, no, no, no, no, absolutely notùö She said, trying to scramble away from the alley.

Even if all that was trueàRin had finally realized something.

This journey to save Kotoneùit definitely wouldnÆt be as easy as sheÆd thought. That figure in the darkness that was deeply breathing and creeping towards herùit definitely wasnÆt Kotone. And, even if she was in there, she definitely wouldnÆt be the same Kotone as befome.

If she had been aiming to find Kotone in the darkness of this city, then from the very beginning, she should have been aiming to find KotoneÆs remains, instead.

ôNoùö She tried one last time.

Rin definitely had the talent to be a great magus. She had never seen a demon or been near one, but from instinct alone she could tell that she was in a dangerous situation. In order to study magecraft, the first thing that one had to do was accept and know that inescapable, incomprehensible, despairing feeling called ædeath.Æ

In that moment, Rin felt essence of magecraft for the first time.

And then, in an instant, it was over. In a moment, both the darkness and the monsters in contained were gone and she was being held in someoneÆs arms. She hadnÆt even really seen what had happened; the shadows had shifted abruptly, as a light source was swung and for a momentùan instant, reallyùshe had caught a horrible glimpse of a creature out of her nightmares.

And then that creature had screamed as if it were having nightmares of its own as that light touched it. In an instant, it was torn to pieces and died.

It was only after it was over that she saw who had saved herùand who now carried her.

He was illuminated by the light of his glowing sword, the shadows it caused throwing his face into sharp contrast. The blade was hard to see through its own light, but it looked to be about three feet long, counting its hilt. ItÆs light glimmer across his bronze armorùor maybe it was glowing as well?

It was in that moment that she knew for sure that this man couldnÆt have been normal. Without a doubt, whatever was happening between the magi in Fuyukiùthis man was definitely a part of it.

She lifted her eyes to his face. His black hair fell around his face, but his eyes stood out more in the dim light. They glimmered like the surface of the sea, making it hard to see any emotion in them as they stared out further into the darkness.

Suddenly, they flickered down towards her, apparently finding nothing.

ôAre you okay?ö He asked.

She nodded hesitantly.

He nodded once, but his emotions remained distant even as he set her down on the ground.

ôùSadly, it seems like many children have gotten involved recently,ö He said to himself before refocusing on her. ôNo matter what happens, donÆt be afraid. I will definitely protect you.ö

He turned away from the alley, shifting his eyes towards the rooftops.

ôIs there something you wanted, Lancer?ö He asked, and no sooner were the words out of his mouth then had the most beautiful man Rin had ever seen appeared. He held a red spear in one hand and a yellow one in the other, and together with his armor his armor, much lighter than the one of the man whoÆd saved her, made it obvious that he was no normal person either.

ôCaster has been found, Berserker. I know where heÆs going.ö Lancer said, glancing once at her, before looking past her towards the remains of the creature in the darkness. He nodded approvingly to Berserkerùwhich she noted to be an extremely unfitting name. ôMy Master sent me to find you.ö

Berserker seemed to understand something, whether from his words or actions.

ôAn allianceà?ö He murmured, musing over the idea.

ôAt the very least, you agree that Caster must be stopped.ö Lancer stated, rather than asked. ôWork with me at least until thenùif only to keep things like this from happening anymore.ö

He gestured at the dead creature in the alleywayùand in that instant, Rin understood.

ôHmph.ö Berserker snorted. ôI wasnÆt going to say no, Lancer. We both know what needs to be done. Let me escort this girl somewhere safe and weÆll go.ö

ôPlease, wait!ö Rin said quickly, before either of them could do anything. ôI came out here searching for my friend Kotoneùshe disappeared two days ago and IÆm trying to find herùplease, do you know where she is?ö

Berserker looked at her, light still shimmering upon his eyes. She couldnÆt be sure, but she thought he lookedàsad.

ôàYou are very brave and I admire you for going this far for a friend.ö He said. ôBut at this point, itÆs best that that you let me take you home. I will try to find your friend in your place.ö

Something about his expression worried her.

ôIsàis she going to be okay?ö She asked, starting to cry even though she didnÆt know why. ôKotone will come back, right?ö

He crouched, his face firm but his eyes pained.

ôIf sheÆs okay when I find her, then no matter what happens, I will keep her that way.ö He said. ôI will promise you this as a hero.ö

ôAs will I,ö Lancer said. ôAnd we will deal with the man responsible. By morning, he will be stopped. Until then, it is best that you stay where itÆs safe.ö

Still crying, she nodded.

ôMy father lives in Miyama. HeÆs Tohsaka Tokiomi,ö She said.

Lancer suddenly inhaled.


BerserkerÆs head whipped towards him.

ôChanges absolutely nothing.ö In a dangerously low voice that allowed no argument. For a moment, Rin was afraid just by being near him, but when he turned back to her, his eyes and face were kind. ôAt the moment, that place isnÆt the safest place for children. Is there anywhere else you can stay?ö

ôMy motherÆs with my grandfather in the next districtàö

Berserker nodded.

ôVery well.ö He sighed. ôIàhope you like dogs.ö

Rin was confused by that statement, but before she could ask, he turned to look at Lancer.

ôYou go on ahead. IÆll follow after you once I take her home.ö

ôHow will you know where to go?ö Lancer asked.

Berserker raised his eyes to the sky.

ôOhàIÆll manage somehow.ö

Rin followed his gaze and gasped.

High above the two land bound Servants, a majestic chariot was pulled across the sky by a pair of bulls. Even in the night, she could see it clearly as it was illuminated by the lightning it almost seemed to ride on.

But it wasnÆt alone. Even though it almost seemed unbelievable that such a thing would be willing to share the sky, it was trailing after something. Oràperhaps that was the reason it rode after that thing as if in challenge?

That gold and emerald arcà


Well-Known Member
The First Chapter's now up on I was really being lazy over there--I hadn't realize almost a month had passed. It's corrected and everything, though.

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>


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Holding Back the Sea
Prophet of the Old Ones

ôYouÆll be safe here,ö He told Rin, casting a meaningful glance to the unnaturally large shadows in the room. ôIÆll be back as soon as this is over.ö

The shadows shifted strangely, almost pooling around his feetùbut stopped suddenly when he shook his head.

ôKeep an eye on things here,ö He murmured, even as he dissolved into his spiritual form.

Mrs. OÆLearyÆs ability to Shadow Travel was something that was on par with Magic. A form of spatial warping, it was something that could not be imitated by modern Magecraft.

However, as a result, it was natural for such a thing, which could be considered æimpossible,Æ to be exhausting. Even for a creature from the Age of the Gods like Mrs. OÆLeary, it was extremely tiringùsheÆd only been able to do it so frequently because sheÆd had both a lifetime of practice and because she was the strongest Hellhound this side of Cerberus.

But that didnÆt change the fact that heÆd been running her ragged these last two days. Nor did it change the fact that he wasnÆt done yet.

He needed to deal with Caster as soon as possible, but the sick magus was far away. His original plan had been simple: To close that distance quickly, he would naturally rely on Shadow Travel. In addition, walking into a fight with Caster, whose exact capabilities were unknown, was by its nature extremely dangerousùand naturally, if things began to get bad, heÆs escape plan would be Shadow Travel, as well.

However, at the same time, Mrs. OÆLeary was getting more and more exhausted, and while she would never complain, much less refuse, his desire to Shadow Travel, it didnÆt change the fact that at some point, she was just going to collapse. In fact, it made things worseùhe knew from experience that because she didnÆt complain, she had a tendency to collapse without any warning.

As such, it was up to him to figure out how far was too farùnot an easy task because he had no idea how Shadow Travel worked. It was hardly an exact scienceùor if it was, no one had ever told him the formulas. Depending on the time of day, the starting point, the destination, and maybe several other factors he didnÆt know of, the number of times she could do use it was extremely variable.

The largest number of times sheÆd ever used it in a single sitting was during a climactic battle in the Underworld, where sheÆd used it more than twenty times without showing any signs of getting tired. But that was both her home and the place where she was strongestùand a number of Gods had been supporting their side at the time.

In the mortal realm, she wasnÆt quite as unstoppable.

Which raised the questionùwhat to do with Rin and the unnamed girl who may or may not be an Assassin?

If they shadow travelled Rin back to her home immediately, they would have to either travel back or travel to assault Caster immediately, instead. If complications across, heÆd need Mrs. OÆLeary to get him to a better position, maybe even multiple times. That would take a lot out of Mrs. OÆLeary, which they may or may not be able to afford.

In addition, they needed to keep an eye on the unnamed girl. Now that they knew CasterÆs exact locationùand that everyone and their mother was now going after himùthere wasnÆt much need to worry about her safety; most of the people who could endanger her were busy tonight. On the other hand, that didnÆt mean she was safe, as the monsters creeping around the alleys had proven. It also didnÆt mean she wasnÆt dangerous or didnÆt need to be watched.

Howeveràif he didnÆt want to risk Mrs. OÆLearyùand he didnÆtùthen heÆd need to take Rin home in the morning. He could take her to the police, but tonight wasnÆt a good night for them to be outside, eitherùand, if anything, that could put her in even more danger. As the daughter of Tohsaka Tokiomi, it was likely that many of the other Servants and Masters would try to exploit her after Caster was dealt withùespecially now that Lancer knew who she was. He was pretty sure Lancer was honorable, but he didnÆt know enough about his Master to risk a innocent child on it.

But the problem was, he couldnÆt just drop her anywhere. As her near death shortly before made obvious, this city was a really dangerous place at the momentùand abandoning a young child in the middle of the city in the dark of the night was a dickish thing to do besides, especially since her parents might not even know she was gone yet.

At the very least, he needed to get someone to watch her. Kariya would probably do it, but that wasnÆt an option, because he still needed to protect him too and while he could probably track him down eventually, if he had to, he had no idea where his Master was anymore.

And besides Kariya, he really only had one person on his sideùMrs. OÆLeary. And while having her guard children wasnÆt really a problemùheÆd trusted her to guard his own children, after allùit did complicate things a bit.

Because he already need Mrs. OÆLeary to help him in battle outside the city, while somehow also keeping an eye on the possible-Assassin inside the city, at the same time. Adding Rin to that equation would just be cruelùif he put her in another location.

That was the problem. The easiest solution would be to put everyone he wanted to guard in one place and have Mrs. OÆLeary protect them. If he assumed his spiritual form, he could travel quickly to CasterÆs location and only call her when needed. It would probably make things easierùand saferùfor everyone in the long run.

Except it put Rin in the building with a potential Assassin.

If Mrs. OÆLeary was there, it wouldnÆt be an issue. If she was an Assassin, sheÆd be dog food the moment she tried something and Mrs. OÆLeary would get Rin to safety if anything happened. On the other hand, if he called Mrs. OÆLeary for helpàtheyÆd both be alone. Together.

That could be bad.

As long as Mrs. OÆLeary was there, theyÆd be safe even in a city full of creeping monstersùand Rin would be safe, even while near a potential Assassin.

But it would seriously restrict his ability to call upon her in times of need, because he couldnÆt afford to leave Rin with someone that potentially dangerous, nor did he have time to figure out if she really was dangerous.

Which meant heÆd have to go into this solo, without any way to escape if things got tough.

Well, fine.

He hadnÆt become a Hero by playing things safe, anyway.



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Saber had been like the wind itself as she tore through the forest.

As a warrior, once combat began, her only focus was on the battlefield. Her disagreements with Kiritsugu didnÆt matter to her when she was like thisùon the battlefield, even her heart was like a sword.

It was mercilessly sharp.

It was unwaveringly strong.

And in that æsword,Æ there was not even a trace of doubt or hesitation.

Saber was well aware that she was running headlong into CasterÆs trap. She was even fairly certain as to the nature of that trap. CasterÆs Noble Phantasm, his magic spellbook, worked in a fairly simple mannerùit summoned monsters out of flesh. HeÆd already killed one child and definitely intended to kill the others, as well, at which point he would have a number of corpses ready for his magecraft.

In minutes, she would be surrounded by those monsters, as she had been with Lancerùand the more she killed, the more would appear.


Even if that were true, she wasnÆt afraid in the slightest.

Even if that book could summon those creatures endlessly, there were definitely at least two limits on it.

For one, no matter how powerful it was, that spellbook was definitely CasterÆs Noble Phantasm. Even if it supplied its own prana, without a doubt, it relied on CasterÆs existence in order to exist itself. If Caster died, the book would fade soon after.

And alsoàno matter how powerful a weapon it was, a book was a book. It wasnÆt a legendary sword like her Excalibur, that could withstand any impact. Instead, it was easily harmed, as Lancer had proven. Regardless of its effect, if it had been burnt to ass, it probably wouldnÆt be able to summon anything.

The last time theyÆd fought, Caster had escaped for one reason and one reason onlyùshe could not risk unveiling her strongest Noble Phantasm with Lancer standing right there. Excalibur was a weapon that would definitely destroy everything in its path, but it was a different story for things that stood behind her or to her sideùafter all, it was a weapon designed for destroying her enemies armies, not her own.

And due to the amount of prana it requiredàit wasnÆt something meant to be used when she couldnÆt be sure whether or not sheÆd be attacked again soon.

However, if she fought Caster alone, thenàshe didnÆt need to worry about things like that.

And so, with a single sweep of her holy blade, she would definitelyà

And like that, she entered the battlefield.

The first thing she noticed were the children.

Or rather, the first thing she noticed was what was left of the children. From the very beginning, there had only been one way that CasterÆs disgusting game could possibly have ended.

ùIt wasnÆt as if Saber hadnÆt seen such things before. As long as one was on the battlefield, it was inevitable that one would find those small corpsesùit was inevitable that innocents would die as a result of war. In those bloodstained fields and cities, it wasnÆt uncommon for women to be ravished, children to be slain, or the poor to be robbed.

Yes, for someone like her, who had walked across many battlefields, such a thing was a common sight.

However, as a result of seeing things like that, it was necessary for people to prove things to themselves. Even if they have sunken into battle that seem like hell, they had to prove that they live on in dignity no matter what the world around them became.

That is what it means to be a knightùto forever remain a pure, shining star. To stand untouched and let others marvel at his justice. So that those men that had fallen and become like demons pick up their honor and pride and become once more, a Knight would put aside their own anger, sadness, and anguish and remain untainted by the horrors of warùthat is the duty a knight must bear. That is the ideal that Saber spent her entire life pursuing.

And so, even if such sights were common, it was not something Saber would ever allow herself to overlook or ignore. Therefore, she had to defeat Caster. That is more than just angerùthat is her duty as King of Knights. A person who had cast aside what it meant to be a human and discarded decency and pride to become another monster on the battlefieldùshe could never let someone like that go.

ôùYouÆre finally here, Jeanne,ö Caster smiled. ôIÆve waited a long time.ö


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Saber grit her teeth but said nothing.

ôWhat do you think of this scene IÆve prepared, Jeanne? Is it tragic? Mortifying? Appalling? Can you even imagine the pain these children went through at their end?ö Caster continued. His smile was complacent, as if he was very proud of what heÆd done. He stood in the middle of a red-stained field, his dark black cassock already wet with the blood of his victims.

ôùBut, this isnÆt a true tragedy. Compared to after I lost you, this is justùô

Saber had nothing to say, but she also had no desire to continue listening to Caster talk. She wanted to kill Caster here and nowùand with that though in mind, she stepped forward.

Caster easily detected the killing intent in SaberÆs advance and stopped talking, before suddenly pulling his hands out from the edges of his cassock.

The thing that Caster revealed made Saber stop her advance before it could even truly begin.

It was a childùthe sole-surviving hostage. He sobbed weakly as he was clutched close to CasterÆs chest.

Had Caster left him alive solely to use him as a shield against Saber?

ôùAh, Jeanneàö Caster sighed, his eyelids closing in satisfaction. ôEven the most beautiful gems would dull in envy of your anger-filled eyes. Oh, do you hate me so much? You should hate me. I betrayed the mercy of Godùyou would never forgive me for that. You were more devoted to God than anyone else.ö

ôLet that child go,ö Saber said, ignoring CasterÆs words. ôThe War for the Holy Grail is to decide which hero is most worthy of the Holy Grail. If you continue to use tactics that sully it, you will be abandoned by the Holy Grail.ö

ôHmph. Since you have already be resurrected, the Grail is useless too me. But, if you really want this child to liveàö

Caster laughed, before suddenly adopting an expression of disappointment.

And then, to SaberÆs surprise, he let go of the boy.

ôDonÆt cry, child,ö He said with a face that could be viewed as kind by those who didnÆt know any better. ôYou should be happyùGodÆs disciple has come to save you. Finally, your prayers have been answeredùnone of your friend received GodÆs grace, but you did.ö

And it seemed that the child truly believed Saber was his savior, and he immediately ran towards her, his sobs growing louder.

Saber knew what was coming. She didnÆt want to accept it, she wanted to believe it wouldnÆt happen, and she even hoped that it wouldnÆt happen, butù

She knew, and it was a truth she could not hide from or avoid.

Even so, despite that knowledge and the danger, when the young childÆs hands grasped her shin guard, she covered it with her own, holding them in a warm touch. She lifted the hand to softly brush away his tears, and spoke, as much for her own sake as for the boyÆs.

ôùGo. ItÆs very dangerous here. If you run down this way, youÆll find a castle; inside are people who will help you.ö She said, because even to the end, she had to believe she could save him.

Just as she had to believe she could save her people.

And thenù

The childÆs spin broke. His sobs became filled with pain. Before her pain filled eyes, he burst apartùand what emerged from his body was not blood.

It was the pitch-black hoard of tentacles that distinguished those creatures she had killed in such numbers before.

ùYes. BecauseàCaster could summon his minions from fleshùwhether it was living or dead. SheÆd known thatùand she had been aware of the danger of letting the boy draw close.

From a practical stand point, it was a foolish move. It wasnÆt uncommon, even in her era, to use such a tacticùturning someone innocent into a weapon, with a disease or some such. Letting someone being used in such a place draw close was a mistake.

If she had stood her as a King with the people she wished to protect around her, she would have had to silence her heart and made a hard choice.

But even if it was dangerous, she was alone right nowùand more than anything, at least here at the end, she didnÆt want to leave that child alone.

So when those tentacles, as thick as her arms, extended in the blink of an eye and tightly bound her arms and legs, she was not surprised. Nor was she surprised when a multitude of tentacles began to emerge from the corpses surrounding her.

SheÆd known from the beginning that this would happen and all she felt was sadness, and a deep, barely contained anger. The blood and flesh of the children still clung to the monsters, as if as a reminder.

Caster began to laugh as if celebrating victory. Already, over a dozen creates had surrounded her.

ôùThis has gone on long enough Caster,ö She said, interrupting him. ôI can no longer bear being in the same world as you.ö

And in a suddenly burst of prana, Saber unleashed the fury that she no longer wished to contain. The create that held her couldnÆt withstand even a second of her brilliance, exploding into pieces and burning away. Even the stains upon her armor faded away, returning it to its shining state.

Rather than being afraid, however, CasterÆs face was full of joy and held not a trace of doubt. Instead, he seemed so happy that he had started to cry weakly.

ôOh, Jeanneàö

And then, in an instant, every Monster was wiped away by a rain of swords and thunderous impacts. Just as quickly, the blades faded away as if they were illusions.

But they canÆt have been illusions. The MonsterÆs Caster had summoned were nothing but ruined wrecks now.

CasterÆs expression immediately shifted to one of anger.

ôWho are youù!?ö He demanded, his voice already taking a higher pitch.

But Saber had already noticed.

High above her, on a construct of emerald and gold, he sat upon a throne with his back to the moon, a cruel smile upon his lips.

After a moment, he looks at Casterùand at his stare, even Caster gasps and takes a step back. More monsters were already being summoned from the remains of the old ones, butà

That manÆs stare is so cold, even monsters have a reason to be afraid.

ôùI have no reason to give my name to a lowlife such as you.ö Archer said. ôBe gone from my sight, you fool.ö


The Eromancer

Well-Known Member
I can honestly say I've never enjoyed seeing Gilgamesh more in my life at this point


Well-Known Member
Since he is stealing Saber's spotlight I have to say that I'm not (happy to see him, that is).


Well-Known Member
We need Perzerker and Team Awesome to barge in, perhaps with a witty one-liner "are we interrupting something?"


Well-Known Member
You're missing the word mongrel in there. Fool is not harsh enough. It just makes caster look petulant. Something harsher would be more accurate of Archer.


Well-Known Member

Ah.. the glory that is GILGAMESH! He does things LIKE A KING!

EDIT - also you likely meant "creatures" and not "creates"


Well-Known Member
Thunder roared, shaking the earth as the sky behind the king was illuminated by countless flashes of lightning. They fell from heaven like jagged spears, striking randomly, demolishing the forest and burning flesh as the remade army was destroyed in an instant, signaling the glorious arrival of the second guest.

The light was blinding, the noise deafening, the heat and the electricity in the hitting the assembly like a solid forceù

And then, it was over.

ôHoàö Rider said, halting his chariot behind Saber, looming over her. His giant figure was made even more intimidating by his chariot, which only made him taller. ôI suppose I have to admitùyou have won our race. However, I hope you donÆt think IÆm completely defeated.ö

Archer sneered derisively at his fellow king, but Rider turned away from him before he could form a scathing reply. His red eyes gleamed in anger as he stared down at the King of Conquerors.

If Rider noticed, he didnÆt even react.

Now, his eyes were only for Caster. The smile on his lips seemed foreign to his face.

ôùIn the end, I suppose it doesnÆt matter.ö He murmured. ôBecause, at last, IÆve caught up with you Caster. This wasnÆt the crowd I had expected, but perhaps itÆs fittingàDid you know, Caster?ö

And the look in his eyesà

It held nothing but malice.

ôThere are three kings that judge the dead.ö

Reacting to their ownerÆs anger, the Divine BullÆs that pulled the KingÆs chariot began to grow restless.

Saber shifted cautiously.

This situation had grown very dangerously, very quickly.

An enemy in front of her, behind her, and above herà

And none of them were opponents that could be taken lightly. Rider and Archer might seem to be on her side, but she knew betterùthere were no sides in the Holy War; at best, there were temporary alliances.

But could this even be called that?

Archer and Rider werenÆt working together in the slightestùthey were competing. It may have been over CasterÆs head, but that didnÆt change the fact that they would likely oppose each other if it meant they could obtain victory.

Worse, even if they were to cooperate, would that matter? The enemy of your enemy may be your friend, but that was only true so long as two people shared an enemyùafter they didnÆt, they went right back to being enemies.

Once Caster was dead, what would happen? Would they all part ways? Would their MasterÆs let them walk away?

Would her Master let her walk away?

And yetàit seemed like she was the only one troubled by these thoughts.

Archer on his golden throneà

Rider in his Divine Chariotà

Neither seemed to have any concern except the moment at hand.

ôI hope you realize that this is it, Caster.ö Rider continued. ôYou have nowhere left to run. Berserker and I found you hiding place earlierùitÆs all gone, now. You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.ö

Caster did not look scared in the slightest.


He looked enraged.

It wasnÆt at RiderÆs threats.

It wasnÆt even at being cornered.

But the moment Rider had said that CasterÆs base had been destroyed, an all-consuming madness that instantly put Saber on edge filled his eyes.


And suddenly, the pages of PrelatiÆs Spellbook began to flip.



Well-Known Member

ôI made contact with Berserker, my lord.ö Lancer said to the bird on his arm as he bound across the rooftops with inhuman speed. His destination was obviousùone would have had to be blind not to notice where Rider and Archer had descended, even if they hadnÆt already known where Caster had been.

Learning their opponentÆs location had been a simple matter. Naturally, his Master had viewed the gathering at the Church and knew what the prize for victory was. However, unlike most of the other competitors, they had the advantage of prior knowledge.

Namely, they knew that Caster was obsessed with Saber.

As such, Kayneth had simply placed a familiar around the edge of the forest where Saber was located and kept an eye on things. After that, it was a simple matter of waiting for the insane Servant to show up.

Of course, something like that didnÆt require Lancer. Instead, he had moved quickly through the streets of Fuyuki, keeping an eye on things and killing CasterÆs monsters when he happened to stumble across them. Meeting with Berserker had been an accidentùtheyÆd simply been drawn to the same place by the prana of the same creature.

ôAnd what was his response?ö KaynethÆs voice replied, transmitting through a piece of fabric bound around the doveÆs neck. Together with the simple sense-sharing spell used with familiars, it was a simple way to allow for two way communication.

ôHe agreed to work together against Caster and, at least, did not object to working together afterwards. It seems probable that he can be convinced to work with us afterwards. Howeveràsomething else happened during our meeting.ö

Kayneth did not vocalize a question, but his silence made it obvious that he expected an answer.

ôWe met on accidentùwe both sensed one of CasterÆs monsters and pursued it. However, the monster had been in the process of attacking a young girl before Berserker killed it. She revealed herself to be the daughter of Tohsaka Tokiomi.ö

ôùAnd what did you do after that?ö

ôNothing, Master.ö Lancer said, a bit wary of his summonerÆs response but also refusing to lie to his lord. ôBerserker made it obvious that he didnÆt see how her parentage changed anything and then quickly left to take her somewhere safe. He said that he would head towards Caster after he was sure of her safety.ö

ôAnd do you believe him, Lancer? Do you think heÆs taking her somewhere safe or do you think heÆs going to use her against Tohsaka Tokiomi?ö

Lancer was silent for a moment, trying to decide how to say what he wanted to.

ôI think, as one knight to another, that Berserker is an honorable man at heartùand that his honor is dwarfed only by his loyalty to his lord. If his Master is as absent as you say he is, then it is likely that Berserker conducts most of his actions alone and according to his own will. As such, I do not believe he would use a child in such a wayùeven if it would increase his MasterÆs chance of victory, he intends to fight with all his might and obtain that victory with his own hands; he would not see any reason to hold a hostage to obtain victory and it would be like betraying himself.ö Lancer said honestly.

ôAnd as another knight, do you feel the same way?ö His Master questioned.

Lancer nodded.

ôOf course I do, my lord.ö

Kayneth was silent for a moment.

ôWell said, Lancer.ö He finally replied, sounding like he had decided something. ôYou did the right thingùas a Magi, I can understand your pride. I, too, see no reason to try to take advantage of a child. Rather, with my power and the Servant I summoned, I shall obtain victory in this Holy War. There is no need to compromise our honorùmuch less insult the honor of one to whom we wish to ally. Proceed towards Caster as planned.ö

ôI shall,ö Lancer confirmed. ôWatch me from a distance, my lordùwatch as I take the head of that mad dog.ö

ôàGood luck, Lancer.ö



Well-Known Member
From what I've seen from the anime so far, I can't really imagine Kayneth talking like that. Seems weird.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, yeah, interesting.

I'm not entirely sure what Kaneyth's opinion on using Rin as a hostage would be, exactly, but he seemed pretty keen on the idea of an honourable battle between magi when he went to face Kiritsugu, so I suspect that he would have at most used her to attempt to force Tokiomi to come out for a fight, and would have released her unharmed regardless of the outcome of said battle provided Tokiomi were equally honourable.

As for Kariya, he would, of course, have strenuously objected to any such act, since he cares for Rin just as much as he does for Sakura. I was kind-of hoping that Berserker would take her to Kariya, though, so the sisters could have a reunion....