How do I do HTML on


Well-Known Member
OKay, if someone could please explain to me how to get html to work right when posting a story on Mediaminer, I'd really appreciate it.

For some reason, my stuff posts fine in, but mediaminer kills all of my <b><p><i> and just shows the <"> on the screen.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I've even tried studying the html layout of other stories there, but it's not helping me spot the problem.

My smut and other stuff just doesn't have the same oomph in plain text.

Please help me TFF, you're my only hope.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
My smut and other stuff just doesn't have the same oomph in plain text.
I must be the only person on the face of the planet to prefer Text format to HTML, DOC, PDF, or RTF...