HP/Nanoha cross


Well-Known Member
The idea is that the Nanoha story line seasons one and two takes place long before Harry Potter, and when either Nanoha or Fate is on Earth they feel Harry'smage powers react to shield him from Riddle when he uses the killing curse. They get there and take the baby harry in and adopts him. Due to this I would recomend that the girls have their ages placed in the mid twenties. Haveing Harry only be a A or even B class mage, rather than an AAA class like Fate and Nanoha, and makeing him build AND design his intelagance device from scratch would let him go to Hogwarts without being too overpowered as by that time while he might know alot of mage magic he would only be able to use the shield and basic blast spells without hours of prep time due to his lacking an intelagance device. I have some ideas on what Harry's device might be if whomever takes up this chalange wants to use the ideas tell me and I'll be happy to have an E-mail corispondance with them.