Hypothetical: Cast a Live Action Strike Witches

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Assume that they're going to do it right, so, no Keanu. Also, assume that the characters will be played be people who look like them, and can do the accents that they would have had (id est, Japanese actors for Japanese characters, not for European or American characters).

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Christopher Robin said:
That's not a movie they could ever do live action.
I wouldn't be to sure about that. The actresses would just spend a lot of time in front of bluescreens/greenscreens.
I was actually referring to the fact it's a show about young girls not wearing pants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got to agree, I watched like half a episode and felt more dirty then I had ever felt before. Like Micheal dirty. :sweat2: Cant say that I wouldn't watch more though.