I want a Vampires-Bloodlines fanfic!! *cries*

Yare yare... I am hoping that there is someone out there that is writing a fanfiction on that awesome of awesomest of games...

Plz step forth and share!


Well-Known Member
Dude... there lots of fanfiction based of Vampire: tM. Hell there's several lines of offical novels to the game.
I'm thinking they mean fics with the characters etc from the game Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

Which was very cool. Jeanette FTW. ^_^


Well-Known Member
That'd be kind of awesome, bloodlines was an amazing game. buggier then an ant farm but amazing nonetheless.

When you say a fanfiction do you mean just involving characters like the hilariously insane Jeanette and the strangly likeable smiling Jack or actually writing out the entire game from the PC's point of veiw?
Anything really *grins*

How can you say no to something that is both gothic, vampiric and at the same time jail bait in one sentence?

If you do answer that question with a negative of any kind then it better be depraved enough to cater to whatever it is that I amnot telling you XDXDXDXD!

PS. If you couldn't tell then I am most assuredly not Malkavian biased ^^

DS. This is my thread so... it aint a necro. Had cancer about so there is my excuse. Since I usually use this one to get ahold of tremendously mothering desperados of the opposite persuasion... If you aren't of the opposite that is then shoo... that is not to answer the post but... well I think that it needn't be that obvious...