I want to play D & D


Well-Known Member
Hey I never have played D & D (or a variant of it) and I want to start. Can you guys link me to some helpful sites? Or reference some good books?


Well-Known Member
d20srd.org is good for anything related to D&D 3.5... and it has explanations of everything you need to play.

Alternatively you can search for torrents of the books for 3.x or 4e. You can also find people willing to DM for you.

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Don't get overwhelmed by the number of books there are. All you need to learn the game is the Player's Handbook. Read that, learn it, and you'll have more or less all the mechanics down.

A good way to learn D&D3.5 is through Neverwinter Nights 1/2. There are some minor changes from the core books, but nothing drastic, and you get to learn the system by using it.