Harry Potter In desperate need of a Beta

Well description says it all really. What I'm looking for is someone that has extensive knowledge in both Harry Potter and Wheel of Time. I'm currently dusting off a fic that I started and need some help getting it ready for the net.

If you think you can help, and have done some beta before send me a message with your name, and who you have beta with before, so I can see some of your work.



Well-Known Member
well, i'm quit familiar with HP, but not with wheels of time. any link to get some extra info? i'm too lazy to look it up atm


Well-Known Member
kingdark said:
well, i'm quit familiar with HP, but not with wheels of time. any link to get some extra info? i'm too lazy to look it up atm
If you want to know about the Wheel of Time well enough to beta you have to read the books. Any online site would give you a basic overview. TO understand the wheel of time you need WAY more than a basic overview. I personally can't help since even though I know alot about the Wheel of Time and Harry Potter(I've read every single book in WoT atleast three times and the same with Harry Potter and I have a great memory for detail) I am a horrible beta for grammar and story.