Ranma ½ Intern of ISIS


Well-Known Member
Through cunning, horse trading, and a little treason not to mention calling in a favour from an old friend <s>flame and seriously kinky sex</s>, Mallory Archer snagged Ranma Saotome as an Intern for ISIS.

More specifically as a intern for ISIS's field agents. Stirling promptly takes Ranma under wing and sends things straight into the danger zone.

Hi-jinks, jack-asses, morning drinks, and mayhem ensue.

Will write up a bit later going out for dinner.



Well-Known Member
I would suggest putting him under Lana, if only because then Archer and Ranma can do battle.


Well-Known Member
This is one of those fics where you have a scene at the end that just screams to be done. I totally see Ranma at the end saying, "You've been training your replacement asshole!" Then Ranma promptly throws him out of a window or something. How the body would work I'm not sure. Ranma is either super competent and stuck with Lana cleaning up all of the Archer's messes or he's just mini-Sterling running around being an idiot causing more trouble than being an effective spy.

Or Ranma being very bitter about being stuck with ISIS constantly saying that he could have been working for Public Security, MI-5 or ODIN.