Iron Fic 2


Staff member
Straight from Fanimecon 2009 comes Watashiwa's second incarnation of the Iron Fic Challenge!

Alcohol again provided by rukia, and if he asks again Wata is in a civilian location surrounded by innocents.

IRON FIC 2: Never fight alone!
Before I go much farther, some music to set the moodà.

This Iron Fic is about teamwork.? Specifically, a team of friends working together to overcome an obstacle.

Write a story about characters beating the odds by fighting together.? This doesnÆt have to be an ôactionö challenge, but IÆd certainly like to see some combat.? Remember too that fighting head to head against a superior enemy is stupid: smart people use trickery, distractions, feints, traps and illusions.? And while the fights might be one-on-one, remember that your friends are still fighting with you, and that theyÆre busy fighting as well if in their own ways.

So tell the stories of bands of heroes true, or villains by necessity.? Alternatively, talk about the daily fight against the messy room or the obnoxious boss.? But remember: we never fight alone.

**Some people might recognize the origin of this challenge.? For those that donÆt, itÆs the Gameboy Advance game Yggdra Union.? The subtitle?? ôWeÆll never fight aloneö.


Well-Known Member
Time's running out... Nope, time is up it seems.


Well-Known Member
Watashiwa said:
Alcohol again provided by rukia, and if he asks again Wata is in a civilian location surrounded by innocents.
you fucking stole my booze while i was visiting my family before i deploy!!!! you fucking bastard!


Well-Known Member
I opted to go out and get pissed instead, so... sorry. Draw comfort from the fact that I met a really fit portuguese girl called Rosario and she full on fancied me. (Or in my inebriated state I chose to believe that she fancied me) :p Apart from the awesome night out of drukeness and debauchery, I'm annoyed that I missed out on a good topic. As soon as I read it I had the plot bunny of a squad of Catachans ambushing a cadre of Orks running through my head. I might write it up regardless.


Staff member
Feel free to write something, GMM. What people seem to have missed is that I'm trying to address the cancer that is killing TFF: that is, people NOT writing fanfiction.

If everyone who has read a challenge wrote a fic based on the topic, I'd be estatic. That isn't likely, so I choose the carrot: some kind of reward. In this case, bragging rights. But again, the goal is to get people to write *glances meaningfully in AJT's direction*. :p

If you'd like to write a fic, then challenge yourself to get it done within four hours. Not only is it a personal challenge, it's the best way to practice for Iron Fic.