Is the Anime Addventure dying and is it worth posting there anymore?

Hi, first time post here. Though I've been reading, and even writing a little, fanfiction for a long time now.

One site I used to frequent a lot is the Anime Addventure. I remember when many people would post there with all kinds of stories. Now, it seems like only one or two people are still posting! I know some people were driven away when the admin started adding strict requirements for new stories a few years back, but was that the only reason everyone left? I know some regulars still continued posting for awhile after that before stopping.

I've been debating writing something for fun and posting it there, but I hesitate as it seems like only a handful of people even bother to go to the addventure anymore. So, I'm curious if people think it's worth posting there or if I'm better off just going to more popular sites. Is the addventure dying? Any comments from people familiar with the addventure would be appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Eh I'd say its on a very slow, slow, burn. Driven in part by every fandom going for their own boards vs mega sites.

Really though its one of the few non registration sites for anything lemony out there for anime stories.

Flipside is that if more people post new stuff more people will visit it again

So I'd say post away


Well-Known Member
Cryptic said:
One site I used to frequent a lot is the Anime Addventure. I remember when many people would post there with all kinds of stories. Now, it seems like only one or two people are still posting! I know some people were driven away when the admin started adding strict requirements for new stories a few years back, but was that the only reason everyone left? I know some regulars still continued posting for awhile after that before stopping.

Another factor
Was the database problem
With uploading posts.

I think a big reason for not as many people writing up Anime Addventure episodes as in the past was the time when nobody could post episodes for newer threads.

Options for new episodes with a tracking number past a certain point would not allow content to be saved. People interested in continuing the newer threads would write something up, upload it, and the website would not post anything. The only episodes that would allow new content were the ones that branched off from older threads. Then that would be the end of that storyline because options branching off of that new episode would not allow content to be posted. This lasted for a long while.

When that issue was finally resolved, not that many people resumed writing. A muse can be fickle, so not being able to upload episodes and get feedback would hinder the creative process. Losing that train of thought and inspiration can cause slumps and writer's block. People were also slow to trickle back to a site that was long dormant.

Cryptic said:
I've been debating writing something for fun and posting it there, but I hesitate as it seems like only a handful of people even bother to go to the addventure anymore. So, I'm curious if people think it's worth posting there or if I'm better off just going to more popular sites. Is the addventure dying? Any comments from people familiar with the addventure would be appreciated. Thanks.
With Kender long been offline, Kestral / Metroanime / Gregg Sharp has dominated the post count. But others authors have slowly been getting in the habit of posting on the site. Your input would probably be appreciated. The more, the merrier.