I've got a sentence for you


Well-Known Member
Ever read, heard or spoke a sentence and suddenly you get all sorts of kickass fics ideas but you've never going to actually us them ?
Well this topic is just for that.

I'll start with a little piece I've read in Cyberwolf's 'Escape Velocity' fic. (It's a Naruto fic btw)

Everything had come hard to Naruto. Everything he had û everything he had a right to hold to himself and call his own, even if only in his head û heÆd had to earn, earn once and twice and thrice over. And so, he thought that the only way to gain something was to fight for it, to snatch at it, desperately quick, because the chance would be taken away soon; to grab and claw and snarl that it was his, his, and dare anyone to take it awayà

I'm going to let people with a much better writer talent than me use this thing.