Ranma ½ Just a question...


Well-Known Member
Recently i have been reading again some of my favorite old fanfics, some of 1999 to 2005; fics like "The Muppets do Ranma 1/2", "Sailor Akane", "Asuza Can't Think", etc. (Currently i have above of 500 fics stored in my pc).

Also, i took notice that some of this fics they are no longer avaible in the web, so my quiestion is:

Can i put this fics on the forum, so the members can read these fics?, i believe that some members never have read these old fics, also, i just want to share excelent fics of great writers that, maybe, they are not longer writing, i don't want the credit, just sharing.

So, tell me if i can share the fics in this forum.


California Crackpot
I would suggest getting a free page (like Livejournal or Blogspot), and putting them up there, then linking the fics here.

I'm not a moderator, so I can't speak for the forum, but that's what I would do. Posting a fic that you did not write is highly frowned upon.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
If you have old broken links, try the internet archive/wayback.

If you have author email, try that in googles web search page.

If you have full author name and story name, try those in google seach.

I run into this all the time myself... but in a huge number of cases, the stories my well still exist on other sites, but it is possible author changed name of story or pen name.

If it is out there, I'd rather see a link to that cop than someone posting stories not belonging to them.

Oh, and do *not* post them at FF.NET, it is against their rules.


Well-Known Member
Have you been to this SITE its a archive of a lot of really old Ranma fanfic. It has fics going far back as 1994.