Knights of Scooby 8


Well-Known Member
The Knights of Scooby
Chapter Eight

by Lionheart


Feedback is the coin of the realm.


Xander's second session had indeed overloaded him. It would be two days before he woke, and even then he'd do it with a splitting headache and scrambled thoughts, wishing fervently that he'd taken in less than half of that material, at most. His thinking would be sluggish for weeks afterwards, and his absorption of that material actually slower than if he'd taken it all at a more reasonable pace, as most of his 'mental muscles' would be busy just coping with the strain instead of assimilating the data.

It was a good lesson to learn. Painful, but one not likely for him to forget. However, important events would proceed without him in that period of time.

Tony Harris came home from work to find a home that was already returning somewhat to its previous state of squalor. Dirty dishes were stacked up in the kitchen and objects were discarded around the living room floor. No vomit or urine, spilled bottles or dropped food containers stained the new carpets as yet, but it was only a matter of time, say a week at most, as Jessica cared as little about proper housekeeping as he did.

However, the imminent befouling of their new finery did nothing to impact on his good mood, for there, sitting on a grand piano bought in his wife's name (actually, they had two of them), was a bank statement, including one very important canceled check returned for him to file away, showing that the insurance company had cashed the payment he had made to them, and all of the bookkeeping to get the Harrises coverage was now complete. It was now fully activated, and they had the proof in their hands.

Everything was ready.

Tony joined his wife in getting plastered in what he felt was a very private celebration, although his wife happened to have the same reason and was celebrating right there beside him, each thinking the other ignorant.

How ironic that neither knew the other shared their same plans.

The couple boozed and watched TV until night fell, both sensing a great triumph over the other. When at last the curtains of evening were drawn over the town Tony, as casually as he could muster, turned to Jessica and invited her to go eat out with him.

She agreed, somewhat surprised at how easy this was going for her. She'd had plans of her own to bail on fixing dinner, refusing their usual takeout, and insisting that he took her out to dine.

Now this was all going so smoothly.

Tony then went upstairs to try and take his son along with them; after all, the boy was covered too, and Tony could really use the extra dough. But nothing he did could rouse him, so leaving him with a big, meaty smack to the side of the face, and a private, inward rant about he'd get the same as his mother, just later, the drunken dad went downstairs and, joining up with his wife, the couple went out for a night on the town together.

They went first to a restaurant, a little upscale for them and an ok place. It helped to pass the time as evening turned into the full dark of night. Then the couple could hardly wait to go inviting each other out for a moonlit walk, each pretending that it was to romance the other.

The Harrises drove to a bad part of town, each one hoping the other didn't notice. Then they parked, and went out as if for a stroll.

They hadn't gotten twenty paces from the car before they were accosted. Tony Harris shoved his wife forward, right into the arms of a vamp. Then he reached into his pocket, grinning in drunken triumph... only to find that the cross he had secretly put there earlier was not there anymore, as vampires closed in from all around.

Jessica's strugglings to pick that cross out of her own pocket were futile as the vampire had already pinned her arms. Tony lunged for the cross in her pocket, getting it out only for the woman to seize it herself, and the couple fought over it, each struggling for possession until it broke.

The vampires laughed.

Both of the Harris' screams cut off rather abruptly after that.


Sunnydale PD did a daily early morning (but not too early) drive by looking for bodies. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were just two entries on that list one morning as the cops did a sweep that really ought to be frightening in its efficiency and deeply jaded casualness toward the appalling yet routine numbers of dead.

It would have astonished anyone outside of town who knew about it. But the covers were deeply enough in place they had no fear of that.

The couple's mauled bodies were identified, collected, and the improbably swift processing of each death began with all of the appropriate people notified and the corpses getting sent off to the Sunnydale Funeral Home.

Two police officers who were long used to this sort of thing went to the Harris home to inform the boy of the deaths of his parents. They found the door open and junk strewn about inside, and they entered to find the boy unconscious on his bed with a big purple bruise on the side of his face.

He was moved to the hospital by ambulance for investigation while the legal process of terminating the existence of his parents went on unmolested. The insurance got detected, and the company notified to pay up on two claims. A court found Xander's Uncle Rory to be the closest related responsible adult and gave him custody of the boy, who in turn was automatically made head of the trust in which his parents had placed all of their former possessions, including the house, the car, the pianos and all of their new toys.

The car was, unfortunately, a loss, stolen by the 'gangs on PCP', but there was a hefty insurance package covering that, too. While those debts the couple had accumulated acquiring all of this stuff were theirs alone, and so died with them, leaving the young boy a very wealthy man.

After all, the curse that had been left on the elder pair of Harrises by Mr. Mage Dude was that they should remove their capacity to harm their son (and, lacking the mental fortitude to improve their dispositions to where they did him no harm, that defaulted down to removing themselves), and do so in such a way as to restore to him equal value for as much of the damage they'd done to his life as possible.

Considering that each of his parents had just activated a fifteen million dollar life insurance policy apiece, leaving the young man a cool thirty million dollars from that act alone, plus the house, car insurance payout, and all of the toys purchased on debts that no longer followed them, it came very close indeed to restoring to him equal value - seeing as how they'd almost completely destroyed his life and hopes for a decent future, but now he had it made.

It wasn't truly the same, as a good set of parents would have taught him how to succeed in life without such a huge lump of cash, and if he'd followed their example he could still waste it all and ruin his fortune, but Mr. Mage Dude had already covered that aspect, freeing the young man from walking down their path by showing him he had the willpower to strike out on his own Way.

Vengeance in that was satisfied.

Admittedly, this was not Justice, Mercy or even Balance we were talking about. It was a Vengeance Curse, and it had done its job. Perhaps an ugly job from some perspectives, but that's what Vengeance did. It was rarely pretty, and didn't concern itself with niceties.

One of those rules Throckmorton had penned down was "Always be aware of whatever Force you are invoking, because they function in different ways."

No one specialized in Kindness Curses. If they got upset enough to want to curse you, they generally wanted you to suffer, and Vengeance was good at that; very good indeed, as it was its specialty. Vengeance was not concerned with caring about a target's feelings... or, actually, it was. It wanted to hurt them to the greatest degree conveniently possible.

And, in that, it had done its job famously in this case.

But don't ever invoke Vengeance trying to make a subject happy. It doesn't work well. That's not it's job. You might as well ask Mercy to torture them.

As the legal process spend toward closure, finishing off the details that shut down the legal existences of Anthony and Jessica Harris, Xander woke in a hospital bed, a worried Willow looking down on him in tearful relief.

Willow wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against his as hard as she could, and pulled her head down to his. This time she gave him the most passionate kiss she could, pouring all the feelings she had been holding inside for so long into one unequivocal statement. Finally, she ended it and looked once more into his eyes, her own eyes dancing with happiness. Her heart gave a lurch when she saw the look of sheer joy that erupted on his face, and a single word formed silently on his lips. "Wow!"

Moments afterward, very solemn-faced adult came in later to tell him all of the ugly news, including that he was now a very wealthy orphan.

His uncle came in to collect him and check him out of the hospital a little later, a concerned Willow bobbing along after as they went to his pickup to drive home.


Xander's second session lead to something of a crash and depression. He felt nothing particular about the loss of his parents, only a deep void where the affection ought to have been, and that void disturbed him.

It wasn't right.

He knew that they had never wanted his love, or gave any effort to gain it. If anything, his mother and father had done the opposite, ignoring him when they didn't do worse. They had become, over time, a pair of strangers who had shared the same house with him.

But still, they were familiar strangers, a known threat, comfortable in an odd and irritating way, and that awful emptiness that came from knowing they were gone wouldn't go away, and he wished he knew how he felt about the whole matter.

Knowing they were gone was like moving to a different part of the same country in some ways. Everything was different while remaining the same, and he couldn't explain it any better than that (not that he really had the mental capacity free to try, as his mind was as crystal clear as swamp mud after overloading himself on that hypnotism session, and he'd only just begun dealing with that).

It was unfortunate for the young man that two such experiences, each one requiring massive mental down-time to deal with, fell on top of each other like that. However, his friends did pull him through, helping him to classes so that he could go through the motions and acquire those abilities, even if he did have all of the stunning wit of a zombie while doing them.

It was a couple of days before Xander could get back to his self appointed job at the mortuary, as among other reasons he didn't want to risk running into his parents' bodies there.

Cold, nude bodies of total strangers was one thing, an icky and disgusting thing but one that he had learned how to deal with because he viewed it as necessary. The same deal starring his parents was another thing entirely, and no kid wants to go there.

The intervening time he spent with his friends, gradually getting back into all of their classes and trying to sort out the tangled mess that had become his mind. As if the crushing loads from not-quite grief and massively over-using the hypnotic memorization thing weren't enough, the loss of his parents did tend to underscore that he and his friends didn't really do anything to reduce the vampire threat of their home town.

So there was a whole nuther angle to consider there if he wanted to be keeping up with his self imposed responsibilities: Defense alone was not enough, if they wanted to solve this, they had to attack.

Xander considered his morning errands to the mortuary to be sort of banking the fire, so to speak - All that it did was slow down the spread of vampiric fiends. It didn't destroy any that were already active, and it was the active ones that were creating the bodies that he was trying to stop from rising as more of the horrid creatures.

Losing his parents, and having already had to stake corpses of kids nearly his age, some of whom he recognized from classes, he'd had about as much as he could take without lashing back to try and stop some of the active ones.

Even if he wasn't close to his parents, becoming an orphan could be viewed as the straw that broke the camel's back and convinced him that they had to do something!

The murders had to stop, or at least slow down! And, being honest with himself, the only way that was about to happen was if he destroyed more vampires: The adult, already active kind that could so easily destroy him.

That meant another trap or raid... something to reduce their numbers. But, with his mind as muddy as it was, he wasn't getting any good ideas.

He also knew that doing anything of the sort was hugely dangerous, risking all sorts of attention and counterstrikes he really didn't feel they were up to facing just yet. However, as those bodies just kept rolling in he didn't see how he could delay much longer. He could hardly stand it.

Although he was unlikely to admit it to himself, Xander felt he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knew, from a few passing mentions in Van Hellsing's guide, of the supposed existence of Watchers and Slayers, and what he wouldn't give to have a set of those in his life right now didn't bear mentioning.

However, he had to face that there was no Watcher, no Slayer in his life right then, and as far as he knew there was no one else dealing with all of this - It was just him. Not only that, but the safety of his friends rested solely on his shoulders as far as he could see.

Anything they'd done to defend themselves, they've done following his lead. He was the one with the responsibility and powers. As far as he was concerned, that made its HIS job!

Xander, feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities, found himself wishing over and over again that he had someone to ask questions of, a tutor or mentor or guide to help him out, resolve his difficulties and just teach him what he ought to do.

That wasn't too much to ask, was it?

If only that mage had hung around, Xander felt a perverse sort of trust for the man who did a fly-by-night job of introducing him to his task. But he hadn't, and there wasn't anything Xander could do about that.

Too bad his parents were dead, but even before they'd been useless, worse than useless, actually. And the other adults in his life were just as bad for various reasons. Any member of his family was out, as they'd assume that his parents had gotten him a drug habit with associated hallucinations. Ask his teachers? Yeah, like that would go over well. For some reason he doubted fighting off vampires was anywhere in the coursework.

If it was, he wouldn't have such a big job to do alone!

Not having a father figure or responsible adult in his life had never seemed so hopeless before now. But, not deterred by the seeming impossibility of the task, his subconscious spat up one of the spells in the handbook of Light magic that he might try, one to call on an ancestor spirit for advice.

That put him to pause in his tracks. His family couldn't always have been useless, right? I mean, if they'd always been this bad they'd have died out long ago, right?

So, maybe, way back in the long forgotten days there had been a Harris who was worth something? The spell promised that no ancestor who was unwilling to help could be called, and any who responded should be disposed favorably to the one calling, as well as feel able to advise on the problem. That was actually one of the cautions about this spell in the book, that if no relative wished to be disturbed, or felt able to advise on the current issue, the spell would simply fail to call anyone.

That made it safe. I mean, what did he have to lose? Hopefully, somewhere back in history there had been a wise old guy, or a footsoldier in someone's army, who had something to say - at least something to ease his mind!

He couldn't be the first Harris in all of history to know about demons, right? Surely there had to be a priest, or a crusader, or... somebody! And even if not (which, contemplating his luck, he suspected there wasn't), even just a few kinds words from someone older could ease his mind somewhat.

And you didn't get much older than a bunch of dead guys, right?

Head aching from way too much unabsorbed information, heart aching from a loneliness he hadn't even known he'd felt, the boy resolved that he needed some help beyond was he was already getting from Willow and Jesse, and made a resolve to give the spell a try.

Who knew? Maybe his parents would even drop by to say they loved him? Stranger things had happened, right?

Going back to his home (where Rory had said he could stay if he wanted to, and Xander couldn't see any reason to move away from Willow), the young man went up to his room to try the spell, striking his bed almost immediately as his overburdened mind sank gratefully into the required trance.

And he learned what he had never supposed.

As he sank into the trance, Xander saw a mist, out of which stepped a figure dressed all in black from head to toe.

"Welcome to my Hacienda," said the tall man stepping out of the mystical shadows conjured up in his mind as they reformed into a nearly desert scene, completed with a large, sprawling adobe house in the old Spanish style.

"Who are you?" the young man stumbled.

The tall man smiled, a charming, winning, one even might say loving smile, but it was also the smile of a man who knew what he was doing and was confident of success.

"I am Don Diego de la Vega. But you may have heard of me as Zorro."

End of Chapter Eight

Author's Notes:
I do prefer to put a little more length into each of these, but I couldn't think of a better place to end a chapter. And just so you know, this ending scene has been in the plans since the beginning.

Review please.


Well-Known Member
LOL, this is *good*.

I do hope you aren't going to have a Xander that eclipse everyone else, htough, as i ike fics where everyone is important :)

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
:snigger: :hail: :yay: :hail: That works quite well. Up until the ghost actually appeared, I was sort of expecting him to call a certain Doctor Harris of Wales, a sort of legendary figure from British myth/history, who was said to be a magic-user of good repute. Unfortunately, I can't remember the source for him. Still, maybe later.

Thank you for updating.

More soon, please.

EDIT: Found a file that might be useful, either for this fic, or for other BtVS stories - Exotic Ammunition And Vampires, by Ed Becerra.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Its nice to see the story arc of Tony and Jessica Harris killing themselves of.

Hmm, the fact that Xander basically stuffed to much information into his head was a good point, as it puts a realistic limit on how much they can learn, so we probably won't see Xander/Willow/Jesse doing a Flash imitation and reading the library all at once.

For Xander to be descendant from Zorro is interesting, though like Charon said I was half hoping for Wizard Harris.

Keep up the great work;)


Well-Known Member
Any last words before I tack a 'The End' onto this and forget that I ever wrote it?

I'd thought the plot bunnies for this were immortal. They kept me up at nights. But I have seen them slowly strangle to death for lack of feedback. What I've got has definately been nice, but it's been like pulling teeth to get it, and I can't keep it up with that type of volume.

Especially not as it's been shrinking with each chapter. I mean, pretty soon I'll be the only one looking at each release.


Well-Known Member
no noooooooo noooo please wright more please this rocks


Well-Known Member
Well.... you know *i* like it, but we can't have everythings, i guess :/ This is a kickass fic that has slow moving rythm, which i love, but few do. I think. But, really, you should continue it, you have a lot of people reading this at ffnet too, and....

Nice chapter. Seemed a bit short.

Nice to see the Harris's do themselves in.

Also good idea that they can't just absorb knowledge without in. They will have to become pickier about what they use the hypno technique for. Their is also the question of do you really want to remeber something forever.

Notice you mention two pianos. Did Xander absorb anything on playing. Might be something to learn as 'fun' for later. One of the dangers I'm seeing is that Xander is cruising for burnout if he doesn't learn to step back. Maybe that is what Zorro can teach him, along with the sword of course.

Perhaps have Jesse & Willow drag him off for a Beach day or more Arcade fun, something that requires no thought to allow his brain more time to assimilate the info.

As for ideas, how about Willow goes shopping for new clothes and drags Xander along with her. The new more confident willow you portray just doesn't fit the look of clothes that wilow had in the opening season of BtVS.

I do like the spirit of Zorro, They are in California afterall. I also appreciate that his guide is without powers.

Hopefully the time they have to spend in school will also force a slow down on Xander.

I do question how long until Buffy arrives. While I am eager to see her meet the new gang, I do sort of want them to have more time to set their own patterns of how to do things instead of watching them fall into doing things her way.

More soon please.


Well-Known Member
I agree, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite BtVS stories. As for feedback, it seems to me that you've opened up a few issues that have to be resolved before Buffy arrives. One was closed with Willow landing Xander this early, but now we have Amy angling in. As I said earlier, that has a few different possibilities. Not the least being her getting involved with Willow first. That plotline is a bit precarious though, you need the right trigger to bring it about. The only thing that pops into my head would be them finding a sex magic ritual requiring 3 people. In a book like that, I can't imagine there not being anything with orgies in mind in it.

We also have Zorro now. Truthfully, I'm a bit stumped on this one. It came out of left field in my mind. Not that its bad, just unexpected. He can help Xander out with a lot of things, the least being the vampire hunting. I have no idea how long your planning on keeping him in the story though.

The start of High School is important as well. With their new knowledge, it might just cause a bit more culture shock than normal. The obit page in the school newspaper comes to mind. On the other hand, we can see more of some of the first season's fatalities. So you have plenty of characters that you can use.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Lionheart said:
Any last words before I tack a 'The End' onto this and forget that I ever wrote it?

I'd thought the plot bunnies for this were immortal. They kept me up at nights. But I have seen them slowly strangle to death for lack of feedback. What I've got has definately been nice, but it's been like pulling teeth to get it, and I can't keep it up with that type of volume.

Especially not as it's been shrinking with each chapter. I mean, pretty soon I'll be the only one looking at each release.
Um, ouch? That would be bad for at least two reasons: one, I'm quite enjoying this, and I'm clearly not the only one, and two, your staement kind of implies that you wouldn't be helping me with my version, either, and I'm hoping that you will.


Well-Known Member
Please don't end this, its one of the best BtVS fics I've read in ages. As for some suggestions, I think an interesting point would be the different kind of magic that Willow, Xander, Jesse and Amy are learning compared to what Cannon!Willow! learnt.

In this fic Xander at least has a magical core, aka Fannon Harry Potter. This is different than cannon BtVS where a magic user, such as Willow channels the power of a godlike or demonic being. If these four continue to slowly build their power as you have them, Giles reaction might be interesting. More to the point, what is the Councils reaction to the 'Xan-Dex' that you said has been posted on the internet in one of the last few chapters. The Council's search for the scholar who translated it might be amusing (they would of course completely overlook the person who really did it)

One thing I forgot to mention in previous chapters but thought I should do now is how much I like the system of magic you have Xander learning. Its probably the best 'learning magic' way that I have seen in a very long time. The opposite spells (such as warming and cooling) that are used as proof of a concept, and used until you have learnt everything from them and then move upwards... Thats a really good system.

Perhaps you might have on of the spells they learn a 'self sustaining' trick or something. Even if at the moment they can only keep it sustained by itself for maybe a minute, that trick should be learnt somewhere. Otherwise I believe wards would just fall apart.

Another suggestion for a while down the road, as at the moment I don't believe they have the skill in either magic or physical combat yet, is whether or not Xander or one of the others could temporarily 'fake' something like the slayer power. In that they use their magic to temporarily improve their physical abilities. I do believe that this would be a while down the road, but I think that it is probably inevitable that Xander might try it. How effective it is, or whether it is totally draining or not is up to you, so I thought I would just try to send it out there.


Well-Known Member
Belgarion213 said:
Another suggestion for a while down the road, as at the moment I don't believe they have the skill in either magic or physical combat yet, is whether or not Xander or one of the others could temporarily 'fake' something like the slayer power. In that they use their magic to temporarily improve their physical abilities. I do believe that this would be a while down the road, but I think that it is probably inevitable that Xander might try it. How effective it is, or whether it is totally draining or not is up to you, so I thought I would just try to send it out there.
That is Canon.

Dark!Willow Did it when fighting against Buffy, remember?


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. However I do believe that at the moment they probably do not have either the power or the control needed to pull it of for a fight. They might be able to do what Negi did in Negima, in other worlds basiclly empower themselves for like 5 seconds of super strength/speed and then revert to normal though.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm calm now, and I'm working on Chapter 9.

Thanks guys, you saved this, and me alot of heartache.


Well-Known Member
I'm certainly glad you are going to continue this, as I just read the series (having pulled my head out of the Naruto section for a minute). This is definitely one of the better empowered Xander series I have seen. As Belgarion213 said
One thing I forgot to mention in previous chapters but thought I should do now is how much I like the system of magic you have Xander learning. Its probably the best 'learning magic' way that I have seen in a very long time. The opposite spells (such as warming and cooling) that are used as proof of a concept, and used until you have learned everything from them and then move upwards... Thats a really good system.
The best part of it is that with the theory book. Xander and friends are essentially following an ideal method of long term growth (a method utterly denied to denizens of Sunnydale, and prohibitively dull for people with access to 'Kewl majikal pwrs!' elsewhere). So while you avoid instant super powered Scoobies, down the road, say by the time the mayor makes his move he is going to be facing some dangerously competent magi supporting a thoroughly educated/trained Slayer. Because unless you decide to have a Slayer specific block, there is no reason not to use the same tricks, within reason. Though that could add an interesting twist, and help keep the group from geting too powerful too quickly, should you so choose.


Well-Known Member
Well if I remember correctly a Slayer is basically the spirit of a demon sealed into a teenage girl. That could raise all sorts of problems. Perhaps they would have to follow a demonic attitude to spell-casting in that they need to learn or find a tutorial for demon spell casters. That and I can't see Buffy really wanting to learn magic until the rest of them get to the level where they are fighting with the magic, and once she see's that starts wanting to learn magic to only to find out she is years behind them. Hmm, perhaps instead of Willow becoming addicted to magic we have Buffy going for the 'quick fix' books that Willow got hold of instead of the careful learning process the rest of the scoobies are going through. So she quickly catches up to them but has nowhere near their ability to use magic or even to create new spells.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Belgarion213 said:
Well if I remember correctly a Slayer is basically the spirit of a demon sealed into a teenage girl.
Personally, I prefer to ignore that version as a bad retcon and treat the Slayer as gaining her powers from the goddes Sineya (mentioned as either the First Slayer's Mother, or as the First Slayer, herself, in the enjoining spell in BtVS S4 'Primeval', though what she was wasn't made clear). The shamans that we see in the episode where the 'demon possession' version of the Slayer's origin is explained were wearing clothes far to modern for them to be the First Slayer's contemporaries.

I find it far more believable that the 'Slayer's Emergency Kit' was created relatively recently, as a way to bring the Slayer deep despair, and possibly madness (we really don't know what would have happened if Buffy had accepted the 'power' the shamans were offering her).

Of course, I haven't talked to Lionheart about this, and his opinion may be quite different.