Naruto Konoha Bookworm / Konoha Booknin


Well-Known Member
I was reading over the chapter-length-topic and I wondered if I should give shorter chapters a try to see how that works out for me. The hapless victi... Uh, fic... :) The fic I had in mind for this little experiment is 'Konoha Bookworm/Booknin' ( As usual, I haven't been able to make my mind up about a name just yet... *sheepish smile* ).

Anyways, 'Konoha whateverIdecidetonameit' is my "Instead of Naruto becomming the hyper brat we all know'n love before his creator fucked him up, he instead becomes introverted and contemplative" AU fic and I thought I'd let you guys decide if I should go for quick'n short chapters or do my usual thang and churn out decently lengthed ones at a more infrequent basis.

Come to think of it, 'introvert' is probably a bit too strong a term. Let's just say that he's not quite as unreasonably loud as he is in the manga/anime and let's leave it at that. :)


Well-Known Member
While your slowness does frustrate me, I prefer quality to quantity. Number one it is!
I think you should do like you always do.

Stick with what works!


Well-Known Member
I also voted for the first choice. Your chapters are already relatively short, and I don't like the thought of them being even shorter, particularly when it'd still probably take you a fairly long time to update, I'm guessing.


Well-Known Member
Don't think I would be compromising the quality to any noticable degree, as I always write fast and without particular care to what I'm writing whenever I do write. :)

All it'd mean, is that the chapters would be shorter. Probably just a scene or two per chapter depending on the length of the scene in question, instead of what I usually go for.

Not counting the last chapter of MwP, which was a single chapter-lengthed scene unless my memory is on the fritz again...

The current incarnation of Konoha book-whateverIllfinallywindupcallingit is currently at 31kb's of pure txt.

If I were to break it up in scenes, there's...
1. We get to see Naruto the bookworm at the academy during the final week and his first meeting with Iruka. ( Meaning that he hasn't had Iruka as a teacher before now... Aren't spoilers fun? =) )
2. We get to see Naruto at his work and find out that he's plotting something that seems omniously foreboding. ( Hey, just because he's better read doesn't mean that he's less capable of extremly rash decisions. :) )
3. The teams are put together and Naruto meets his Jounin teacher. ( And things aren't the same as in the anime/manga, 'cause Naruto is no longer dead last... )

If I were to do as I usually do, I'd probably break it off right where it is now and call that chapter one. Or possibly call scene 1 and 2 chapter one and scene 3 that is a bit longer chapter two.

Same shit either way, but had I done as I was pondering now right from the beginning, you'd had seen scene one perhaps two months ago, scene two two weeks after that and scene three now, as I finished it like fifteen minutes ago, instead of having two months of nothing and then everything all at once.


Well-Known Member
Being as he is more focused, and uses his book-nin nature...

I wonder how the other Rookie9 would reffer to him?
what possible friendships/rivalries/romantic interests would there exist since he is not the loud, boorish and obnoxious nin we all know from Kishi?

I'm also curious to his goals and what skills he would excel at. Would he have some skill with books 'ala Yomiko "The Paper" Readman from R.O.D.?

Interesting premise, good luck on this challenge.


Well-Known Member
Well, my answer depends on your defination of short, what exactly is your average chapter and what would be a 'short' chapter, by your defination, once you give me that, then I'll decide.

Oh, and happy 2,000th post to me, yay!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to think this would have something to do with Ms. Readman.

I also fear what Naruto's plan might happen to be. Mysterious plans are always bad for someone. Sometimes they are bad for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you mean by 'short', but for me, I prefer quality/quantity over shorter time. But again, depends on what you mean by short.

I'm also not a huge fan of 100000 chapter stories either. <_< Even if they are all one or two thousand long chapters, the idea of a story THAT long chapter wise, still seems daunting (that or I think the author could have at least made the chapters longer and so that there isn't that many chapters to begin with).


Well-Known Member
How short will your short chapters be? And how fast will the update rate be?

Those details need to be known. :p


Well-Known Member
The length would probably be extremly different from time to time. Usually, my chapters are around 16-25kb's of text, because I either pad them a bit or move a scene or two to the next chapter to achieve a roughly similar length to all of them. It all depends on how long the first chapter of a story is really, if I find a good point to break off the first chapter at 18kb's, chances are that the following chapters will also be around 18kb's. If I don't break it off until 35kb's, chances are that the following chapters will also be around that length.

In pages, which I've never counted before, Konoha book-whatever's 31kb's become 11 1/3 page with a Courier New font in size 10. 9 1/10 pages in Arial 10 and 26 1/3 pages in Times New Roman size 20. ... Damn, what an odd measurement...

Anyways, in words it's 5300. That's at least a measurement that I can relate to instead of pages which changes with the font size.

Scene one is prolly around 1200 words, two around 2100 words and scene three 3000 words.

As for speed, extremly varying as well pending on spare time and inspiration, I guess. But as I wouldn't stick to my usual update schedule for something like this, I'm guessing anything from 0-2 updates a month when inspiration'n time is lacking, to 2-8 when it's not.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, as long as the chapter's over 3,000 words then it wouldn't be too bad and 8 updates in a single month does sound pretty enticing, so I think I'll put my vote in for short chapters.


Well-Known Member
I say, if it isn't broken, don't goddamn fix it. That's how Bush fucked up the US... by trying to fix what isn't broken. :no: :sweat: