League of Legends

Sooo.. The Jinx trailer got me to download League of Legends finally and I've been playing it almost a week now. Freaking love it. At level 10 now and I'm having a blast. Mostly been playing Jinx and Annie. And I'm saving up points to get Nami as I loved playing her as support.

If anyone wants to play with me, my summoner name is Zabic.


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
I've actually yet to see anyone play a decent Jinx.

Granted, jungle shaco is about as anti-ADC as you can get early game, so maybe I've just never seen anyone get a proper amount of farm since I've been spamming him for shiggles, but... I've yet to even see one go 1:2 kdr...

She just seems really weak to people that can get in close- her whole kit is damage from afar and keeping people there, but once you're in close she literally has nothing- she can't even really orbwalk worth a damn with her attack speed.

The current assassin meta just doesn't seem to play nice with her unless her team manages to get her rolling with a kill for her passive.
I've played with a friend who did well as Jinx, though I will admit he had solid support both times (me once and another friend the second time).

Even getting ganked hard in the game with me as a support didn't mean shit as Jinx was able to recover entirely, and went on to carry the rest of the game; and in the other game, she dominated entirely. Her biggest issue was that she's horrifyingly powerful when she's built glass cannon, and that's the best way to build her. But if she's going glass cannon, you need to keep the enemy away from her or you need to at least cc lock the enemy so she can shred them.

Problem is that people see her shred enemies and think she can run in, guns a'blazin', and survive; only to find out that she's about as sturdy as a slightly damp towelette.
akun50 said:
Shirotsume said:
I've actually yet to see anyone play a decent Jinx.

Granted, jungle shaco is about as anti-ADC as you can get early game, so maybe I've just never seen anyone get a proper amount of farm since I've been spamming him for shiggles, but... I've yet to even see one go 1:2 kdr...

She just seems really weak to people that can get in close- her whole kit is damage from afar and keeping people there, but once you're in close she literally has nothing- she can't even really orbwalk worth a damn with her attack speed.

The current assassin meta just doesn't seem to play nice with her unless her team manages to get her rolling with a kill for her passive.
I've played with a friend who did well as Jinx, though I will admit he had solid support both times (me once and another friend the second time).

Even getting ganked hard in the game with me as a support didn't mean shit as Jinx was able to recover entirely, and went on to carry the rest of the game; and in the other game, she dominated entirely. Her biggest issue was that she's horrifyingly powerful when she's built glass cannon, and that's the best way to build her. But if she's going glass cannon, you need to keep the enemy away from her or you need to at least cc lock the enemy so she can shred them.

Problem is that people see her shred enemies and think she can run in, guns a'blazin', and survive; only to find out that she's about as sturdy as a slightly damp towelette.
Pretty much. Glass cannon Jinx is a beast. As Jinx, I can kill a tower in 3-4 seconds mid to late game. Problem is, I can get killed in 2-3 hits by pretty much anyone.
crazyfoxdemon said:
akun50 said:
Shirotsume said:
I've actually yet to see anyone play a decent Jinx.

Granted, jungle shaco is about as anti-ADC as you can get early game, so maybe I've just never seen anyone get a proper amount of farm since I've been spamming him for shiggles, but... I've yet to even see one go 1:2 kdr...

She just seems really weak to people that can get in close- her whole kit is damage from afar and keeping people there, but once you're in close she literally has nothing- she can't even really orbwalk worth a damn with her attack speed.

The current assassin meta just doesn't seem to play nice with her unless her team manages to get her rolling with a kill for her passive.
I've played with a friend who did well as Jinx, though I will admit he had solid support both times (me once and another friend the second time).

Even getting ganked hard in the game with me as a support didn't mean shit as Jinx was able to recover entirely, and went on to carry the rest of the game; and in the other game, she dominated entirely. Her biggest issue was that she's horrifyingly powerful when she's built glass cannon, and that's the best way to build her. But if she's going glass cannon, you need to keep the enemy away from her or you need to at least cc lock the enemy so she can shred them.

Problem is that people see her shred enemies and think she can run in, guns a'blazin', and survive; only to find out that she's about as sturdy as a slightly damp towelette.
Pretty much. Glass cannon Jinx is a beast. As Jinx, I can kill a tower in 3-4 seconds mid to late game. Problem is, I can get killed in 2-3 hits by pretty much anyone.
I've yet to meet a properly built AD carry that didn't have this same problem, discounting escapes.
GA is garbage when the passive's down. It's also garbage when your team dies and you're the last one standing. It's also garbage when your team is forced to retreat outright. It's also garbage when hard cc. It's also garbage when your corpse gets camped. It's also garbage when you get caught out. It's also garbage when your team doesn't peel. It's also garbage when you never take lethal damage.

Get banshees if you lag badly. Get QSS if you don't. A rebirth passive does not a good item make.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
So I get my first introduction into the Tribunal, thanks to a bunch of retarded premades and a tribunal that apparently can't understand toxic if it beats them in the fucking face.

Chat restriction out of the blue, and worse yet, I'velost my teamwork ribbon I've been keeping up for the past 4-5 weeks. Just lost it because riot reset all my honor. Apparently I'm a great teammate, but I'm not?

Nothing about this makes sense, I've not played any differently and I've been getting honors out the ass. To tribunal!

Case 1
I'm playing nasus. I fell behind early because our Yi baiting me into a turret dive- he had Q up, I was tanking turret, all he needed to do was Q at max range and we could step away (guy had like 60 health, I kid you not). Instead he runs in, melees the guy once, runs out. I die from tower aggro, and he promptly runs back in, takes two tower shots, dies, and starts raging at me.

Rest of game consists of my team demanding a gank in every lane, from an underfarmed, underfed nasus while they have each lane pushed up the turret's ass. I also get raged at because their jungler is magically ganking better than I am- a freaking fed jax. I've said nothing but 'yi wtf go in or don't' and 'I need to level and farm please just let me farm please' over and over and over again.
Case 2
I literally say nothing but 'lol their teemo bought an oracles.'
Case 3
our support soraka is spamming starcall and hitting any minion that falls below 30% health, making it literally impossible to last hit. Soraka also likes trying to melee their panth support to death. No cursing, no rage, I just tell soraka that she needs to go to a bot game and learn how to support, and stop hitting minions at all.

I'm accused of being toxic and told to tell her how to play. (wat, that's not my job wtf he's your friend.) I'm busy trying to salvage the game, so I say no busy trying to get CS to get back into the game, entire premade promptly announces they're reporting me.
Case 4
I'm playing amumu. Support nidalee and fiddle mid ignore leash. Ashe walks up, AA's exactly once, and walks away. I'm forced to smite blue and blow all 5 health pots and barely survive blue buff. I go b, head to red buff, promptly killed by lee sin and my red is taken. Not shit I could have done, all laners completely ignored my pings for help.

Ashe decides to take offence to me dying to a counterjungle after me going, verbatim, "uh that's not a leash wtf"

The entire rest of game, ashe keeps talking in /all chat about how I'm 'raging at her and the rest of the team'. Only thing I say is in /all, and it's that my my leash was completely ignored, I had no help as one of the weakest early game junglers in my first clear, and for the love of god stop saying I fed lee.

His response was a sob story about how I was being so incredibly toxic and he just HAD to save his passive crit for lane.

Fucking really dude.

3/4 of the reports were from enemy team that believed the cock and bull story, 4th was from ashe.

Final case
One report, that reads "I called Mia and she didnt see it on the screen and died and completely went berserk telling me how stupid i was"

Exact chat passage, me being Elise obviously:
Elise [00:10:53] please call mia
Riven [00:10:59] scroll up u fuck
Elise [00:11:02] I was watching for it, you never did

Aparently targetting the turret that I'm trying to splitpush down is calling an mia, and a standard English sentence is berserk.

Fucking really riot. I'm so pissed right now. I turn on chat filter to make sure I don't forget and curse, and I make a point of never really ever typing in chat, and like 3/5 of those (especially the 4th one) I was kinda proud that I didn't actually get toxic because by god they deserved it.

But yet, still! Email out of nowhere with how riot is SO DISSAPOINTED in me and WON'T I THINK OF THE CHILDREN and 78% OF PLAYERS ARE NEVER TOXIC AGAIN, YOU CAN DO IT.

Fuck off riot, fix your shit.

mmk, I'm good now. Needed to get that off my chest, because really, fuck you riot.


Well-Known Member
Fun thing about toxicity is that it is defined by its effect on other people. Remember, a toxic person is not necessarily someone with a negative attitude, it's someone who spreads negative attitude. Basically, even if you're not intentionally toxic, it is still possible for other people to interpret what you're saying in ways you didn't intend. That said, it takes quite a few reports to get to Tribunal. Would you mind giving us a link to your Tribunal case? :)

Now, some things to think about for the future. Smileys are, like it or not, incredibly important if you want to come off as positive in any sort of chat or textual communication medium. Take questions, for example. Questions are incredibly easy to interpret as politely worded demands, and demands are by their nature generally negative. How to prevent that from happening? Colon end parenthesis. Suddenly there's an honest and sincere question where there used to be an expectation.

Even if you expect your team to do something completely obvious (like smiteless blue when against Lee), it is still a good idea to ask, because it will make them more happy to help. If you additionally add a simple "thank you :)" or a more advanced "best leash EU/NA :D", your teammates will not only start off the game feeling good about themselves, they'll also be feeling good about you. ;) Additionally, if you asked for smiteless but didn't get it, a sad smiley might actually make your team feel guilty, where a "wtf" would make them angry or annoyed at you.

This all goes doubly if you see someone doing something wrong and you want them to stop. Using the Soraka example above, something like "It's getting kinda hard to last hit, Soraka, could you stop hitting the minions please? :)" would have helped Soraka realize she was doing something wrong and, honestly, it would have made you not come off as someone who wanted her to gtfo of your game.

Also, it's generally not advisable to write a sentence that contains "wtf" after someone on your team did something wrong. It's such a negative, unconstructive, demoralizing expression and the only thing you'll achieve by using it is aggressively slinging blame at one of your teammates. Or rather, that's the impression everyone else will get. In your Nasus game above, it would probably have served your purposes better to ask Yi why he didn't Q, for example. :)

darthturtle said:
GA is garbage when the passive's down. It's also garbage when your team dies and you're the last one standing. It's also garbage when your team is forced to retreat outright. It's also garbage when hard cc. It's also garbage when your corpse gets camped. It's also garbage when you get caught out. It's also garbage when your team doesn't peel. It's also garbage when you never take lethal damage.

Get banshees if you lag badly. Get QSS if you don't. A rebirth passive does not a good item make.
The best thing for me when I play ADC and get GA is that there are suddenly a lot fewer situations where the enemy team can afford to focus me. If they blow damage and CC on my GA, my team can jump them and when I resurrect we suddenly have the upper hand. This, of course, assumes that my positioning is good.

Other than that, I might go BV if they are 3-5 AP champions, and I'd probably go Randuins against 3-5 AD.
Raye_Terse said:
The best thing for me when I play ADC and get GA is that there are suddenly a lot fewer situations where the enemy team can afford to focus me. If they blow damage and CC on my GA, my team can jump them and when I resurrect we suddenly have the upper hand. This, of course, assumes that my positioning is good.

Other than that, I might go BV if they are 3-5 AP champions, and I'd probably go Randuins against 3-5 AD.
Let me put this out there right now. If you were the ADC with a GA, I'd still make the judgment call to focus you immediately every single time. Taking out the source of constant DPS is paramount to winning a fight. In the 4 seconds that you're down, your team is fighting a 4v5. Worse, they're doing it without their best source of damage.

When you buy a GA, its teamfight potential comes down to the armor and MR, only. The passive only ever matters if you die, so you need to manage a whole new mechanic in figuring out when and where to die to exploit the rebirth. Not only that, but your team has to go against the grain and actually go all-in when you drop, as opposed to backing to safety. You might reraise to a team that's mostly dead just from stalling for time.

Let's look at Veil and QSS, on the other hand. A constant spellshield that refreshes every 25 seconds of no champion damage isn't bad at all, as it's damn near guaranteed to be up at least once a fight. This stops basically every burst damage chain in the game, unless the enemy is way ahead. Not to mention most of the deadliest initiates in the game(Vi, Blitz, Fizz, Leona, Ashe) are basically worthless when shield is up.

QSS is the best panic button in the game. Even Zhonyas has some downsides, but once you pick up QSS, the only thing that can kill you is raw damage.

About the only time I'd ever take GA over something with more utility is when I'm super fed and nothing short of a miracle will kill me. Even then, I could probably escape that situation just as easily with a spellshield or cleanse.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
darthturtle said:
Raye_Terse said:
The best thing for me when I play ADC and get GA is that there are suddenly a lot fewer situations where the enemy team can afford to focus me. If they blow damage and CC on my GA, my team can jump them and when I resurrect we suddenly have the upper hand. This, of course, assumes that my positioning is good.

Other than that, I might go BV if they are 3-5 AP champions, and I'd probably go Randuins against 3-5 AD.
Let me put this out there right now. If you were the ADC with a GA, I'd still make the judgment call to focus you immediately every single time. Taking out the source of constant DPS is paramount to winning a fight. In the 4 seconds that you're down, your team is fighting a 4v5. Worse, they're doing it without their best source of damage.

When you buy a GA, its teamfight potential comes down to the armor and MR, only. The passive only ever matters if you die, so you need to manage a whole new mechanic in figuring out when and where to die to exploit the rebirth. Not only that, but your team has to go against the grain and actually go all-in when you drop, as opposed to backing to safety. You might reraise to a team that's mostly dead just from stalling for time.

Let's look at Veil and QSS, on the other hand. A constant spellshield that refreshes every 25 seconds of no champion damage isn't bad at all, as it's damn near guaranteed to be up at least once a fight. This stops basically every burst damage chain in the game, unless the enemy is way ahead. Not to mention most of the deadliest initiates in the game(Vi, Blitz, Fizz, Leona, Ashe) are basically worthless when shield is up.

QSS is the best panic button in the game. Even Zhonyas has some downsides, but once you pick up QSS, the only thing that can kill you is raw damage.

About the only time I'd ever take GA over something with more utility is when I'm super fed and nothing short of a miracle will kill me. Even then, I could probably escape that situation just as easily with a spellshield or cleanse.
The answer to this is positioning. While you and your team do your damndest to kill that pesky little adc that keeps running around, blowing your cds and chasing and such, the other four people on his team are all connecting with you- and peeling. The point of a GA, if you're using it right, is that by the time that GA pops, it's a 3-4v4 and in four seconds it'll be a 3-4v5 when you pop back up to clean up.

tl;dr: if you make a judgement call every time to focus the adc when they buy a GA and that adc catches on, you just lost the teamfight if that adc's team has the slightest bit of coordination.

Also, raye, nowhere in the summoner code does it say I have to pander. They can deal with with stupid shit like 'feeling guilt' for not leashing a buff without me stroking them off.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
So I played jinx for the first time... went 22/9/13, with 35/40 kill participation.

Their jinx, meanwhile was like 1/15/~something.

I honestly don't understand how someone could be that bad at jinx. Right click, A. Right click, A. Right click... A.

EDIT: oh, so that's where the above post went. The board ate it.


Well-Known Member
Lost Star said:
Anyone else really excited about the changes for next season?
Yeah, they're looking great. The changes to vision are looking especially good (for anyone who isn't playing against Evelynn). The only thing I think Riot needs to watch out for is something they're already completely aware of; they need to be really careful when balancing support gold. I don't want to be the victim of a hostile takeover by "support" Nidalees.

Shirotsume said:
Also, raye, nowhere in the summoner code does it say I have to pander. They can deal with with stupid shit like 'feeling guilt' for not leashing a buff without me stroking them off.
The spirit of the Summoner's Code is:
1. Be a nice person.
2. Don't be a mean person.

This is, incidentally, what the tips I gave would have helped achieve. If you want to call that pandering, it's certainly not my problem. If nothing else, you can consider my tips as a way to avoid a negative and nonconstructive attitude, which is explicitly against the Summoner's Code.

I will say, however, that I made that post on a false assumption. I assumed that you would need more than two 4-man premades and a troll to get sent to Tribunal. Some research now tells me that average player reports for the average one-time offender is 11. So that was my bad. Especially since 4-man premades are known to on average be more toxic than pretty much anything else in the community. It's a pity Riot can't really do anything about it.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
It's not 'negative and nonconstructive' if you don't type anything, which is why I don't. Pings work fine.


Well-Known Member
But if you only ping, you can be called out for refusing to communicate (stupid, yes, but technically correct). It's why I start each and every game with "Good luck and have fun" or "GL HF".

I don't play ranked, though. If I did, I would simply do "GL :)" Because "have fun" in ranked is like stating "I'M A TROLL! :D"

As for the changes, I'm excited to see some of the nerfs inbound because really, some of these champions have been needing them for a while.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Actually, Riot completely ignores 'failure to communicate' reports.

They don't care if you don't communicate, they care if you work together.

Hence why one of their punishments is making it so you can't talk.


Well-Known Member
Shirotsume said:
Actually, Riot completely ignores 'failure to communicate' reports.

They don't care if you don't communicate, they care if you work together.

Hence why one of their punishments is making it so you can't talk.
Not to mention that half the time, I'm on skype with other members of my team anyway.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Queued up a game, wanting to try out ori. I like her, btw, but I digress.

So our team was Orianna mid vs AP Lulu mid, Evelynn jungle vs Xin Zhao jungle, Rengar top vs Darius top, and bot lane was Sivir/Blitz vs. Varrus/Zyra.

Yes, you read that right. Orianna, Eve, Rengar, Zyra, Varrus.

They tried not grouping. Eve and rengar screwed them. They tried grouping after that.

They tried initiating a teamfight... once. They never made that mistake again.

They tried not initiating a teamfight. Between ori ulti, varrus ulti, zyra ulti, and eve ulti... that didn't work out very well either.

They tried splitpushing... Ori can splitpush faster than sivir, and rengar might not splitpush quite as fast but you'll never catch him. Try again.

They tried poking. Zyra, Varrus, and ori ball say hi.

They tried building armor- varrus built a last whisper, and rengar is rengar and just still oneshotted them.

I suspect they would ahve tried building MR, but we ended it before that.

tl;dr: hilarious teamcomp is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it was mostly you had a solid pick/team fight team comp, while they had a schizophrenic and poorly put together one, with some of the characters being ones who generally do rather poorly in those roles.

AP Lulu pokes mostly, and not as well as most concentrated pokers.

Xin Zhao can hard engage and pretty much nothing else.

Darius is either pick or aoe team comp reliant to do anything past the early stages.

Sivir does chase style pick comps and not much else.

And Blitzcrank does pick comps and nothing else.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
To be fair, it was a normal- schizophrenic team comps are the norm, solid team comps are hilarious.


Well-Known Member
AP Lulu is garbage in any format. The rest of the team could use some slight tweaking, but was still viable. They just needed to ward harder and team roam, while playing recklessly aggressive once they were grouped, trusting in their unbelievable amount of game changing cc to eventually overwhelm your team. All it takes is one solid grab and suddenly you're looking at a 5v4 shoving your inhib, with xin and lulu still easily able to disengage should something bad happen.

Of course, the odds of team coordination like that are lower than winning the lottery twice.


Well-Known Member
I've done well with AP Lulu, though admittedly, that I haven't played Lulu in a while, so if she's been nerfed, I haven't heard. she probably locked in just as Blitz did, and when they saw the matchup, they likely said something like "Dude, Lulu's an AP character, you HAVE to go mid because it's the Meta, and we all need to suck the Meta's cock for it's magical game-winning powers. HERPADERP!"

Their best chance for an engage would've been something like, Blitz pull for a quick kill (but not ulting yet), then Xin lunging into the rest of the enemy team (preferably from behind and without getting stunned by Varus ult) while getting ulted by Lulu, Blitz flashing into silence the enemy team, and then Darius spamming R for Penta.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Honestly, a lot of this is moot- Xin has to basically camp bot. Their bot lane was OKish thanks to that, and our bot lane was slightly behind. This left their Xin behind, though, and Eve got free reign of both jungles.

Thanks to AP lulu, I was fed as fuck (4 levels and about 100 CS on her, she had no chance), rengar was stomping their Darius- level 2 cheese and he snowballed off it as well, though not as hard as I did.

Zyra was behind- that's fine, she's support. Varrus was behind- also fine, if he can rain of arrows and explode them + ult that's all he's needed for.

I think their biggest problem was finding someone they could pick off- I was too fed, basically full build ori and they weren't even level 16 yet, they might kill me but I would take their whole gank squad to <20% + kill a few assuming I didn't escape with flash or zhonyas, and regardless my team would sweep in a moment later to ace them, whether or not I was still alive.

Zyra... I don't know what the fuck zyra was doing, but they kept trying to pick her off and she would bait them into our team every time. Zyra played very well.

Eve never got picked off because of invis (lol pinks), and rengar could just ult and laugh.

Varrus was always standing behind zyra, and so they always went for zyra, so same for him because of good positioning.

They would have had to played the very, very long game and try and catch up basically, which given that we could tower dive with impunity, probably wasn't going to work.


Well-Known Member
Had a brutal game of LoL last night. Part of it was because I was lagging randomly (as in, seeming to DC and then pop back in level of lag) and I will admit that I'm a bit rusty with playing normals.

Here was the team comps:
My team: Nunu as Jungle (me), Darius top, Nidalee mid, Sona and Ashe bot.
Enemy team: Ahri (mid), Nocturne jungle, Olaf top, Vayne and Zilean bot.

Not sure if the enemy was just really good at farming, if there was some hacking going on, or if Zilean's passive is that broken, but Ahri didn't show up in lane (at level 1 no less) until our Nidalee was level 5 and had gotten a good amount of damage onto their tower (chased off a few times by Nocturne), but she was level 6 and Nocturne was 10 by the time our Nidalee and I were level 7.

Hell, our Darius was dunking Olaf top, got two turrets in and he was BARELY 12 by the time Nocturne was.

I was less than stellar against Nocturne, got invaded several times while trying to help out my Nidalee and bottom lane, died a good number of times to him.

I have to say that we would've lost entirely if not for Darius' Dunking and the enemy's utter lack of pushing potential. He made some derp plays himself, and overestimated himself more than a few times (then again, so did I :( ), but if not for him and his ability to turn things around, we probably would've lost.

By game's end, we'd pushed all their lanes down, and they'd only gotten to the third turret in bot and the second turret in mid.