Looking for a X-Men-OC fic

just wondering if anyone knows the name of this story i read it along time ago...so don't remember all the facts...but any help would be appreciated

1: its a ridiculously long series

2: It sports a ridiculously powerful OC. What I remember is, in the first "chapter", that the OC pretty much permanently copied any mutant power he came in contact with and, being an insanely powerful OC, mastered them quicker than their original wielders (woo-hoo).
Something else - I think it degenerated into a massive crossover, with at least Vampire: The Masquerade featuring into it.
I spent half an hour with the search engine, which unfortunately does not yield what I need (which is why I post this here)
Some more points on the OC, if it helps any: He himself "owns" the european computer market through some kind of amazingly useful program. His brother (big, mean, ruthless, scary and I think named Erik) owns the rest.

plz if u know the name of this story post it here....thnx


Well-Known Member
The Adventures of Marty Stu and these other guys?

sorry I have no idea what the fic you're looking for is is.


Well-Known Member
And I have no idea to help you. Seriously, it would be painful just to read the summary of that thing.


Well-Known Member
You thinking about this one, perhaps?

<a href='http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6183080/1/Copycat' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6183080/1/Copycat</a>
Draculthemad said:
You thinking about this one, perhaps?

<a href='http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6183080/1/Copycat' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6183080/1/Copycat</a>
thnx for looking but nope thats not the fic i'm thinking off...i read this story years ago its been along time since it came out
man i feel stupid there is an entire section of this forum entirely dedicated to the story i was looking for...if anyone is interested its the hawkverse