Ranma ½ Looking for Enforcer: Lieutenant Commander Ranma by Chaumiester

i've been looking for a old fanfic i was wanting to reread
Enforcer: Lieutenant Commander Ranma by: Chaumiester
does anyone have know where i can find it or have a copy of it saved


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
trinkle28655@yahoo.com said:
i've been looking for a old fanfic i was wanting to reread
Enforcer: Lieutenant Commander Ranma by: Chaumiester
does anyone have know where i can find it or have a copy of it saved
Unless he put it back up... it was removed last year when he purged most of his account.

Chaumiester's FanFictionNET Profile Page
  • [Direct URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/913048/

Nope still gone... Here is the stats and summary for it, may help you find it if look for it that way.

RANMA-MULTI 'Enforcer Lieutenant Commander Ranma' by Chaumiester - [Dld Date=06/26/2007] - [Dld Size=163kb] - [Dld File Cnt=3] - [Dld Status=Inactive]
  • - [MD Rating=T] - [MD Word Cnt=29423]
  • - [MD Summary= Ranma joins a Military police to protect the world from dangers and threats with him are the most skilled people in the world with one of a kind specialties.......too bad they're all psyshos and have no respect for life. Updated and Edited as of 6/22]
  • - [Author1 URL] https://www.fanfiction.net/u/913048/