Lost me toon


Well-Known Member
lost me toon. It was only season 2 but it was mine and had odles of stamina(for a level 2)

started over,

need advice on ranking up fast, on my second day and im chunnin now .


Well-Known Member
Actually, you shouldn't be in a hurry to rush through Season 1. There's a lot of things for you to do (Themes, Reaper, Wasteland, maybe BurgerNinja if you feel up to it), so I wouldn't advise it.

That said, if you feel you have to hurry to the cap, load up on NinjaOns from the Jackpot and Bitter Medicines for now. Bitter Medicines only work as long as you're Genin/Chunin anyway, so use them while you can. When you get them, run general missions with Pinky 2 and Stalkergirl 2 unless you have specific things to do (levelling Allies for example).

Also, what type of ranking do you mean? Hitting the level cap? Getting the Ranking XP needed to pass the Jonin or Sannin exams?


Well-Known Member
Specificaly I know all the thngs to do season one I spent alomst a year on it before but it would go alot faster if,I hadn't lost all my crap

Some of it was good crap

but its means im alot weaker without all my gear
To get to Special Jounin all you need is one of your stats at lvl 13 and some stamina.

For Jounin you can pass with jutsu from Meatballs, Flipper, Lil Shammy, and Emosuke. If you can get KY and Bruce Sr. from their respective Gen and Tai C ranked missions your set.

Sannin requires a bit more, you need SNAKEMAN, The Rack, and J-Diddy. having four bloodlines and getting a lot of ranking XP. I would invest in completing reaper, Not Wasteland Disease, and if you want Eye of the Storm. The Trade is a faster replacement if your going for speed though.

I would check the wiki for specifics. <a href='http://bvs.wikidot.com' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://bvs.wikidot.com</a>

Also, welcome to Hidden Village XD

PM if you need help


Well-Known Member
What village is everyone in and can I get perm permission Ill return/add items as i find them


Well-Known Member
You can join Pirates village, there's some perms in the storehouse you can ask for.


Well-Known Member
Im already robbing one village blind of its perms but thank you for the offer and I may visit soon :)


Well-Known Member
A wandering deadbet has appeared!

Naw, good luck man. Hope the ascension back to awesomeness goes well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks and yeah thats exacly what im doing I showed up got 5 a day perm acces started taking a ton of stuff(they didnt have basic wheel Items I was upset)