Ranma ½ Love at First Bite

Hm, are we supposed to recognize the doll? Is it a reference to a sort of doll that exists in reality? Or is it a reference to some other manga/anime, or whatever?


Well-Known Member
Definitely love the emphasis on characterization, even with how short snippets can be.

Always love to see more of this.

And it feels more like you have a firm idea of where you want to go with this story, which makes me happy.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
Hm, are we supposed to recognize the doll? Is it a reference to a sort of doll that exists in reality? Or is it a reference to some other manga/anime, or whatever?
Hmmm, bit too much then. Revised to the following:

Kasumi sighed at her disgraceful state. "The one who bought you sure causes a lot of trouble doesn't he, Kleine-chan?" she said, referring to the doll by the first part of its German name. She giggled at her own silliness. Talking to the doll had settled her somewhat.
It's just another one of those Easter Eggs I tend to leave around. Nothing important.

Stormfury said:
And it feels more like you have a firm idea of where you want to go with this story, which makes me happy.
Out of curiosity, do you have any ideas about where I want to go with it? It's okay if you don't, but the way other people interpret the text usually gives me better ideas.


Well-Known Member
ToastedPine said:
nuclear death frog said:
Hm, are we supposed to recognize the doll? Is it a reference to a sort of doll that exists in reality? Or is it a reference to some other manga/anime, or whatever?
Hmmm, bit too much then. Revised to the following:

Kasumi sighed at her disgraceful state. "The one who bought you sure causes a lot of trouble doesn't he, Kleine-chan?" she said, referring to the doll by the first part of its German name. She giggled at her own silliness. Talking to the doll had settled her somewhat.
It's just another one of those Easter Eggs I tend to leave around. Nothing important.

Stormfury said:
And it feels more like you have a firm idea of where you want to go with this story, which makes me happy.
Out of curiosity, do you have any ideas about where I want to go with it? It's okay if you don't, but the way other people interpret the text usually gives me better ideas.
I can make guesses (certain characters from canon are sure to show up, but what there reasons/motivations will be I don't know), but I prefer it that way. The story is rather refreshing in that sense.

And is this the doll?

Just did a google search for 'Kleine doll', and that showed up off a japanese site. Granted, I'm sure there are a million german dolls that are called 'little something or others', so just saying Kleine isn't that helpful unless theres some serious brand naming going on that I'm not aware of.


Well-Known Member
Stormfury said:
Just did a google search for 'Kleine doll', and that showed up off a japanese site.á Granted, I'm sure there are a million german dolls that are called 'little something or others', so just saying Kleine isn't that helpful unless theres some serious brand naming going on that I'm not aware of.
You're on the right track. Though if you're really curious. There is a passage the provides more complete information:

Kuno had led him to a shop, which the pigtailed food vendor had discovered to be an antique store. Inside, he found a doll. The shop keeper told him that it was a replica of a design created more than a hundred years ago by a German Count. The doll's name was 'Kleine Beere' or 'Little Strawberry'. Like its namesake, the doll had rosy blonde ringlets like spun sunlight, pale green eyes, and a pink dress the color of strawberry Pocky with white ruffles at the trims.
Next scene has another Easter Egg as well as a tiny salute to Thermopyle's Gensou Rakuen.

Ranma awoke refreshed and ready to seize the day. Unlike most teens his age, he had a food business to run, which pounded into him the importance of early mornings. He'd long outgrown the need for unpleasant wakeup calls from his lazy panda of a father.

Japanese markets for wholesale produce began their operations nearly at the crack of dawn. This was essential since a lot of preparation time went into serving the busy student and commuting worker.

The establishments Ranma tended to frequent were run by consummate professionals who were often experts in their respective fields. When it came to ingredients, these men and women didn't mess around, many carrying the collective experience and knowhow passed down from generations. From prior experience, he knew that successful enterprises were built upon the good favor of these wholesalers. He'd learned the hard way at the age of ten that no one would sell anything decent to some scruffy little boy who was only playing at being a chef. One had to show determination and commitment. To that end, the pigtailed food vendor had painstakingly extended his network of suppliers and acquaintances at every stop on their training trip. Written letters of introduction and exchanged favors saved a lot of the leg work in establishing himself from one location to another.

The system was working pretty well, and Ranma had no doubt his skills in the area were nearly mature until Jusenkyo happened. Those months in China, learning not only the rudiments of Mandarin, but also the mind-blowing intricacies of how a change in gender radically altered negotiations, were truly a crucible that had hardened the steel of his business acumen.

He even developed a bit of a sixth sense for which gender would land him better standing in any deal. Going girl to get the upper hand was not something he was too proud of... okay, he was cute and there wasn't any shame in that. Money was important, and anyone who got suckered by his curse instead of evaluating his merits as a paying customer deserved to be cheated in his opinion.

Actually, his efforts had already paid off. Ranma grinned impishly at the white plastic bag hanging from his wrist. There were still plenty of ingredients left from the other day so he hadn't bought anything, but a large, barrel-chested hulk of a meat butcher by the name of Sig Curtis had taken a shine to him. With nary a grunt, the man had pressed the package into his hands, and walked off.

Sig dealt in hard numbers and strength of character, which scored the man major points in the pigtailed cook's estimation. It also didn't hurt that Izumi, his wife, had been a martial artist. He grinned. That woman was as tough and leathery as they came.

Arriving at the dojo's back door, which was a rusty, rectangular affair. Ranma fumbled in his pocket for the key Soun had given him.

Not wanting to wake the rest of the house, Ranma tiptoed down the hallway thinking thoughts that were meant to evade detection, sneaky thoughts, quiet thoughts, unseen thoughts. He hadn't yet been able to master the Chrysalis Shell, a technique his pop described as allowing the user to be one with his surroundings, but this lower form seemed to do the trick.

He didn't take long to reach the blue wave-patterned fabric dividers hung on a pole to mark the kitchen apart from the rest of the house. This morning, would be the first time he was given permission to cook for the Tendo family, which brought him to Kasumi.

Last night had been exhausting. Despite his ability to wheel and deal, understanding the eldest Tendo daughter had been an entirely alien challenge. Riding on a surge of adrenalin from shouting some sense into the Idiot Doctor, he'd ended up sharing with her a side of himself that not even his old man had seen and, miraculously, she had responded in kind.

Shaking his head, Ranma decided to put complicated matters aside for something more straight-forward, namely doing a good job on breakfast. Lifting his leg, he tried to advance, only to find that he couldn't.

He frowned down at the boundary between hardwood and kitchen tile, and hesitated.


Well-Known Member
On the silver screen of her imagination scenes of what she had done with Ranma played out in vivid Technicolor.
Seems a little blah as a statement. Think you could say something better and more embarrassing by having her recall it a bit more. With her making it seem to be a bigger deal then it was in her memory. Her exaggerating her own faults does seem like it could be a nice thing to see in this story.

On the other hand, Kasumi didn't want Ranma to get the wrong idea, which was why she had only given him conditional entry into her kitchen.
This is fine, but need to show a little more of this hesitance in the memories above. Because until we get to this point you kind of see her totally liking Ranma and feeling for him, and then this statement suddenly crops up and basically just says, 'Not really'. It doesn't flow that well with that consideration. Needs some more before it to put it in better context.

It was the most he'd ever paid attention to someone else's feelings in his entire life.
Reads as a little awkward.

He was on his way back from the market, as was his soon to be established routine. Being the new guy on the block, Ranma planned on visiting regularly to build a foundation of helpful suppliers.
Doesn't really flow with the last section. Kind of odd to suddenly go to suppliers after thinking about how much emotion he showed to the girl he wants to be his wife. I do see why it's necessary for the story though, so perhaps a lot of the store keepers mentioned Kasumi since maybe he said he was staying at the Tendo's which would make the flow more logical and also inform us more of what Kasumi is like to this Ranma? Or perhaps someone saw Ranma carrying Kasumi home the previous night and the gossip went around the market? The second one could serve for some nice little tension.

Sig was one of the few exceptions who seemed to prefer dealing with his guy form,
Huh? She went to each of these vendors in his girl form with his cute act, then went back in his normal form to each of them to test them out? Seems to be what you're saying. That could be cute to see, but that would seem to require a lot more time then you are seemingly ascribing to this scene. Unless he got up very, very, early and all the shops opened that early. Which might make sense for him as a business owner, just needs a little more foundation in my opinion. Or I suppose you could be saying he went as his cute 'Chinese' personality before to them and tested them out then. Still would need foundation though.

All in all this is remaining really fun! Thanks a lot for sharing more of it.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... Izumi Curtis... Is that the same one from the Enforced Evolution Thread on Anime Addventure? I think she was from FMA, but never saw that series.

EDIT: Not everyday you see a female manhandle a genetically enhanced Ranma... though in fairness, he was not trying to hurt her due to law enfocement being only a few feet away.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
Nice addition. I like the characterizations. It's good to see some depth in the characters.

Please keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
frice2000: Thanks for the edit suggestion! I had a bugger of a time sorting them out. I would have itemized the solutions, but I had to rewrite and rearrange passages to the point where I'd have to repost rather ungainly chunks.

Anyways, the last two scenes have been edited. Please take a look if you have time.


Well-Known Member
Steam blew out Kasumi's ears as the hot blood rushed to her head.
This is a far nicer bit now. Much more fun. Only thing I'd wonder is if maybe you should go even further with it? Imagining it like it's actually in a romance novel with some cheesy dialogue from both of them? Perhaps with a slight recap of it even with her exaggerations since it is the start of the chapter? Probably not needed though what you've got now is great.

There was neither standard nor logic that she could divine from his actions.
Word choice seems a bit off.

Money was important, and anyone who got suckered by his curse instead of evaluating his merits as a paying customer deserved to be cheated in his opinion.
But he draws the line at dressing up cutely and selling his goods that way? I bet that'd be effective at school too. Not asking you to write that, but I'm sure it'd be considered since she's just a roadside vendor. And sex does sell of course. I imagine that idea sucks for him to consider though since he wants to be a proper chef and that'd lose him respect. But in the same way it'd make him so much more money from horny high schoolers.

Flows very nice now. Seems like a much deeper perspective from both of them. Much stronger. Thanks a lot for sharing again! :)


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
But he draws the line at dressing up cutely and selling his goods that way? I bet that'd be effective at school too. Not asking you to write that, but I'm sure it'd be considered since she's just a roadside vendor. And sex does sell of course. I imagine that idea sucks for him to consider though since he wants to be a proper chef and that'd lose him respect. But in the same way it'd make him so much more money from horny high schoolers.
I agree with this... though I would almost say it is less respect and more pride.

Consider... if you took so much effort to perfect a skill, or in this case making a food, I would bet you would want the food to sell, not sell it based on merely the dress of the chef... Appearance can be important in any presentation, food or otherwise, but if appearance is the only thing selling the food, then the food is at fault...

It would not surprise me if Ukyo at one point made the same or a similar decision.


Well-Known Member
frice2000 said:
There was neither standard nor logic that she could divine from his actions.
Word choice seems a bit off.
Thanks for the follow up, frice2000! Changed to the following:

He was an unstoppable force of nature, whipping past her defences as though they were nothing. Ranma was someone to whom she couldn't readily adapt. What could she do to bring some semblance of normality back to her life and household?
Holding off on expanding the romance novel bit, there are some other scenes planned that may detract from it.

I agree with you and PCHeintz's interpretation with regards to Ranma-chan. When I was writing the only thing I really thought of was from the supply end. Hadn't considered the retail end. Anyways, I've taken notes. It'll probably come in handy at some point.


All in all, Kasumi wasn't a vain person. Housework done with a comprehensiveness that could make professional cleaning services look like rank amateurs tended to burn generous amounts of calories. In high school, she had always wondered how such a fact seemed to escape classmates who envied her figure. There was, however, one aspect of her appearance that she considered vital, and that was her hair.

Coddled, conditioned, and combed to a lustrous and straight sheen, her hair was her pride. The only concession to functionality that she had given was to keep its length trimmed down to mid back since having it longer would be impractical for someone with a schedule to keep.

However, her hair was the very issue that was bothering the eldest Tendo daughter as she made her way out of the bathroom. A night of restless tossing and turning had transfigured her precious locks into a bird's nest. She had done what she could in the bathroom, but hobbling around in a crutch made doing anything take time that she didn't have.

It was in this state of disarray that Kasumi had rounded the corner to the kitchen, and found, to her significant chagrin--

"R-ranma?!" came her strangled cry. Why was he here? If she knew he was there, she would have spent the extra five minutes. Father and her sisters would have to wait for their breakfast!

"Kasumi!" the pigtailed boy equally jumped before reddening and quickly looking down. "G-good morning," he said, wholly focused on nervously pressing his fingers together. "I hope you slept well...and...um... you look pretty today too."

The last few words were barely a whisper, but Kasumi had heard him and began to glow like a hot coal. Did he have a martial arts technique to read her mind? With a single careless and entirely formulaic compliment, he had dispelled the insecurities she had been feeling about her appearance. The worst part was that even though he didn't seem to realize what he was doing. He could have at least had the decency to act like a womanizing host club member. Then she could brush him off like so much dandruff.

"Thank you," she tried to casually accept his sentiments, and shifted to being the default courteous Kasumi, "How may I help you, Ranma?"

The pigtailed boy flinched, and when he looked up, she could see the flames of hope flicker in his eyes. "You said I could help with breakfast."

Mentally reeling, only years of long practice helped Kasumi maintain her trademark smile. She felt like she had just kicked a puppy.

"I did ask for your help," she said with a hint of apology. How the requesting his assistance slipped her mind when it had been all she could think about after waking up was baffling.

"It's okay, you know," he said, misinterpreting her response as a sign of reluctance. "I can whip up something in my yattai, by myself. You can go back upstairs and rest."

Now she'd graduated to clubbing seals! This wasn't fair.

"Please, I'd love to have your help," she said, beaming at him with all the sincerity she could muster.

"Really?" he said, instantly perking up. "I don't know a lot about girls so maybe it's too soon for me to barge in. I don't want to force anything with it being your kitchen and all."

Kasumi stared. Was this really the same boy from two days ago who brazenly attempted to follow her into her domain? He was trying to be considerate! Shaking her head, she said, "I don't regret asking, Ranma," and found that she meant it. He had been open and honest with her. The least she could do was repay him with the same courtesy. "I trust you enough to behave in my kitchen," she paused before quickly amending, "As a friend".

Maybe she could ask for an honesty installment plan. What she had said was partly true. She braced for another sad Ranma for rebuffing him, but received a bright smile instead.

"Thanks! I'd like that!" he said, leaving her confused as he walked past, until she considered what his life must have been like so far, travelling for years with only his father as a constant companion. He could have made a lot of friends, but being constantly on the move, the pigtailed boy would inevitably have to leave them.

Then again, how different was the end result from her current life?

Snapping out of her reverie, Kasumi turned to follow Ranma into the kitchen, only to find him studying her thoughtfully. But before she could make excuses about what he could have read on her face, his eyes twinkled mischief and he grinned cockily. "Don't think you're off the hook though-- no matter how long it takes, you're still going to fall for me."

Kasumi could only shake her head at her clumsy Casanova. From hot to cold in an instant, the pigtailed boy had to be some kind of genius at ruining the mood. Well, two can play at that game.

"Oh my," she said, with a head tilt and a hand to her cheek. "Are you're going to force me down at the stairs again? I don't think Father would let you call it an accident a second time."

She giggled. The meaty smack of Ranma's face against the kitchen tile was music to the eldest Tendo daughter's ears. Kasumi wasn't sure, but, in his own way, he might be telling her that he would wait. What were her experiences with the Doctor and Upperclassman treatment of her in comparison?


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
"But don't get the wrong idea, you're still going to fall for me."
All that progress... and this could blow it all back to square one.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the follow up, frice2000!
It's no problem. I enjoy doing it for stories I enjoy :).

When I was writing the only thing I really thought of was from the supply end. Hadn't considered the retail end.
Really? Interesting. Would have thought the supply end when you're buying in bulk would kind of be set by larger corporations and that it'd be the retail end that'd be much more likely to be affected by sex appeal + good food by elfin red-head. Though, since you're still talking small portions for a very limited clientele and not a larger restaurant perhaps that's not really in effect just yet. And I doubt Ranma would be comfortable making her restaurant Hooters-lite with her as the main attraction and chef. Though I could see her falling into a trap of doing so if one of his competitors which I'm sure will be cropping up uses such a tactic. Perhaps dragging Kasumi along into it too for extra fun :p.

she said, one hand tugging at the ponytail draped over her shoulder.
Little thought but maybe she didn't have time to tie it up yet, or it's not in her normal style, what with her little fantasy regarding Ranma to wake up and having trouble walking towards the kitchen on crutches. Could see her with it all down or just mussed cutely and do a slight Akane-style after hair getting cut double take and say she should always just wear it down and not put the braid in it.

In case we were going too fast, I guess.
Why does it seem like this line is better overheard by someone else and misinterpreted. As it stands line isn't that clear, as I thought they were talking about the kitchen. So was thinking Genma or Soun would hear that line and then Kasumi's response of she wouldn't mind sharing, or he's already made her happy with something he has made. So they'd think more 'sex' then innocent remarks about a kitchen. Sounds Ranmaish and fun.

"Dummy, I only did that because to cheer you up."

There was more silence before the pigtailed boy said, "Man... you're so uncute."
Too much Akane/Ranma in dummy and uncute. Probably should give them their own unique phrases.

"But don't get the wrong idea, you're still going to fall for me."
Agree with PC that's a slightly douche line that would stab at their relationship a bit. Still feels like a good line though. Perhaps do a cutaway to Kasumi angry at it feeling anger, and then Ranma throws in another line that gets her heart racing like a stereotypical, 'Like I fell for you.' Kind of statement. Seems to fit with the whole she really really likes him but he exasperates then makes her feel all interested bit.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
She quickly looked away, pouting. "Dummy, I only did that because to cheer you up."
This is awkward as hell to read.

"Dummy. I only did that because... to cheer you up."

The brunette almost had to bite her tongue to keep from swearing at her slip up.
"Dummy. I only did that because I wanted to cheer you up."

I agree with the others on the last line. It is canon Ranma to say something like that, but this one... I'm not so sure.

If he does say it, you could always have Kasumi pick up a pan and weigh it in her hand as if considering whacking him with it while his back was turned.
"Now that he'd deserve," she said to herself mentally before she gently set the pan back down with only a slightly guilty look on her face.

"He'd probably subconsciously dodge and I'd end up spraining my other ankle," she silently rationalized to herself.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Or dent the pan... misuse of a kitchen implement by either of thse two would be high blasphemy...
ToastedPine said:
but I ain't gonna force you into nothin' so could you stop actin'
Must you make Ranma speak like this? It's incredibly irritating and HE DOES NOT TALK THIS WAY IN CANON. You're making me angry and wanting to stop reading this story, and that would be a shame considering that there is almost nothing worth reading in this fandom anymore.


Well-Known Member
ThreadWeaver: Correction made, it was an edit that I didn't correct all the way. Changed to the following:

"Dummy, I only did that to cheer you up."
frice2000 said:
Really? Interesting. Would have thought the supply end when you're buying in bulk would kind of be set by larger corporations
Restaurants in Japan may use larger corporations and delivery services, but a lot of wholesale in Japan and Korea go through markets that are setup like stalls with different proprietors.

<a href='http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3021.html' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3021.html</a> <--- example here.

I debated on whether or not to add more details, but decided not to since it would be too much of an info dump.

frice2000 said:
Could see her with it all down or just mussed cutely and do a slight Akane-style after hair getting cut double take and say she should always just wear it down and not put the braid in it.
Kasumi doesn't braid her hair as far as I know. The most she does is a ribbon or a scrunchie I think is that what you meant?

frice2000 said:
I'm sure will be cropping up uses such a tactic. Perhaps dragging Kasumi along into it too for extra fun
Kanban musume Kasumi does have a particular draw. I'll note this.

frice2000 said:
Too much Akane/Ranma in dummy and uncute. Probably should give them their own unique phrases.
The idea was supposed to be that even though the words are the same, Kasumi and Ranma's actions and the way they say it are totally different. I'll see what I can do about unique interaction quirks. There should be a different way to make this stronger.

frice2000 said:
ToastedPine said:
"In case we were going too fast, I guess."
Why does it seem like this line is better overheard by someone else and misinterpreted.
I'm not sure, but should this line be more specific? It's supposed to refer to both the relationship and the kitchen since those two things are one in this case.

PCHeintz72 said:
All that progress... and this could blow it all back to square one.
Another case of my character action descriptions failing. I didn't see this coming, but that's part of the fun.


Well-Known Member
Kasumi doesn't braid her hair as far as I know. The most she does is a ribbon or a scrunchie I think is that what you meant?
Well if you don't have a ribbon or scrunchie around you can tie up the hair I'm pretty sure with a quick braid, so was thinking of that.

Kasumi and Ranma's actions and the way they say it are totally different
I can definitely see what you were trying for and that was evident. It's just pretty problematic since those lines are just so Ranma/Akane in at least my head. I guess if you make it a little bit nicer it could work, but still think it's kind of odd coming from the two of them especially with how their relationship is going.

I'm not sure, but should this line be more specific?
Nah doesn't have to be more specific. But perhaps a cut to Kasumi saying, it's ok she trusts him not to ruin her kitchen, before a cut back to Ranma saying no he meant the relationship perhaps?


Well-Known Member
I've rewritten most of the latest scene, and taken out some of the slang Ranma uses in this chapter. Will have to figure out a different way to emulate his rougher speech patterns.

Should work better though, I felt more of a click this time around. Frice2000, I worked in a few of your suggestions that I wasn't able to earlier.
ToastedPine said:
I've rewritten most of the latest scene, and taken out some of the slang Ranma uses in this chapter. Will have to figure out a different way to emulate his rougher speech patterns.

Should work better though, I felt more of a click this time around.
It's much better now. As far as I'm concerned, if the hick talk disappears forever I will not miss it at all.


Well-Known Member
Yawning widely around his toothbrush, Soun Tendo walked the halls of his home, cup in hand. Many may question why one would choose to wander while frothing at the mouth and no answer would be forthcoming. It's simply one of those baffling idiosyncrasies beyond the ken of mortal man.

On any other morning, this practice would be of no consequence, but the planets aligned and the stars were in the correct formation for him to notice conversation down the hall. Curious, he moved closer to identify that it was Genma's boy and Kasumi.

'Oh, they sound like they're getting along,' he thought before his eyes narrowed to shifty slits. 'As her father, perhaps I should listen in a bit, in the interest of assuring my daughter's happiness of course.'

With his cup hand braced against the wall, he scuttled towards the kitchen, ears perked for the barest of whispers. Around the corner he spied his daughter, her back to him. Soun's eyes rested on the crutch that Kasumi was using to prop up her left side, and started to tear slightly. He couldn't help it, she was one of his precious little girls. The very idea of any harm befalling them was almost too much to bear.

Resolutely sucking back his sniffles, Soun dammed the coming water works. Kasumi sounded well enough, and she had just offered her friendship to the pigtailed boy, who seemed happy with the arrangement. For a brief period, Soun was awash in nostalgia... ah, young love. Why he remembered how he and his dearly departed wife had first gotten along. Yes, a budding young romance should be like this, a steady progression from friendship to marriage.

Deeply engrossed in the springtime of his youth, he missed the rest of their conversation until Kasumi's words burst through the barrier of his consciousness.

"Oh my, are you're going to force me down at the stairs again? I don't think Father would let you call it an accident a second time."


Fortunately, the young couple had already gone into the kitchen and no one spotted the spray of foam from the flabbergasted father-in-law.

R-ranma was assaulting his daughter?!!! And what's more, it didn't seem as though Kasumi minded one bit. Suddenly, her strange reaction to being injured yesterday made a frightening kind of sense.

'I certainly would have been mortified if I had sprained my ankle through such...games.' Soun unconsciously swallowed, grimacing as what remained of the minty freshness went down.

After quickly wiping the floor of the evidence of his presence with the sleeve of his gi, he hurried to the washroom. How was he supposed to feel about this revelation? True, the schools would be joined, but he couldn't help his reservations over how fast kids pushed their relationships these days. Then again, Ranma and Kasumi were both in their prime. Soun reddened when he realized that he and his wife had engaged in a little 'slap and tickle' during their courtship-- though not to such a, uh, vigorous degree.


Well-Known Member
Yawning widely around his toothbrush, Soun Tendo walked the halls of his home, cup in hand. Many would ask why anyone would take to the odd practice, and the answer wouldn't be anything specific.
Fun, but a little awkward.

He couldn't help it, she was so precious to him, as were all his daughters, and the idea of any harm befalling them was almost too much to bear.
Probably not a run-on but does feel a little awkward.

Ah...yes! That's what I wanted to see. He should go share the good news with Genma and they can both give their respective children 'tips'.

Very nice little add. Quite cute.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
'I certainly would have been mortified if I had sprained my ankle through such...games.' Soun unconsciously swallowed, grimacing as what remained of the minty freshness went down his throat.
Man... you just know hijinks are going to occur from this odd misconception...

Heh... can you just imagine their reactions upon telling Ranma to go ahead and hurt Kasumi some more since it is what she wants...


Well-Known Member
Errr, here's the next excerpt, sorry it's been forever. There have been edits to previous scenes, but mostly for grammar and flow. I won't bother with changing that in the previous posts since it'll show up on the final release.


Yawning widely around a toothbrush, Soun Tendo walked the halls, cup in hand. Some may question why he was wandering about in the morning, frothing at the mouth, but there wasn’t really a reason. Maybe he was just weird that way.

On any other morning, this practice would be of no consequence, but coincidence had aligned enough for him to notice conversation down the hall. Curious, he moved closer to recognize the voices of Kasumi and Genma's boy.

'Hmm, they sound like they're getting along,' he thought before his eyes narrowed into shifty slits. 'As her father, perhaps I should listen in a bit, in the interest of assuring my daughter's happiness of course.'
With cup arm braced against the wall, he scuttled towards the kitchen, ears perked for the barest of whispers. He spied his daughter around the corner, her back to him. Soun's eyes rested on the crutch at her left, and started to tear slightly. He couldn't help it-- she was one of his precious little girls. The very idea of any harm befalling them was terrifying.

Resolutely sucking back the sniffles, Soun dammed the coming water works. Kasumi sounded well enough, and she had just offered her friendship to the pigtailed boy, who seemed happy with the arrangement. For a brief period, Soun was awash in nostalgia... ah, young love. Why, he remembered how he and his dearly departed wife had first gotten along. Yes, a budding young romance should be like this, a steady progression from friendship to marriage.

Deeply engrossed in the springtime of his youth, he missed the rest of their conversation until Kasumi's words burst like white water through the dykes of his consciousness.

"Oh my, are you going to force me down at the stairs again? I don't think Father would let you call it an accident a second time."

Fortunately, the young couple had already gone into the kitchen and no one spotted the spray of foam from the flabbergasted father-in-law.
R-ranma was assaulting his daughter?!!! And what's more, it didn't seem as though Kasumi minded one bit. Suddenly, her strange reaction to being injured yesterday made a frightening kind of sense.

'I certainly would have been mortified if I had injured myself through such...games.' Soun unconsciously swallowed, and grimaced as what remained of the murky freshness went down.

After quickly wiping away the evidence of his presence with a handy gi sleeve, he hurried to the washroom. How was he supposed to feel about this revelation? True, the schools would be joined, but he couldn't help his reservations over how fast kids pushed their relationships these days. Then again, Ranma and Kasumi were both in their prime. Soun reddened when he suddenly recalled a few episodes where he and his wife had engaged in a little 'slap and tickle'-- though not to such a... uh... vigorous degree.

Although every fibre called for her to stand in front of the stove, Kasumi held back as Ranma centered himself at her customary spot, a bittersweet longing in her chest. For now, he would act as her hands in the kitchen.

"It's nice," Ranma said, bringing her out of her musings. He ran a hand past the countertop, his fingers effortlessly sliding across the white laminate made smooth over decades by the ministrations of a thousand cloths. After a moment of reflection, he shook his head, "No, it's better than that. This place is really comfortable. It feels... right," the pigtailed cook finished with a small shrug as though he lacked the proper words.

"I think so too," she said. There were many kitchens the world over that were more extravagant, bedecked with marble, steel, and exotic materials beyond imagining, but this kitchen was the one she had inherited. This was the place where her mother and later she cooked the meals that moved her father to tears. In this kitchen, she never felt truly alone.

Ranma opened cupboards and drawers, mapping out where everything went, and then inspected her cutting board. It was all rather professional, but still uncomfortable in its intimacy.

"Thank you, I’m honored,” the pigtailed boy bowed slightly, “You’ve done a great job with everything, and I’d have to be crazy to pass up the chance to cook in a kitchen like this. There's a lot I can learn from here.”

Kasumi shook her head and smiled. "You’re welcome,” she said, “but I can't take all the credit-- this was Mother's kitchen too."


Genma yawned expansively, arms stretching as he wriggled his toes on the warm grass growing by the koi pond. Above, swallows cut through the air, casting their arrow-like shadows. This was the life… maybe he'd do a kata, or maybe take a quick nap. What would happen next? He didn’t know and that was the fun.

It was a shame that Soun chose that time to scurry into the family room, resembling more gecko than man as he clung to the floor.
“Saotome! Pssst, Saotome!” his friend said in a hushed, urgent tone while beckoning him over. Genma heaved a mental sigh. Well, time to get back to work.

Scrunching down to show that he was being sneaky too, the elder Saotome slunk over to his friend. “What’s the matter Tendo?”
Before he could avoid the contact, Soun grasped him by the shoulders tightly. “I just heard that your--your son has been assaulting my daughter in a most ungentlemanly manner!”

Genma winced at the grip that was on him, and tried to make sense of his friend’s babbling. ‘Ungentlemanly… now what could that possibly mean?’

Rubbing his chin, he said, “Hmm, are you telling me that Ranma and Kasumi are getting…frisky?” A grin slowly spread on his stubble-covered face, and he clasped Soun’s shoulder in return. “Ha ha ha! Isn’t that great Soun? The futures of the schools are all but assured!”
His mustachioed friend turned a shade of purple, then red. “Shhh!” He leaned into Genma’s face. “Do you want them to hear?!”

Genma tisked. “You really need to loosen up, Soun.”

“Not everyone has exhibitionist tendencies like you and No-chan,” Soun deadpanned.

Genma regarded his friend quizzically, “How do you mean?”

“Matsuyama.” Soun shuddered.

“I assure you that I have no--” Genma started to say until a silly grin appeared. “Ah that,” he said, wiping the drool off corner of his mouth, “hehe, yeah….”

“Are you quite done, Saotome?” Soun intruded upon the steamy memory, arms folded.

Genma cleared his throat. “Be that as it may, even you must admit that it was a hot spring resort, and love was in the air. There was no more appropriate a place to engage in acts of passion.”

“It was the middle of the day, outside, at a segregated bath!”

He scratched his head and sweated at the rebuttal. “Okay, so I admit we jumped the gun, but we certainly aren’t exhibitionists!”

“The time at Juuban park---”

“Now wait just an Art-loving minute! No-chan and I checked the bushes. How were we supposed to predict that green-haired, staff-wielding cheerleader who got her jollies from prowling for couples? And we certainly didn’t cause you to have a sudden urge to buy a chocolate banana crepe from the nearby stand while we were at it,” Genma countered.

“I never ate another chocolate and banana crepe after that day,” Soun lamented. “How Ranma is stayed an only child is astounding.”

“Even if Ranma were taking certain… liberties with your daughter,” Genma ignored him, “which, now that I think about it, seems doubtful—my point still stands. We should be rejoicing for the future of the schools.”

Clearly unable to come up with a direct rebuttal, Soun moved on, “But my little girl is in danger! How do you think she twisted her ankle?”
That earned a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure Ranma did what you think he did?”

“I heard it in Kasumi’s own mouth! There’s no mistaking what she said.”

“Huh… didn’t think the boy had it in him. Very well.” He nodded. “I’ll speak with the boy about getting too rough.”

“Thank you, Saotome. My Little Princess is delicate, she must be treated like the precious jewel that she is.”

Genma, valiantly not rolling his eyes, let his acting skills to the fore. “Take it from me, my dear friend. When I’m done with Ranma, he will truly appreciate that he is engaged to the royalty of Nerima. Actually Tendo,” he said, suddenly clutching the other mans hands in his, “I owe you my deepest apologies.”

“W-What? Why?” Soun asked, startled by the unexpected turn.

“This incident has made it clear that I have been lax in the boy’s training,” he said, manly tears streaming down his sunbaked cheeks. “If he had been taught properly, Kasumi would have never been hurt. Oh the pain of raising a child! Once again I must use these fists of mine to educate my precious son for his own good!”

“S-Saotome…” Soun’s trembling voice joined his. “You truly are the best father a son could have! Please, take it easy on him for your sake as well as mine-- I wouldn’t want him to get the wrong impression. He should still keep making advances towards my daughter, but in the right way.”

“Oh Tendo, such concern for me! I couldn’t ask for a better friend. What do you say to a little pick-me-up before breakfast?” Genma suggested, pulling a bottle out of nowhere.

“You had me at ‘What’, old friend.” Soun returned, sake dish at the ready.