Magical Lyrical girl Alma (FF Tactics Crossover)


Well-Known Member
This is an idea me and windfalcon brainstormed during my hiatus and thought I might as well share it...

Basic set up is Yuuno scrya instead of collecting and dropping the jewel seeds is investigating a legendary lost logia that was lost under the watch of one of his ancestors. The Auracite, 13 chunks of powerful magical crystal that disappeared on route over a hundred years ago in a restricted system. Against the advisement of his clan he goes to search of this lost relics which brings him to Ivalice.

The world where Ivalice resides is currently restricted by the TSAB due to it's limited understanding of the universe, having a very medieval atmosphere. But this was not always the case in it's golden age it was a world of strong magictech and many different races. An unknown cataclysm set them back to the stone age and they have been recovering since with modern citizens knowing little of their once proud heritage. There are small remnants though. General magic is device based with very simple glove-like devices grants to access to different sphere's of magic Black, white, yin yang and time. all of these devices are regulated by adventuring guilds and the church but not very hard to get hold off... greater devices do exist held by high ranking generals and families granting those wielders powerful magics (think holy and divine swordsman like Agrias or Meliadoul. Most one of a kind/rare weapons in the game will be converted into these devices for the fic)

His first stop finds him at a monastery where one of the crystals is hidden, though at first he has little luck trying making headway with the monks. In his trials he makes acquaintances with one of the girls in training there Alma Beoulve (high spirited younger sister to the games lead Ramza) who will become the wielder of Rising heart as they seal the Pisces(I think) stone from the monastery basement and begin their search for the others, eventually running into the other events of FFT going on and the return of the lucavi.

future possibles
- Meliadoul fills in the Fate kind of slot for the nanoha connections as the daughter of the big bad opposed to Alma and Yunno but eventually 'befriended'. Thus shows up a lot earlier then canon.
- Perhaps Yunno's unauthorized trip gets reported and TSAB comes to investigate...

Main Character device List (most basic guesses at the start here)
Alma - Raising Heart
Yuuno - Defender (stolen from Meliadoul first encounter
TG cid - Excalibur
Ramza - Balbane's Sword, Durdanal (Retrieved midway through the story or during the confrontation with his brothers)
Agrias - Save the Queen (stolen from Meliadoul later encounter)
Mustadio - Fomalhaut (Multi element gun, stolen from Balk after he's killed)
Beowulf - Arondight
Reis - None (Dragon powered)
Rapha and Malak - Own magic (no device)

Meliadoul - Francisca (Great Axe. Originally possessed Defender AND Save the Queen but loses both in combat against the heroes. Neither defensive item worked well with her fighting style. Gets 'Befriended' by Alma eventually)
Islude - Moonblade (May survive unlike Canon...)
Delita - ?
Olan - ?
Valmafra - ?

Vormav - Ragnarock
Loffery - Balmung
Kletian - Crown Septre
Balk - Fomalhaut(multi elemental gun)
Elmdor - Masamune
Weigraf - ?
Gaffgarion - Deathbringer