Harry Potter Magical Time Loops


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It had to hit here, it did.

ôRight, Harry,ö smirked Ron. ôLike this has all happened before.ö

The last Potter would have snorted except for two things: he was eating and this certainly hadnÆt been the æfirstÆ time he tried to explain things to his friends.

ôReally Harry,ö sighed Hermione, ô you have to have proof that this is real.ö

ôAnd aside from my memories,ö Harry said, pausing between bites of roast beef, ôand my power following me, care to tell me what follows through time loops?ö For a logical girlùsomething extremely rare in the magical worldùHermione had a very small imagination.

Seeing her embarrassed look, he sighed. ôFine, then IÆll give you a bit of future information.

ôThat bloody Goblet is going to ruin my life in a few minutes.ö

ôHow?ö asked Hermione.

ôItÆll spit out my name,ö Harry said.

RonÆs eyes went wide. ôHowÆd you get past the Age Line? It was the cloak, wasnÆt it? How come you didnÆt get me so I coulda put my name in it?ö he finished with a glare.

ôI didnÆt put my name in it, Ron,ö glared Harry harshly. ôGet your head out of your ass.ö

ôHarry!ö Hermione said, scandalized her friend would use such language.

ôYou know, itÆs reasons like this I go into other houses in the Loops,ö he muttered.

ôOther Houses?ö Hermione asked, Ron still huffing at how Harry had reacted to what he considered honest questions.

Harry nodded. ôSlytherin tends to be a bloodbath, but I can usually pull it off without killing all of my year,ö he said, fondly remembering the many assorted æaccidentsÆ he had arranged. One never really got tired of seeing the upstart Emerald Trio of Crabbe, Goyle, and Ponce Malfoy dying in such interesting ways.

Of course, those Loops usually ended with the Gray Lord Potter taking over everything. But he felt dealing with Malfoy for even one day was worth at least one measly harem.

ôAnd Hufflepuff is fun, once you give them some direction beyond drowning their issues in fatty foods. YouÆd be surprised how often I end up with them as a personal army and conquer the world. I never plan to, mind you. But it just always sort of happens with them.

ôAnd Ravenclaw àwell, youÆd be surprised what one can accomplish with some great brains backing you up,ö he said with a smile. Not that he was thinking about how smart girlsùpresent company includedùtended to be really kinky.

His friends just stared at him, eyes wide, trying to digest the difference in the Harry before them and the one they thought they knew.

ôYouÆre loony,ö Ron stated, utmost convinced.

ôConstantly repeating seven years at Hogwarts canÆt be good for your health, so thatÆs pretty much a given,ö snorted Harry. ôAnd just so you know, the Cannons never win.

ôHermione, S.P.E.W. will never take off because you never accept that you are taking a solitary view of what a House Elf wants without bothering to understand any of the principles behind it, somewhat like how the Pureblood bigots believe they know what is best for Muggleborns.ö

Her face paled, as if he had just revealed himself to really be Voldemort. ôHow à how could you?ö she asked in a whisper.

Harry shrugged. ôBecause I saw you make it and fail thousands of times. IÆve seen you jump Ron during the Battle of Hogwarts when he wanted to warn the elves because this wasnÆt their fight and he didnÆt think they should be cut in the crossfire.

ôIÆve also talked to the elves,ö he finished with a glare. ôDobby is the exception, not the rule. You want to improve House Elf rights, make sure theyÆre protected from people like Malfoy, not from everyone.ö

ôHarry Potter!ö gasped Dumbledore, as the fourth paper from the Goblet of Fire was read.

ôNow if youÆll excuse me, I got a polyjuiced Death Eater to reveal and old RiddleÆs plans to foil. Later,ö he said with a smile, before standing up with a glare at Malfoy.

ôSo this is your attempt to ædefeatÆ me this year,ö Harry said with a dismissive snort, trying to mess with Malfoy's reputation once again. The little priss always did seem to think his name made him better than everyone, so why not blame Malfoy for any stupid and hairbrained plans that befell Harry. ôClearly didnÆt think this one out. Must be the Malfoy in him; a Black would never do such a à Gryffindor thing,ö he finished with a smile, as he made his way to the doorway, trying not to burst out laughing at MalfoyÆs red face. It was almost as much fun as making his loving relatives be nice.

Now à how to get Old Barty Jr. to be revealed and somehow à make it seem like Snape planned it?


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Hmm, with all the times Harry has been at Hogwarts and through varied Loops, can he make the Castle Fly or Transform to a Giant Robot if he Choses? Just had the image of the 'Castle of Lions' for Voltron, substituted by 'Castle of Griffons', Giant Golem Griffons?

Has there been sections of it shut down and inaccessable to everyone for untold ages? Except for Harry of course, from who knows how many loops.

How many from the HP loops would remember things on their own, like the Kitsune? The Ghosts or Fawkes?

Does this Harry have to worry about Veela's? Just had the image of young things stalking him.

Dragon Taming, ask advice from Herb of R 1/2?


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"Ah, but of course 'e is lying!" cried Madame Maxime. Snape was now shaking his head, his lip curling.

Harry snorted. "Right, like I need this shit to deal with," he grumbled. His eye lit on Moody's hip flask. Ah yes, that would do nicely. He snapped his hand up before McGonagall could even part her lips to complain about his language. "Accio flask!" The little container of polyjuice tore away from the supposed retired-auror's belt, ripping the belt and leading to what could delicately be called a wardrobe malfunction.

"God, now I really need a drink," Harry said, unscrewing the cap.

Snape, predictably, stuck his nose in where it wasn't wanted or needed. "Give me that, you arrogant boy," he snapped, snatching at the flask.

Harry ducked back. "Well, I guess I can't begrudge you a little alcohol after a sight like that," he chirped cheerfully and with a flick of his wrist doused Snape's face with the contents of the flask. Quite a bit went between the Potions' Professor's lips and his squealing as one eye and one leg vanished on him were a memory that Harry would treasure for the next couple of loops at least.


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Ah, the insanity that is TFF... how i love it! :yay:

Oh yes: innortal, exactly when does this loop start? Harry mentions seven years, but Hermione and Ron react like this was the first time he mentioned or acted to it.


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If it's anything like the Naruto loops, they're completly random in starting point. For all we know, this loop could have started right as Harry started talking.


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Depends on the writer's will. Initially, they start at the first defining moment in the series, which for Harry would either be the Zoo trip or when he first received his letter.

Here, he could simply have been playing like it was normal until he felt Ron and Hermione were ready to be told. He did say it wasn't the first time he tried to bring them in, but it didn't always go well. So he might have tried in earlier years during the Loops without much success.


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Harry sat out by the lake skipping rocks and ducking as the giant squid batted them back at him. He was rather grateful for his quidditch trained reflexes as the last rock the squid had batted back had snapped a two inch thick branch off a nearby oak.

"Hay, Harry," Luna announced cheerfully, side stepping a rock that shot off into the distance.

"Hey, Luna. What are you up to?"

"Five foot even and a B cup," she said proudly distracting Harry enough that the next rock hit him in the shoulder and spun him around three times before dropping him on his ass.

Standing over the bruised and dizzy boy she lifted up the front of her skirt and shifted her panties to the side. "And I have to say my pubes have been coming in nicely."

Despite having seen Luna's pubes up close and personal many times before he still found himself pausing dizzily to admire them. "I have to agree, that is nice thatching."

"So do you want to play gridylows and grotnicks?" Luna asked.

"Ummm... sure. I can get the room of requirements to provide a nice big bed," Harry replied.

"What does that have to do with gridylows and grotnicks?" she asked, confused.

"Umm, for after?" he ventured.

"Good idea. We can hide out there while Sprout and Snape search the grounds for the imposters," she beamed.

"That's just what I was thinking," Harry lied.

"And it'll be the perfect spot to have sex too," Luna added as she pulled Harry to his feet and handed him a vial of polyjuice potion as she quickly disillusioned their clothes so they both looked like they were completely naked.

"I'll run ahead giggling while you chase me yelling something suitably damning for Snape to have said. Sprout has retired early and Snape stormed off in a huff, well hopped really, so they'll have no alibis. I'll lead us up to the room of requirements after a couple of trips around the great hall."

"How do you know about the room of requirements?" Harry asked, as his brain finally recovered.

"You teach the DA there in a couple of years," she replied.

"You're looping too?! Why didn't you say anything?"

"You never asked."


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dogbertcarroll said:
Harry sat out by the lake skipping rocks and ducking as the giant squid batted them back at him. He was rather grateful for his quidditch trained reflexes as the last rock the squid had batted back had snapped a two inch thick branch off a nearby oak.

"Hay, Harry," Luna announced cheerfully, side stepping a rock that shot off into the distance.

"Hey, Luna. What are you up to?"

"Five foot even and a B cup," she said proudly distracting Harry enough that the next rock hit him in the shoulder and spun him around three times before dropping him on his ass.

Standing over the bruised and dizzy boy she lifted up the front of her skirt and shifted her panties to the side. "And I have to say my pubes have been coming in nicely."

Despite having seen Luna's pubes up close and personal many times before he still found himself pausing dizzily to admire them. "I have to agree, that is nice thatching."

"So do you want to play gridylows and grotnicks?" Luna asked.

"Ummm... sure. I can get the room of requirements to provide a nice big bed," Harry replied.

"What does that have to do with gridylows and grotnicks?" she asked, confused.

"Umm, for after?" he ventured.

"Good idea. We can hide out there while Sprout and Snape search the grounds for the imposters," she beamed.

"That's just what I was thinking," Harry lied.

"And it'll be the perfect spot to have sex too," Luna added as she pulled Harry to his feet and handed him a vial of polyjuice potion as she quickly disillusioned their clothes so they both looked like they were completely naked.

"I'll run ahead giggling while you chase me yelling something suitably damning for Snape to have said. Sprout has retired early and Snape stormed off in a huff, well hopped really, so they'll have no alibis. I'll lead us up to the room of requirements after a couple of trips around the great hall."

"How do you know about the room of requirements?" Harry asked, as his brain finally recovered.

"You teach the DA there in a couple of years," she replied.

"You're looping too?! Why didn't you say anything?"

"You never asked."
:blue: I love it.


Well-Known Member
First off: :yay:


Harry blinked as the Feast began once more. So this was how my Second Year would have startedà

CanÆt say I missed much,
he thought with a heavy sigh. I wonder if IÆm strong enough to summon Mr. WeasleyÆs auto from hereà

Looping wasnÆt bad, but waiting for some of the things you wanted to do was. It took six years in one Loop just to find an old book on properly raising basiliskùas well as a quick trip to the former Russian Block of Eastern Europe.

A simple charm! A single charm placed upon the eyes once every new moon could keep the snakeÆs stare from being fatal, a charm even Neville could have perfected during Year 1! And why didnÆt it get taught?

Because apparently anything dealing with such things was pure evilùincluding the ways to defend against itùand thus should be forgotten. Merlin bless the Soviets and their hording of all things information and Merlin bless the magical EBay for selling said things.

Of course, this was now why a parcel of land he was æsupposedÆ to know about now had a nice large serpent protecting it as of the beginning of summer and why the Chamber of Secrets was now he had a nice new Home Away from Home.

That and it was the perfect place to Portkey large amounts of stunned magical horse-sized spiders to his place to feed his new pet. The Forbidden Forest did need to be cleared every once in a whileùyet another issue the Headmaster was lax on, much like DADA teachers, teacher behavior, student behavior, and pureblood bigots.

Next Loop, I am so going to France. Sorry, Krum, but IÆd rather go to school with hot Veela than some of the girls I see on that boat with you. He knew that area had hot women, just apparently none of them wanted to leave that school.


But enough of depressing thoughts of women heÆd never touch if it would make his æfamilyÆ suffer as if they were being hit with a Crucio by Bella herself. No, it was time for happy thoughts. It was time to decide:

Who should get the Horcrux diary this time? Malfoy? Lockhart? Luna was always a good choice; heÆd never seen a Horcrux self-destruct before that time.

How to expose Lockhart? It was always nice having the pixies released in class seek out certain pureblooded students who had parents that were æcoercedÆ participants in VoldieÆs little power-grab. It was usually the only time you got to see Lockhart display any good physical skills.


Oh yes, he couldnÆt forget about his redheaded <s>minion</s> assistant. It was so nice to have a helper who never asked questions and wouldùand hadùkilled for you. She was almost as much an asset as Luna.

Which reminded him, he really needed to sneak into the Ravenclaw dorms again and befriend the blond. Loyalty like hers was always special à and deadly to his enemies.

But first, he pointed his wand towards the Head Table, closed his eyes, and thought his spell with all his power. Accio Weasley Flying Car!

Before the meal ended, Snape was literally HogwartÆs first case of Hit and Run.

Damn, IÆm just that good.


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And Third...

Harry had been a busy boy this Loop. Quick changes only brought momentary happiness, a smug sense of satisfaction that could only last but a moment in time.

So à he took a page out of the HeadmasterÆs book: a good conspiracy.

The group of Headmasters, Tri-Wizard contestants, and teachers stared in awe as an aura of à dark power flared around Harry. His face took a reddish tint to it, his eyes became the blackest pitch, as his gaze shifted to Dumbledore.

ôOnce again,ö he spoke, his voice dark and nearly demonic, rumbling as if being spoken from the grave, ôyou prove your inability to do the simplest task assigned to you by this school, Dumbledore.

ôYou failed to protect your children from harm.ö

HarryÆs head twitched slightly, a wandless banisher lancing out and striking Moody before he could even finish getting his wand up, disarming the man à of everything, and sticking him to the cold wall in all his scarred glory.

ôI do not recall asking for fools to step in and offer their worthless opinions,ö sneered the fiend, as he closed his eyes for a moment.

ôHad not this vessel the control over my leash that he does, I would sever your head from your mangled corpse and quench my thirst with your foul blood.ö

Snape turned his head quickly as the demonùhe had no better word for what that thing was in Potter and that at one point he had met inside PotterÆs mindùscanned the room, looking for others to lash out at.

ôW-what are you?ö gasped out the half-giant Headmistress.

The being sneered a sneer worthy of a pureblood. ôI have a name only known to me, I am his guardianùdoing a job you foolish vermin seem incapable of even at the best of times.

ôAnd let it be known should this vessel be placed in anymore of these foolish and dangerous situations; I shall bring a literal hell upon you all, and you shall feel pain and terror worse than I brought upon that worthless flesh bag, Voldemort,ö
he finished, nearly laughing as many flinched at the mentioning of that name. ôMy one regret that night was his worthless butchered soul fled before I could à feast,ö he finished, licking his lips, his face almost contorted in ecstasy.

ôWell then, I have warned you one last time as I have promised my vessel. So please à ignore it,ö he finished with a smile as the aura and the reddish tinge faded away, leaving a confused Harry behind.

ôUm à he got out again, didnÆt he?ö

He tried as hard as he could not to laugh. It was one of the best plans he had ever made. Thanks to some years of practice, a few tricks borrowed from a former dark lord, and some suggestions from Luna, Harry was now the proud ælandlordÆ to a very powerful demon.

The hardest part was protecting his mind from the æmagic eyesÆ of three people in particular. But the Black Library and the remaining ægoodÆ Marauders had helped him with that several Loops ago. Thanks to SnapeÆs first and only attempt, no one would dare try to peek into his mind, lest they anger æitÆ.

Why hadnÆt it shown up before? Why, it was because of a deal made with his mother, a deal which stated he could not act unless the boy was in mortal danger or he received his Hogwarts Letter, whatever came first.

What happened to Quirrell and the Stone? Best not ask, but suffice to say the ædemonÆ had fun. And poor fragmented Tom would never tell. I should have won an Oscar.

Oh yes, Harry played the part so well, he almost believed it himself. So the question would soon be à who would piss off æitÆ next? I wonder whatÆll be said when I make a nested dragon mother piss herself in fearà


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:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:

I am not worthy...


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Come to think of it, we need a Loop with all the champions looping. Just to see how the competition turns out.


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Silence reigned in the train compartment of the Hogwarts express, broken only by the sounds of the tracks outside.

Harry looked at Ron.

Ron nodded to Harry.

Hermoine glanced between the two, wondering just what was going on. Finally, she left the train compartment in a frustrated huff. It was understandable, really. Hermoine hadnÆt made it this loop.

Harry grinned at Ron.

Ron smirked conspiratorially at Harry.

ôHermoine would be so proud.ö

ôOr, you know, disgusted.ö

ôEh. Either way. Time to start the experiment


Six years later:

ôHuh.ö Harry gazed out at the Hufflepuff table. Slytherin house was also getting a few inquisitive glances, but they were a paltry sideshow compared to the shock and awe of the Hufflepuffs, who were all glowing a bright cherry red. Literally.

The look in RonÆs eyes was a little dazed as he did the same. ôBut werenÆt theyà he, um, sheà?ö

ôUh huh.ö

On HarryÆs other side, Hermoine stared dumbfounded at the other houseÆs table, briefly focusing on the horrified Neville (who looked out of place at the other table for several reasons, most of them unrelated to his house) before looking at the boys next to her. ôI am never drinking with you two again.ö





The experiment was carried out in absolute secrecy. It did not so much involve Hermoine, as Harry and Ron knew without any doubt that Hermoine could never know. Not if they ever wanted any peace again in these loops, anyway.

It was rather simple really. Could Neville Longbottom, without any true help or handicaps (though what constituted either was up to Harry and RonÆs discretion) completely and utterly destroy all of Slytherin house in a duel?

Harry and Ron decided to find out.


ôNeed I remind you, again, to keep your bloody gob shut, Ron?!ö

Ron winced. ôSorry, Harry.ö

Harry was incensed and paced around the room of requirement. ôLook. The only way we can keep Hermoine in line is by holding virtue over her. If she ever gets wind of this we loose the moral high ground, and thatÆs it, weÆre turning loose the most brilliant magical mind in history on everyone û including us!ö Harry turned and glared at the red head. ôNeed I remind you of Sakura?!ö

Ron whimpered. ôNo Harry.ö Sakura and her rampant yaoi had made quite the unpleasant impression on Ron during that complete Charlie Foxtrot of a time loop. Her companionsÆ tales did nothing to mitigate this. Indeed, they only enhanced the fear.

Fear that time would twist Hermoine into somethingà like-minded.

Harry sighed, and collapsed, a chair appearing to catch his fall. ôIt doesnÆt matter so much now as sheÆll not remember this next time, but you need to be able to watch your mouth better than this.ö Harry frowned from his position in the chair. ôFor all eternity, for all we know.ö He took off his glasses and rubbed his nose. ôSuddenly I donÆt have the greatest of confidence in this.ö

Ron shrugged. ôToo late now.ö

ôYeah, thatÆs true.ö The two sat in silence for a few minutes. ôOkay, letÆs do this.ö


It had started the first weekend of school. Ron and Harry had pulled Neville aside. Neville had, as usual, been a complete mess. They, having completely outperformed the entire grade, had offered him some help. Thankful to the point of tears, Neville had agreed.

Then came the hard part.

For the last six years, Harry and Ron had completely sabotaged every practical application of the things theyÆd taught him. For all the honest and true training theyÆd given their classmate he was actually doing worse than he otherwise would have. The complete laughingstock of the school that no one took seriously. And still they taught and comforted him. Telling him that heÆd have better luck next time. It was a fine line to walk, and harder to keep the boy from completely cracking under the pressure, but theyÆd done it.

Now came the moment of truth.

Harry had cultivated a certain sense of generosity with his money, along with a devil-may-care attitude that did Sirius proud, so no one was really surprised when Harry threw an impromptu party on Sunday night for all of Gryffindor, fourth years and up. Firewhiskey flowed with abandon, but stayed mostly away from Harry, Ron, and Neville.

Truthfully, theyÆd pretty much had to bully Neville into drinking what he had. Enough to loosen his inhibitions, but not enough to truly impair him. The rest of the house, though, was more or less completely sloshed, and giggling like schoolgirls as they crept into the dungeons. Harry, as official host of the party was working the crowd, while Ron got down to the real work.

ôYou can do this.ö

ôN-No way!ö

The real work, of course, being convincing Neville to go through with this in the first place. Ron rolled his eyes. ôLook. TheyÆre probably all asleep anyway. All you have to do is stand inside their common room for twenty minutes.ö


Ron through a companionly arm around NevilleÆs shoulders. They were wider and stronger than Ron could ever remember them being, not that heÆd ever paid attention, but the changes were obviousà if you werenÆt covered with Hogwarts robes and a reputation of humiliation. ôNo buts.ö He turned the two of them around to face the crowd of Gryffindors that was now facing them. ôThey want to see you do this.ö Ron began leading Neville forward, the crowd parting before them. ôYou can do this.ö Harry whispered the password and the portrait flew open just before Ron suddenly shoved Neville through. ôYou WILL do this!ö

For a moment, Neville stared at the empty-as-advertised common room, before he turned back to Ron in horror and scrambled for the door. ôWait,ö Neville hissed, but it was too late. The door was already too far closed.

Just before it closed all the way though, HarryÆs wand flicked a small ball of light through that exploded in a screech of light and color.

A moment latter, all the dormitory doors flew open as one as the Slytherin students rushed out in their night clothes, wondering just what was going on.

NevilleÆs voice was very quiet. ôOh, fuck me.ö


Twenty minutes of yelling, screaming, and cursing (of both varieties) passed before everything got quiet again.

Cautiously, Harry, Ron, and their audience opened the door. They smirked at what they saw.

NevilleÆs clothing was in complete tatters, barely hanging off his stocky but muscled frame. He was bleeding from a few places, and he was busy picking what looked to be the remains of someoneÆs wand out of his mouth. After a moment he noticed his audience, and blushed furiously as they erupted in cheers.

With the experiment a success, no one was really surprised when Harry called for the group to retreat back to the empty classroom near Gryffindor tower to resume their drinking.



Harry tore his eyes away from Hufflepuff table. ôRon? How much do you remember after we got Neville out of the dungeons?ö

The redhead rubbed his chin. ôWell, we went back to the room weÆd warded, and we all got wasted for real that time.ö

Harry snapped his fingers. ôRight. Now I remember. We started wondering just what we could do now that NevilleÆd finally found something to build his confidence.ö

Ron nodded slowly. ôRiiight. ThatÆs why we locked him inside Hufflepuff. Now that makes sense. Had a bit of a memory gap there.ö

Hermoine frowned. ôButà why exactly are they glowing.ö

Ron snorted. ôYou wonÆt find that answer in Hogwarts: A History


Harry placed an arm on the indignant girlÆs arm. ôEasy there. ItÆsà not exactly the most well-known û or well publicized û thing. ItÆs there so that everybody knows not to hit them with any harmful curses, especially in the abdomen.ö

Ron and Harry suppressed smiles as Hermoine tried stubbornly to figure it out from those clues. Finally, she groaned and collapsed to the table. ôI give. Hit me with it.ö

Ron patted her on the shoulder. ôItÆs okay, I only know because mum was glowing red through her last half year here û when she was pregnant with Bill.ö

HermoineÆs head snapped up from the table and leveled an arm at the Hufflepuff table, where Neville was the only male present. ôHalf of those ægirlsÆ were boys yesterday.ö

Harry shifted uncomfortably. ôYeah. We know.ö He shifted his gaze to Ron and glared. ôWe never speak of this again. Ever.ö

Ron shifted in his seat, and wondered just how long heÆd be able to keep that promise.


Well-Known Member
Ron shifted in his seat, and wondered just how long heÆd be able to keep that promise.
...pregnant Ron?



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nixofcyzerra said:
Ron shifted in his seat, and wondered just how long heÆd be able to keep that promise.
...pregnant Ron?

...Did you actually read what I posted or did you just skim it? Because nowhere did I even, to my knowledge, imply that Ron was pregnant.


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Severus Snape's eyes snapped open as he woke up and looked over at the calendar, probably the only non-magical one used by the staff, indicated that it was the start of Harry's second year. Ah, the Basilisk, he thought to himself as he got out of bed and made his way toward his closet. I wonder how the little shit will try to kill me this time, the Potions Master and spy wondered as he got a fresh set of robes and prepared to start the day.

He carefull thought about the rather creative and vondictive methods Lili's only son had concocted and had to admit to a degree of admiration at the boy's ingenuity. He had managed to kill or torture Snape successfully through the last...100 loops?

Is that right? Have we reached a hundred where he got the better of me all on his own? Well then, I suppose my little penance is up. Time to up the ante, Snape thought to himself with a dark grin as he made his way to the shower metally cataloging all the charms he knew that could fix the greasy look of his hair. He wondered if just the sight of the Head of Slytherin cleaned up would make Harry have a heart attack?


Harry knew he was in trouble as he and Ron were brought before Snape after getting caught in the Whomping Willow after the car incident. He was smiling. Genuinely smiling. And he was clean. He looked more like a seasoned character actor than his usual greasy git self at this point.

Last time was number 100, Harry. No more feebies. Not even for your mum's sake, Harry heared in his head as Snape used his Legilimency skills to speak to Harry candidly without alerting anyone else to their conversation.

"You knew?" Harry squawked out incredulously, in spite of himself.

"Every time, Mr. Potter. Every time. Now let the games begin, boy. Oh and 100 points from Gryffindor for each of you. I think you can appreciate a nice round number like 100, can't you, Mr. Potter?" Snape replied smugly before shooing the pair off past a confused Minerva and Albus who had been on their way to rescue their two "cubs" from a rightful expulsion.

As he made his way back to his House common room, Harry had to admit that he didn't know what to think. Snape was certainly emo enough to let Harry take a few shots at him for his mother's sake, but to habe been aware of them all? To be stuck in the loops with him every time? To have been keeping score!? He almost felt like he didn't give Snape enough credit for that to happen all these years without Harry ever suspecting anything. For the first time in centuries Harry Potter would have to watch himself. It was alomst... exhilarating.


Well-Known Member
I do not think Ron is pregnant, in this Loop at least. :p

I believe it was reffering to him not mentioning this loop later on.

I must have missed something though, how did the male half become girls?


Hmm.. it did make me think of a experiment.. how many times can a soul be split in a Horucox? (sp) Nagini the snake, living? If it were female, and gave birth, could it be made to split the soul fragments to each?


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
A simple charm! A single charm placed upon the eyes once every new moon could keep the snakeÆs stare from being fatal, a charm even Neville could have perfected during Year 1! And why didnÆt it get taught?

Because apparently anything dealing with such things was pure evilùincluding the ways to defend against itùand thus should be forgotten. Merlin bless the Soviets and their hording of all things information and Merlin bless the magical EBay for selling said things.
Um... Gary Stu and pointless bashing much? It's not even amusing. Why not a basic charm to turn dragon's breath into a warm breeze, or a second year charm to make a nundu as harmless as a kitten?



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NeverwhereCM said:
nixofcyzerra said:
Ron shifted in his seat, and wondered just how long heÆd be able to keep that promise.
...pregnant Ron?

...Did you actually read what I posted or did you just skim it? Because nowhere did I even, to my knowledge, imply that Ron was pregnant.
...Sorry, I thought the last line was fore-shadowing.

ôHalf of those ægirlsÆ were boys yesterday.ö + Ron worried about time... I figured that you were trying to sneak something by us.


Well-Known Member
No, that last line goes back to Ron's mouth and the 'Hermione can never know' clause, which Harry brought up immediatley before.


Well-Known Member
Garahs said:
Innortal said:
A simple charm! A single charm placed upon the eyes once every new moon could keep the snakeÆs stare from being fatal, a charm even Neville could have perfected during Year 1! And why didnÆt it get taught?

Because apparently anything dealing with such things was pure evilùincluding the ways to defend against itùand thus should be forgotten. Merlin bless the Soviets and their hording of all things information and Merlin bless the magical EBay for selling said things.
Um... Gary Stu and pointless bashing much? It's not even amusing. Why not a basic charm to turn dragon's breath into a warm breeze, or a second year charm to make a nundu as harmless as a kitten?

Because I never stated whose eyes you applied the charm to. After all, the levitation charm seemed harmless enough, until it lifted a troll's big-ass club and allowed an 11yo to drop it on the thing's head.

And this is a group that sees all snake-speakers as evil, despite the fact Harry is one and not evil.

Doesn't make sense, you say? :jawdrop: I was unaware that the Wizarding World ever made sense. :no: