Harry Potter Magical version of Batman / utility belt


Well-Known Member
At first I wanted to put this in the talk section, but than I figured that this might as well become a full idea.

I don't have a full idea really, so you guys might have an idea where to go with this.

The rough plot is that Harry at some age reads batman comics and he falls in love with the idea of an utility belt. The idea falls on a back burner when he goes to hogwarts. During his education he slowly begins to study books to try and create something like that himself.

I'm not only talking about an utility belt alone but also a bad ass suit that can get him out of nearly any situation.

I don't have a good thought of where to go with this, but maybe he'll try to make the batman figure real? Or maybe he uses it to take the badies and bring em to prison? Harry would loath killing but he wouldn't mind smashing teeth or removing a few teeth. (is it tooth or teeth? :huh.: ?)

Anyway, I need to get some ideas as to what the utility belt can do. If you have any ideas I would prefer to possibly keep it within the HP universum. That means not to go too far from canon facts. The fact is that this remains fan fiction, so if you got any other bad ass idea's that happen to be xover or just your own idea feel free to mention it.

What I have in mind is that he has a pouch for gold. (lots and lots of gold) A pouch with charmed items for various goals. Possibly charmed to mimic thing that muggle technology can do?

I also want to prevent a few clichÚ's. No charming his glasses except to get rid of liquid substances and maybe so that it never breaks and adapts itself to his eyes. Maybe an additional charm that it cannot be removed easily without his permission.

To summarize: I need idea's for an utility belt and possibly for an entire suit. I want to get a mental image and think: 'that's so bad ass'...




Well-Known Member
An idea I had and used in a snippet...oh, years ago; blowdarts made from mackled malaclaw fangs. <a href='http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Mackled_Malaclaw' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Mackled_Malaclaw</a>

Who needs the help of a horrendously complicated good luck potion that takes six months to brew and only lasts a day, when you can nail an enemy with one of these and give THEM bad luck for a WEEK?


Well-Known Member
Well, with the Undetectable Expansion Charm, you could probably keep anything in the belt.


Well-Known Member
patronus capsules
whatever the hell brooms are made of for flying
godric's sword
stun guns
giant hammer
shark repellent
voice changer


Well-Known Member
<a href='http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Billywig' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Billywig</a> Stinger Blowdarts, because it's hard to fight back when you're both giddy as a schoolgirl and stuck levitating.


Well-Known Member
C'mon! The collective must have some ideas at least!?


Well-Known Member
The collective has moved onto other fandoms.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Assorted smoke bombs
something to counter anti-apparition spells


Well-Known Member
Portkey batarangs? Portkeys set to transmit only living matter and set to go off on the next person they touch after being thrown, so that they dump people off at the other end without their clothes, or their wands.

The other end being the lobby of the Ministry, or the DMLE, or in the lake to go play with the giant squid, or into a volcano...


Well-Known Member
Hearkening back to some of my favorite moments in Animaniacs, there should be a monster in a box. <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjQKNDtdtt8' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Video Clip</a>


Well-Known Member
Slab wall dispensor...Pezz dispensor with a 8x5 foot and fourteen inch thick stone slap shunk down and held in it. Used to form instant baracades in halls, block doors or just drop one down a stairwell the bad guys are chasing you up! GRIN.

Darkness powder to hide in dark alleys or foil pursuit.

Silver dust to fill the darkness powder with if being chased by a were.

A shrunken bag of roman caltropes. Made of both iron and plated in silver to give pursers a nast case of hop foot. And should they happen to fall down on said caltropes.

Sticking charm stamps. Simple stmp with a stinking rune precharged on it. creates a 3x3 area with the standard sticking charm on it. Good for delaying tactics on stairs (or causeing a nasty fall). Or can be used to stick caltrops to the wall under a disa llusionment charm. or a couple of stamps can be used to hold a wall slab above a section hall and have a trip wire hex that cancels the charms and lets the dissillussione dslab fall...

Mist of Sleep...high pressure cylinder with sleeping draught in an aresol form.

Portable swamps via the weasley twins

Plus add a Floor Stamp. A simple stamp with the runes for a illusion that the thing being walked across is solid and looks like any other part of the floor. You just don't notice anything out of the ordanary like...


Portable swamps...plain and with both crocidiales or electric eels or the ones with the mutant fire pirahna.

An instant pit trap complete with spilkes, anti-apparition and anti-portkey runes.

Grapple net woven from devils snare and steel wire... it wants to get to know you real well and is deployed via pez dispensor in preshrunk exploding snake cans. Just shoot it at the bad guys (or have the can opened via trip wire) and if they don't dodge its immune to vansishig spells and the wire will lock inplace if you attempt to burn it off (metal shears and needed ot the correct counter charm) And as the nets don't stop contracting you need to get it off a victim urmmm perpetrator. If you want them to be abole to answer questions.

Tamazapan (ten times normal dose) and DMSO spray in a gas grenade form to incapacitae even the most riled up individuals. (Look up both drugs the tamazapan in the higher doseing levels acts is used in suppressing higher brain function and as a knock out agent and the DMSO acts as a transmiter that allows simple skin contact to rapidly transmit a chemical to the nervous system of a person.

DMSO can also be mixed with LSD as a wide area incapacitant for both crowd control and to break up a a hostile attack. Best if used as aspray in this form.

Blue skunk oil...Spray with aflorescant dye componant and skunk oil base...used as riot agent the stuff doesn't wear off very quickly (takes aweek) and this can be used by Law enforcemnt to find rioters. Or culd be used to cold stop a pursuer or intruder.

Explodign snake cans filled with wire and rope charmed to act as in carcerous spells over a wide area. Good for riot control or to slow an endmy down though in this application you used its alternate mode and its barb wire with one inch barbs on it wrapping up an attacker.

Plus first aid kit and healing potions and blood replunishing potion and pepper-up and


Well-Known Member
I know, a portable hole! A black circle, about 2 feet in diameter, that can be slapped onto a wall to create a cartoon-like hole to pass through the wall. On the other side, you can peel it back off.