Manga Search/Help


Well-Known Member
Okay... starting a thread for requests for manga searches.

Basically, I remember reading a manga almost a decade back (I know, I know). I can't recall its name or its author, which is the main problem.

The manga featured a hero (male, this being shonen/seinin-like) who when wielding a sword (or a sword-like weapon) could cut holes in reality to suck demons/undead back to hell.

The character was a monk who lived in a temple, had holy armour and holy sword.

There was a downside as there were indications that his predecessors were alive or undead and staked on a hellish tree ala what a shrike does to its prey (Wiki Knows All).

Further down the volumes had the hero die, get reincarnated, and then transgendered (with adult eechi-ness and such). Tengu were also involved, but only in the sense that we get to see them... sort of alive with huge needles/spikes being used to torment them ala evil acupuncture on steroids.

Does anyone know what this manga is called or the author's name?