

Well-Known Member
It can be Marvel, DC, Wildstorm, 2000 AD etc. But using the logic of the comics industry as shown by this article present the viewing public with a new spin on those classic tales.


Well-Known Member
Professor X's school is going to be only for BOYS?


As if there wasn't ENOUGH fodder for yaoi fangirls already.


EDIT: Upon closer reading, my opinion has worsened. This is going to suck very very very ultra-hard.

John Tannius

Well-Known Member
This will make like the 3rd or 4th time Marvel has done a Manga version of the X-men. It's nothing new. Although as a rabid Mystique Fan I will probably buy it anyway.


Well-Known Member
Obviously Marvel doesn't understand their audience. They claim they are aiming at the manga crowd. Unfortunately they are aiming at the manga crowd who spend there time avoiding comic books in favor of Clamp. The only difference is that no one will be gay. But that's only becuase Northstar's too boring to write in.

John Tannius

Well-Known Member
That's pretty much what I figured as well. Although I'm sure there are enough people out there who will buy the book out of sheer curiosity. I'll probably have to get at least 5 copies for the store since I have both Marvel and Manga customers.