MMZ Time Travel Fic


Well-Known Member
Plot: After Zero resigns himself to death after defeating Weil aboard Ragnarok, a freak energy burst from Weil knocks him out. When he comes to, he finds himself back in the past when Ceil awoke him from his sleep.

Umm...any thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...Not too sure about this...If Zero was knocked back to his days as a Maverick Hunter...Maybe.


Well-Known Member
Hmm why that far? I mean if he goes that far back, he has 100 years until the events of Megaman Zero even occur.

Anon Amarr

Well-Known Member
Clearly he wakes up a few thousand years into the future with two mad scientist girls trying to brute-force a space program nearby.


Well-Known Member
Anon Amarr said:
Clearly he wakes up a few thousand years into the future with two mad scientist girls trying to brute-force a space program nearby.
Nice Mega Man Legends reference...

And as for the over 100 years into the past bit...The MMZ saga takes place in a small span of years, AND there's not many things Zero can change.


Well-Known Member
I see...well the original idea was that the energy wave not only sent him back in time but Weil as well, but if Zero is sent back in time before the Maverick Uprise...yes...yes I like where this is going.


Well-Known Member
Oh...I get it now....Besides, Weil was trapped with Omega until Mega Man Zero 3's events, anyway...With Weil trying to ally with Sigma...Hoo boy.