Moderation Reports

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
"dflong123" deleted for spamming.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Cleaned up "sin10am" and deleted related messages/postings. Account was posting advertisements. Thank you everyone for the reports!

I can understand an anime discussion thread veering off to obscure topics, but why would anyone feel the need to advertise industrial equipment and shipping in a Naruto thread is beyond me ...


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Removed "dflong1234" deep cleaned him and his threads. Another advertising spammer.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User "sin12am" deleted. I'm about ready to do something about these damn spambots.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User "JoshuaMoinc" deleted for attempting to Spam.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User "theequa" removed for spamming.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User sin16am deleted for spam.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Banned member BookerTWashington for posting an external link.

This one, I want to talk about in a bit more detail. The individual joined our forum within the last week or so and the first thread+post he/she made was to an external discord channel. Presumably. I did not click-through and check.

By itself, that does not feel like a bannable offence, but we already have a discord channel. Feels silly to be asking folks to move else-where. Not to say that we do not allow it. Heck, if an existing member pointed me to a place with good fanfic recommendations, I'd probably jump in. The issue here is that it was this member's first post. That was very suspicious.

The next odd thing was a poll on the thread asking "do you like men?" (I deleted the poll - no one voted). As far as I know, we don't have rules about anyone's sexual preferences in here. But I can't figure out how the poll and the post itself are connected.

In the end, my decision was to brand the member as banned, lock/hide the thread and write this up in the report, since it felt worth mentioning.

Thank you to one of our regulars who reported this!


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
"ddtt0803" was a spam bot, they have been removed.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
diecha has been removed for posting about RFID cards made from PVC. Thank you for the reports folks!


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User 'coircha' eliminated for spam. Thanks reporters.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
astao328 was banned for promoting pharmaceutical products and bukbcha was banned for advertising chemical products. Both from China.

I have no objection to either of these, as long as we get some fanfiction (heck, I might even allow some original fiction!) from it. But blatant advertising? Into the dump you go - and please, do not come back.

Thank you to our members for reporting these irritants. You help to make our forum cleaner. :)



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
helenri123 was banned for advertising .. bamboo sticks, I think? No, not ninjitsu stuff, but construction material.
hieu16005 was banned for posting in a language, I do not understand. As in; not english. Looked like gibberish to me.

Thank you to all our members for your reports!

I'm now in a mood to read a fanfic story which talks about how members of a fanfiction board are interested in construction materials from Chinese companies - any suggestions, folks?



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
krbgls7 was banned for posting about ... metal products related to toyota ... I think? Whatever it was - looked like spam to me. -_-

Thank you for the reports folks!


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
cigspriced was a clever bot. Posting something that looked like a story but was actually an advertisement for cigarettes. Gee, I wonder what gave them away? :rolleyes:

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
And "astao342" is gone for being an aggressive bot, thanks reporters.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
We have a report about formatting errors with stories imported from the old forum. To quote from the report,

Formatting error, I noticed a few times that it shows Æ instead of an apostrophe.
I'm not up to fixing this - if any other staff wants to take a stab at it, go right ahead. My inclination is to close the report in a few days if no-one does anything.



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
For the record, I just rejected that formatting complaint.



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
An author (the thread starter) asked me to delete an old thread of theirs. Oddly enough, they can't seem to delete it themselves. I did so ... or at least, removed it from public view (only staff can see it now), in the hopes that perhaps in the future the author might change their mind and continue their story.



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
A user PM'd me asking to be deleted. Which puts me in an odd position. If the request was genuine, I have no reason *not* to delete the account. But on the flip side, if it wasn't genuine (or the user changes his/her mind), I really do not want to do a permanent action.

As a compromise, I just banned the account instead. For the record here is a redacted version of the username = D************3



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
We got a report (thank you @seitora !) about a spam post on a MLP (My Little Pony) thread. To semi-quote the message,

<RANDOM-WEBSITE>- visit website and win smartphone!
What that has to do with MLP, is beyond me. The user =

only has this single post. Perma-banned the account for this idiocy.

It troubles me that the account was created waaay back in 2016. Do we have sleeper spam accounts here??!? :oops:


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User Sherycat has been banned and posts removed following reports.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
User Babyboozie has been banned and posts removed, thanks for the reports.