My Hero Academia Discussion Thread


Well-Known Member
I have already accepted that forced romance is the norm for MHA fanfics, you have to consider that after Izuku's training the canon timeline is stupidly packed. First day at UA, election, USJ, sports festival, internship, Stain, final exams, mall trip, I-Island*, summer camp and the Kamino raid all happen in less than 4 months, trying to put any kind of romance before Kamino will always feel forced unless the characters knew each other before getting into UA.


Obsessively signs his posts
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the powers of Giselle Gewelle from Bleach
I had to look up who this was. You are correct. The powers Deku has in Cursed Blood appear similar. Not exact, but very similar.

How fast a romance should go on in a story (before becoming official), is a subjective matter. There are some stories I'm fine when the shipping takes greater than 100 chapters to become official and others where if it's less than 5 chapters, I drop the story out of impatience.

Here is a humor story recommendation from me,
My False Love Academia by DarkenRaichu
story link:

The author describes the story excellently - it's serious crack. i.e. it takes a silly idea and takes it to humorous extremes. In this case, the idea is that Izuku's father returns to spend time with his son and explain to him the family business - that they are one of the most prominent Yakuza families in Japan! Being a good guy, Izuku is understandably upset. His father then explains that to prevent a war, his son needs to enter an arranged marriage with the child of another powerful criminal organization. The daughter is Himiko Toga. As the story progresses, we learn that the TRUE powerhouse of the entire cast is actually Izuku's mother who's voice spreads fear into those who upset her.

I had to pause reading around chapter 4 or 8 - not because the story is bad, but because I had to stop chuckling in my seat! Out of curiosity, I jumped to the last chapter to peek ahead and STILL kept chuckling! :D This is a story worth reading and having fun with! Not too many grammar mistakes (that I can tell) and its easy to read.

Having read that, I started looking for some Izuku/Himiko stories. Sadly, we don't have many. A trifle too many of them are harem stories which, are not what we need when we want to get our fix for a particular couple. Nevertheless, I will mention this story,

The First Pillar by NorthSouthGorem, Soleneus
story link:

Oh. I did not realize until now that there are 2 authors for this story. Regardless, I will recommend the first few chapters (1 - 4) for the Izuku+Himiko moments. I found the friendship/bonding moments sweet. Basically, a very young Izuku stumbles across a very young Himiko who is thirsty for blood. He offers a bit of his, she enjoys it and the pair have fun together. Then a chapter or so later, Izuku discovers that his friend was kicked out of her own home for being a freak. He brings her to his own home (and mother) and lots of empathy/sympathy/caring happens. Some hate is thrown towards Himiko's parents, and she starts living with Izuku - and I really liked how the couple cuddle together.

Then the author drops the bomb and the story goes in a harem direction where Himiko starts looking for other companions to help her boyfriend. I'm just amazed that the writing did not go hentai. Perhaps it did, but I stopped reading. An odd situation, is that Bakugo is female. Taking the rest of the events into context, it is almost certain that she too, would become part of the harem, but for the first few chapters, it is irrelevant.

Leaving the best for last, here is my most favorite Izuku+Himiko story,
Inked by Sewrtyuiop
story link:

This is an AU story where Izuku gets kidnapped before canon events. He comes back with a quirk that allows him to materialize tattoos on his body (am skipping over quirk details for sake of brevity). He encounters Himiko and befriends her. For her part, she's happy to have found someone who does not shy away from her. And since she finds Izuku attractive, she pulls out all the stops to form a relationship with him. On his side, he does not push her away and eventually succumbs to her charms.

Izuku and Bakugo are bros/best-friends in this story. Bakugo and Himiko end up bonding over their mutual affection for Izuku. He (Bakugo) does not trust her initially, but when it becomes obvious that she cares for him and does not intend anything malicious, he leaves their relationship alone.

The stations of canon are followed in this story - but there is plenty of extra material that the story remains fresh. I really, REALLY like how the three (Izuku, Bakugo and Himiko) get along. You can feel them growing and changing chapter to chapter. It's fun and good. Something I appreciate is that both Bakugo and Himiko are competent fighters in this story. Yes, Izuku is the tactician of the group, but neither of those two depend on him. They can win battles just fine without his input.

And speaking of battles, there are a lot of them in this story. As another writer, I'm envious. A complaint (perhaps out of jealousy?) is that we see a *lot* of fighting from the other classmates too. In other stories, I would have found this to be filler material, but in "Inked", they are so well done that I'm just impressed.

Check out "Inked" folks - its worth reading, IMO.



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
I started reading canon. Or at least a translated version of the manga online. Am at about chapter 49 or so right now.

Besides Izuku, I think the most interesting character so far is Bakugo. Simply because of how _different_ he is from what I've seen in fanfiction. A point of difference (for me), is how much of a "bully" he seems to actually be. Now, to be clear - Bakugo *is* an assohole. He's very selfish and dismissive of others. In fact, reading the manga, the part of the UA festival, it looks like Bakugo genuinely thinks most people are beneath his notice.

That makes me very puzzled about why people in fanon are up in arms about him being a bully. What I want to point out, is that Bakugo did not go out of his way to harass Izuku unless the latter attempted to do something stupid (by conventional standards). Kind of like a really bad basketball coach who would not give midgets (really short people) a chance to try out for the team. But, for most fanon stories where he's portrayed as a bully, Bakugo seems to have some strange vendetta about hunting down Izuku for a beat-down. Yet, in the manga, it looks like Izuku, for the most part was content in being another one of his followers. i.e. one of those kids who followed Bakugo around. The biggest difference between Izuku and the other followers, is that while the latter would look upon Bakugo with admiration, Izuku looked upon him with kindness and caring - something Bakugo did not appreciate.

Heck, in one of the chapters after one of the fights, Bakugo admits that Yayorozu was correct in her analysis of him. If nothing else, Bakugo is no fool. He most certainly hates to admit it, but he does acknowledge that he has ways to improve and is willing to change as a result.

Which most certainly means that he had some really bad teachers before UA. I think it likely that if an adult actually told him off his aggressive behavior, he would not have harassed Izuku as much.

Something I'm curious about - in many of the fanfiction stories, Bakugo's and Izuku's mothers seem to know each other. Is this canon? I can't remember coming across it. :/

Guess I'm a Bakugo fan. Or at least, not a fan of how flanderized he is in fanon. Will chat more about the manga later!



Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
I've reached chapter 123 of the manga.

The bit where Bakugo and Izuku have their duke-out along with All Might explaining the truth to Bakugou was awesome. Not what I predicted, but I *was* correct about his "bullying" Izuku - i.e. he did not seek Izuku out specifically. He beat up Deku simply because the latter was following him around and actually empathizing with him. Sadly, he mistook empathy for scorn.

The fall of All Might was ... huh. I don't know what to think of it. On one hand, it *is* impressive story-telling. Something I really liked was how much of a beat-down the villians got. There is too much media out there where you have a gang of thugs doing illegal stuff, but the police are simply powerless to do anything. In here, we see that while the police are restrained by rules, when they want to take someone down - they are a force to be reckoned with.

I can understand the in-universe rule against vigilantism - we do not want regular citizens to carry arms everywhere. But the rule about not using quirks for self-defense? That is just idiotic and insane. Something equally idiotic was the whole "meet the parents to get permission to convert the school to a dorm-life". Like, I can understand parents being worried about their children, but when you send your kids off to the equivalent of a military camp, it does not make sense to be angry with the teachers or faculty about exposing said kids to violence. Heck, the entrance exam (both regular and recommended) had ample scope of serious medical damage.

During Bakugou's rescue operation - Izuku realizing that Bakugou would not reach out to him was impressive story-telling. The post-rescue situation of potentially expelling the students for being a part of the rescue does not make sense.

Like, I get it. Aizawa cares for his students and does not want them to get hurt. But it feels really jarring when the story-telling jumps between moments of "students needing to fight danger" vs "students should not jump into danger" vs "teaching students how to prepare for a dangerous life".

My favorite character so far is Bakugou. Followed by Izuku in second place and Todoroki+Ida in a tie for third. Which, amusingly enough, is close-ish to what the popularity polls say. :D



California Crackpot
The flashbacks during the Midoriya/Bakugo fight really do show Bakugo's rather sizable mixed inferiority/superiority complexes. It does make him a better character, imo.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
I'm completely caught up with the manga at this point. At least till around chapter 340.

It is a wonderful thing that the show appears to be coming to a climax + conclusion. I'm exhausted with it. Not saying it's bad, but we've reached the point where the entire world has gone nuts. The cast is for all intents and purposes, living a war-zone.

In one sense, there are 3 "big" battles that take/took place in this manga. The first was how All Might publicly lost his powers. That was sad, but I was invested in the story at that point. Then we come to the second battle where a corporation or city gets stormed. That fight was a breaking point for me. It dragged on too long. Because I didn't have anything better to read, I kept going. But otherwise? I think I almost dropped the manga somewhere in the middle of that battle. And now we come to the "final" battle.

Perhaps we'll see another 20 or 30 chapters, but I'm exhausted.

The "spy" got revealed. In the back of my mind, I did suspect that individual, but later events showed him going out of his way to help the heroes. And at one point, All Might even said something along the lines of "I trust that person(s)" - so, I came to the conclusion that the "spy" might have just been compromised communications. And with the recent chapters, it turns out that the "spy" was forced to turn to the dark side. Current chapters hint that the individual will get promoted into a double-agent.

It's taken waaay too long for this "spy" business to come to a resolution. Speaking of which, there *still* seem to be many plot-hooks that feel un-resolved. It just feels to me that more things were planned with Iida and Todoroki, but other ideas took precedence.

My Hero Academia is a fun show - I'll probably try to read it till the end, but ... it just feels that things have been dragged out too long. Like Bleach - another fun show, but I do not remember which arc I stopped reading it.

Speaking of Todoroki, it was a surprise to me that his father, Endeavor (and mother) were bad parents. Fanon paints Endeavor as this depraved monster who tortured his first son before discarding him. But my take from the manga, is that while Endeavor was disappointed - he did not directly cause excessive physical injury to him. And neither was he a monster to his wife.

Don't get me wrong - that man most certainly is not a saint. But there is a difference between ignoring your child (canon) vs subjecting him to physical abuse (fanon). Likewise with his wife. There is a difference between treating your spouse as a breeding mare (fanon) vs going through the motions of bedroom activities as a chore to be done (canon). None of these make for either a good father or husband. But fanon has flandarized Endeavor into this horrible shit of a human being which is really unfair to how canon portrays him.

Heck - even Shoto his son points it out - the guy may be a bad father, but he's the best in the business as far as heroing is concerned (he willingly interned under him). That kind of an individual does not deserve the treatment fanon gives him.

Endeavor's redemption in canon was awesome. Nothing flashy or overly dramatic. It was a bad situation, he realized it and is actively trying to become a better person. That is just Awesome and Cool to see!

Another awesome character is Bakugou. He's not the bully that fanon makes him out to be and as far as canon is concerned, he's incredibly talented. His growth and character development are fun to read about. It is a real pity about his bullying back-story. I get the impression that his character was originally created to be a potential villain or something, but as he became more popular, the author was forced to bring him into the lime-light.

A couple of other characters I like are All Might - he may be a bad teacher, but he *is* improving himself and overall is competent at what he does. And so is Aizawa - Eraserhead is simply Incredible!



Well-Known Member
Fanon Endevour and Bakugo are totally different characters from their canon counterparts. Everybody took their first appearance as their bible and never looked back at the manga. Fanon Bakugo is an asshole that hates everyone and everything, and would kill Izuku if given the chance. Fanon Endevour is a monster that raped his wife until she could produce the perfect heir. He also "killed" Touya.

... now that I mentioun Touya, Dabi is another character where fanon and canon are at war. At least until last year fanon Dabi was a martir that was trying to save his family from his father's hands (I don't know where this came from). Then the Endevour flashback showed that he has always been a psychopath and is an irremediable piece of shit, yet some fans (specialy fangirls) side with him.


A recommendation: Green Tea Rescue, almost 700k words and still ongoing. The first chapter is several years in the future, where we see glimpses of the number 1 hero team Deku and Uravity, the rest is the story of how they got there. It is really well written, and considering the length there are not that many open plot points, everything is slowly getting some development. It has several plot twists that are actually unexpected but make sense, you think back and realize that they were already set up several chapters ago. Also, the characters are not OOC, this is one of the few stories that actually get Bakugo right.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Dabi is another character where fanon and canon are at war. At least until last year fanon Dabi was a martir that was trying to save his family from his father's hands (I don't know where this came from). Then the Endevour flashback showed that he has always been a psychopath and is an irremediable piece of shit, yet some fans (specialy fangirls) side with him.
(talking about canon Dabi)

I *want* to disagree with you. I really, REALLY do. But according to canon, after Endeavor found out that Dabi (Toya Todoroki) had bad quirk compatibility, he began to ignore him. Heck, the few times that Toya tried to show off his quirk in Endeavour's presence, his father told him to stop. Which proves that as much of a bad father Endeavour was, he is not the maniac fanon portrays him as. For better or for worse, Toya did figure out (correctly) that it was because of his bad quirk compatibility that his father stopped training him (and started ignoring him). His response? To go out into the wilderness and push out EVEN MORE self-destructive flames!

I'm just amazed that the guy survived. Like - how did that happen? Endeavour is not a fool - he must have searched the area or had a damn good reason to think that Toya perished. But that does not explain WHY Toya did not even *try* to reach back to Endeavour. Like, if nothing else, his father MUST have access to Good Medical Facilities - and Endeavour *would* help his idiotic son get healed!

Instead, the idiot just runs away for XX years, comes back later and on national television announces that his father was a scumbag. Like - What is that supposed to accomplish? Was it supposed to get Endeavour to say "Sorry boy, but you can be a hero?" No one in canon considers that as a sane reaction. Heck - All Might mentioned it early on that Heros need quirks. Later on, even Izuku agrees with that assessment. Ragdoll is another example - she keeps away from fights after losing her quirk! The situation would be even *worse* if you had bad quirk compatibility!! (Heck, I think in canon there are a few instances of folks wishing they were quirkless instead of being stuck with their bad quirk!)


I do not want to agree with you, but do not have any other options. Toya Todoroki's (or Dabi) actions are non-sensical. In addition to the wanton violence he does, he can most certainly be considered a psychopath. I am holding out hope for him (with his family's help) to redeem himself - but it *is* looking rather unlikely.


PS: Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have a look at it. :D


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Just discovered that chapter 342 was scantilated and finished it. The interaction between Izuku and Uraraka was cute and sweet. There was some background of some of the people in the shelters going to go on a rampage or trouble-making spree, but it seems to have been held off. Not sure why they bothered putting it in - perhaps filler?

On a more sad bit, it looks like the final fight/war is about to begin. I call it sad because it most likely means we have a LOT of chapters to go. -_- Just thinking about it exhausts me.

On a completely different note, I came across a doujin of My Hero Academia featuring a female Izuku pairing up with Shoto Todoroki. It becomes ecchi with direct references to XXX stuff, so I'm not going to link it, but it just amazed me at how detailed it was. i.e. if the author did not mention it was a doujin, I would have easily mistaken it for some kind of spin-off.

If only we can get some more good fanfiction too!



California Crackpot
Gotta rec this fic: To Love Falling by Tara_par41 (Definitely_an_Alien_pewpew)
Summary: Midoriya Izuku was nothing special, and yet somehow he had been transported to a past that molded him into who would eventually become Nightwing, a hero without the need of a power. He lives out his life in that era as Dick Grayson, and ends up on his deathbed before he could even turn 30.

Evidently, as it is with most of the bat-family, death never seems to mark a definite end.

Dick Grayson closes his eyes for the last time, and Midoriya Izuku opens his own after being stuck in a coma for 2 weeks.

Well, so much for finally getting his well-deserved beauty sleep, huh?

The author merges the canon DC universe with the MHA one - DCU leading into the MHA canon, in a neat believable way, with most of the DCU stuff is strictly background. It's a well-written story.

The latest chapter is an interlude focusing on Bakugo. The author really nails the character - yes, Bakugo is an asshole, but there are reasons he became such. And there is a rather big growth as a character here.

YMMV, but I rather like this one.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Gotta rec this fic: To Love Falling by Tara_par41 (Definitely_an_Alien_pewpew)
I'm a little confused by the summary. Does a double isekai reincarnation happen with Izuku travelling between the 2 worlds? Or ... hmmm... :thinking: is it that in the MHA universe, Izuku undergoes a 2 week coma, during which he lives out the life of Dick Greyson ? So in a sense, we have a matured Izuku Midoriya following the stations of canon? Is he still quirkless and gain OFA from All Might?



California Crackpot
Honestly? I have no idea. I think it's a 'Izuku falls into a coma and lives out the life of Dick Grayson' type thing, but it might be 'Dick Grayson reincarnates into Izuku Midoriya and doesn't remember his past life until he falls into a coma' thing.

As of current chapter, Izuku is still quirkless. I don't believe he's even met All Might (the canon circumstances never happened, after all). The way the story is going, I doubt Izuku will even be offered OFA. If he is, he'll probably turn it down. After all, Dick never needed powers to do his job, and that is carrying over to Izuku.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
chapter 345 =

Color me confused. Lots of fighting and manuvering. Am not really sure what's happening. Looks like Deku got pulled away by Himiko, but it's not a life-threatening situation? Hmm... Danger Sense does not activate if the other person does not intend to harm you? Sounds like trouble.



Well-Known Member
I should have done this some weeks ago but I have been procrastinating. Some personal recommendations, ongoing with recent updates and completed.

The Emerald Phoenix
Izuku has a phoenix quirk. The description mentions a harem, however after certain point of the story it doesn't feel like the author will follow on that. It has my favorite take on the USJ attack, not going to spoil a lot but everyone has their time to shine.

Izuku can control atoms, basically a discount Edward Elric, suffers the biggest disappointment in his life when he learns that Momo can do in seconds what he does in hours, and with more precision. Izuku is actually OP, but considering the monsters he fights against it is required.

Izuju's quirk attracts quirks of people that dies near him, sadly this also attracts unwanted attention. Basically Izuku raised by AM, Sir Nighteye and Gran Torino and trying to stay away from disaster zones, hospitals and retirement homes. Complete.

Pro Hero Metal Bat
Pseudo One Punch Man crossover, Izuku is angry after All Might told him that a quirkless kid couldn't be a hero, he find an old bat in the junkyard and decided to start smashing things with it. Shortly after he is using it to smash robots at the entrance exam.

Mean Rabbit
Instead of All Might, Izuku is saved from the Sludge Villain by Miruko, who decides to train him for the exam. Featuring a frustrated quirkless Izuku who doesn't take shit from anyone.

Revolution in Green
Instead of training only Izuku, All Might decides to train several kids in order make sure that the next generation is ready for the future. Of course this catch the attention of other parties, including the Hero Commission and AFO, who start to move in the background to counter this change to the status quo.

Quirk: Starborn
Izuku has a nuclear reactor in his stomach. It sounds bad, however the author manages to pull it off and makes a fantastic story, the amount of details and research is astonishing, everything has been well planned several chapters beforehand. ... actually, the main pairing wasn't planned, according to the author it just happened naturally as the story progressed. A warning, this story is over 500K words but my god is it worth it.

Special mention to "A Hero Rises". It is in Ao3, can't link to it because it is porn. On paper it is just a retelling of the original story with the characters being older, but Izuku finds Toga almost at the beginning (well, more like she finds him) and just this is enough to change everything. It has the best Shigaraki I have seen in any fanfic, a real rival for Izuku. Again, at it's core the story is porn, however less than 10% of the story is sex scenes, it can go for tens of thousands of words before Izuku pounds Toga (and later others), you can skim over the porn and still have a solid story. Also a warning, this one is also over 500K words.