Name Change Requests


Staff member
This thread is a central location for requesting name changes, to stop them from being spammed across the board. Before requesting a name change, please ensure that you've set your email- I can't save your new name if you have an invalid profile.

After your name has been changed, please post here with your old name and your updated name.

Please keep in mind- a name change is largely frowned upon, and multiple name changes will not be tolerated. Think very carefully before you request one.

Yorae Rasante

Well-Known Member
I've actually been wanting a name change to "Yorae Rasante" (without quotes) for a while in the old forum. And yes, I've thought about this, actually Yorae Rasante is the name I've used for years through the net and Loki Fenrisulf is the recent one, I'm just going back to the old one. Thank you.