Nanoha Time Loops


Well-Known Member
(Argument is based Hayate's parents are her biological ones and aren't looping)

Will Hayate get grounded for more than one year? Nanohaverse loops are not so short (10+ years) and for all loopers I doubt waiting a year is so long.

Also, I think Hayate might want simply sharing time with her parents even if she doesn't do anything else.

About the story itself, you may consider stuff like Hayate not being the final word in the house anymore. ("Hey mom, can you please please give me permission to leave the house a bit? There's a Jewel Seed destroying Townsville Uminari right now" "But return before sunset. I don't care if you're the Mistress of the Night Sky, you aren't going out of at night.")

Where do the Yagamis work at? I can think Hayate might try to follow her parent's steps if they have a store or something like that. (Clothes store, restaurant, etc.)

She might even try to teach them magic: Hayate's great magic potential must have come from somewhere, right? ("Hey Nanoha, my dad can beat your dad!" "But your dad cheats, Hayate. He's using a Barrier Jacket")


Well-Known Member
Her magic potential should come from the fact that Reinforce's Linker-Core fused with hers.


Well-Known Member
Aside from needing to polish up your formatting... I say go for it.


Well-Known Member
For irony's sake Kuno might still call himself the Shooting Star.


Well-Known Member
Blame boredom here. I decided for some obscure reason to expand on my last loop idea and rewrite the first part.

Be warned, I am am warning you to be warned that I am warning you about this work... This your only warning.


Nanoha blinked. The world came into focus as the new loop started. She looked around and noticed both Fate and Hayate were in the room and all three of them were sitting at a table. Nanoha realized that they were not wearing typical clothing at the moment.

Fate spoke first though, “Anybody have any idea on where we are, or why we are wearing these uniforms?”

Nanoha shrugged. Since she was 'Technically' the Anchor for their loop, and despite Fate always, mostly, being with her and awake, she should recognize loops better then the other two.

Hayate also shrugged but she also shook her head. “Sailor Fuku uniforms, mid to late teens, and the uniforms are actually our barrier jackets. This can only mean one thing.”

Nanoha nodded with a smile, “Magic school.” then she frowned as the issues came to mind. An unknown loop, with their innate powers or something similar enough, and as she realized now, she had no memory dump that usually came with such loops. She sighed, “Are you guys as worried about this as I am?”

Fate and Hayate both nodded and from under Nanoha’s shirt came a “Yes Master.”

Nanoha’s eye twitched, she needed to have words with Raising Heart soon. It was getting to the point she thought it might pull a Sakura if it could. Given it could use her magic independently gave her much worry about that. Worse was the way devices interfaced with user's brains. She also was aware of Sakura having a second personality prior to her snapping. Maybe Raising Heart might make her snap. Pull a Sakura, but on who she wondered.

Looking up Nanoha heard Fate whispering to her device and a, “Yes Sir” being the response.

“Reinforce-chan?” Came from Hayate

Silence was the response.

“Where are you Reinforce-chan?”

Still silence as no response came from said device.

“I know you are there, please come out.”


Out of a cupboard she came, wearing the same uniform, “I hate this thing and I can’t change it. Stupid read only access.”

Fate frowned, she realized that she had no information download yet. It was now at the point that it was unlikely to come. “Let's finish eating, well start anyway and get going. We'll need to figure out where we need to go.”

They ‘finished' their meal that they had ignored until now since they had awakened mid eating it, and were ready to go when there was a knock at the door. Nanoha opened the door only for a Romulan girl their age wearing the same barrier jacket to glomp her crying out “Nanoha-chan!!! We gotta hurry up, we’re going to be late.”

Fate’s eye twitched this was where she knew this was going to go down a hill that was bigger then she thought initially.

Nanoha smiled and nodded as the four girls left as they chatted, well mostly the overly emotionally Romulan girl who had yet to give them her name went on and on about her good looking boyfriend.

They learned they were going to Furinkan Academy and from the classes she seemed to be complaining about from the day before showed this was indeed a magic school. However given the name it just seemed to explain that somehow this was connected to Ranma or was a total FUBAR... Fate was leaning towards total FUBAR.

It had been obvious that the girl with them was not awake nor any looper they were aware of when they ran into a Klingon and Yuuno wearing the male version of their barrier jackets.

Fate noticed Yuuno had a ‘Kill me look on his face” as the Romulan and Klingon walked off towards school clearly as a dating couple.

Yuuno joined the group and eyed the girls with some concern before handing them a book, it was his “Journal” clearly written prior to today and went on about how he was dating the three of them. While Hayate and Fate looked at him puzzled Nanoha was clearly thinking about it. As they continued towards the school trailing behind the odd couple they noticed a wide variety of students, many were very much obvious as aliens from the Star Trek universe.

They even ran into a few other loopers as they went, they had yet to figure out why Ranma was laughing so much until they saw a teacher lecturing Kuno about casting lightning spells on school grounds. Nanoha had then made a bet with Hayate about this loop ending early.

Looking to the 'heavens,' aka the sky to pray for nothing bad to happen to her friends she saw two things that definitely did not belong to the Earth, Mid-Childa's moons, and some sort of artificial ring that wreaked of magic, ancient magic.

Fate sighed, 'at least today was going to be interesting.' she thought. With that she heard, then saw, Magi-Tech armor walking down the road.

Ranma had caught up to them at this point, “So who managed this?”

Fate shrugged, “This goes above and beyond any FUBAR loop I have ever heard of.”

They almost reached the door to the school when they heard a comotion behind them, it was the Sailor Senshi attacking Naruto, and all of them were wearing the school uniform.

Rei yelled at Naruto about some sort of screw up. Then most of the senshi chased him into the school, Hotaru who was angrier then anyone of them ever saw passed more slowly and stated one thing that only they could hear, “He managed to FUBAR a FUBAR loop”

Ranma sighed, “It would be him that would manage that.”

-- A few Days later --

Yuuno cleared his throat, “We now bring this court to session with the Honourable, and pissed off, Ranma presiding.”

Clearly the entire room, or virtually entire room was less then pleased, except for one blonde looper.

Ranma sat at his bench, and said ”Please be seated.” After everyone did so he nodded and asked, “Who stands for the prosecution?”

Fate stood, “I do your Honor.” It was agreed that she was the most level headed person in the group, plus the fact she usually had legal training in her loops. Not to mention she was the one who won the Jack-en-poy tournament.

Ranma nodded, “And the defence?”

Hayate and Setsuna Meioh stood forward, they tied for second, “We do your Honor.”

“I would like to remind you two that deliberately, no matter how deserved, losing is forbidden.”

“Understood your honor.” came from both.

Everyone in the room was all out ignoring the struggling Naruto in total bindings to prevent even a twitch, a pulse of any form of known energy, or mixture of said energies.

“Then we now bring this court to session. Prosecution you may begin.”

Fate cleared her throat and began, “We the loopers would like to prove that Naruto fully and intentionally ended one FUBAR loop in a FUBAR way, then did so in a second which had already proved worse then the first, and now was caught attempting to do so in this the third FUBAR loop.”


Hayate stood, “We are attempting to prove that no such attempt was made, and that any such result was purely by accident or intended shift of blame to the accused.”

She could detect Nanoha directly behind Naruto, along with others, with Raising Heart raised and ready to blast Naruto if he did anything funny. Granted it could FUBAR the loop, and while successive FUBAR loops had happened in the past they were never to this scale.

Fate then cleared her throat, “Prosecution would like to call the first witness, Sakura Haruno.” Fate gritted her teeth, Sakura was second on her list of likely suspects, but Naruto did have 'slightly' more conclusive evidence against him. Just enough for this 'trial'.

As Sakura reached the stand Fate asked the question, “What can you tell us about what happened?”

Sakura smiled in a creepy way and responded, “Do you mean in this loop or the others?”

Fate nodded, it was a valid question, “Let's start with this loop.”

Sakura nodded, her smile had not faltered any, “It actually was planning on his part right from the beginning. Both myself and Sasuke were kept out of the plan, which I might add was unfair,” the court room collectively twitched, “His plan from what I understood involved 10026 clones, which I assume were all popped,” Fate blinked at Kurama the nine tailed fox sitting next to Naruto laughing.

Ranma slammed his hammer down a few times getting attention, “You have something you wanted to add Kurama? Or should we add you to the defence too?”

“You missed one.”

The entire room's eyes widened briefly and as anyone in front of Naruto looked at him his eyes, which were the only thing visible were clearly smiling. In the next moment the loop ended.


I expanded on my last loop and changed enough I felt it needed to be posted again (removing my original)

I wanted to drag out the court scene but it started to get boring and hard to explain how they knew exactly how they knew they missed one. In effect the situation was as it sounds. Naruto had caused a FUBAR loop and then took measures to cause that FUBAR loop to lead into the next. Aside from Sasuke, Sakura and Kurama nobody knew what had happened in the first FUBAR or second. However people started comparing notes in the third which Nanoha and Ranma were pulled in, along with others. Naruto now caused a Fourth FUBAR because they missed one of his clones. The number 10026 was because Sakura would note that much.


Well-Known Member
With this many in Eikan... may Urd, Skuld, and maybe Hild have pitty on them...
I'd like to say a few things after reading this entire thread through.

Fate was made to replace Alica, and by a fairly generic Sci-Fi clone system where the clone has the memories and abilities of the parent/sample, so Fate came of the cloning tube at age 6 and only spent 3 years in Presica's 'care'

Sailor Moon power levels: The end of the series where they gain insane levels of power? That was the authors way of ensuring that she would never again be asked to write more, for these loops discard it, it won't work

And I'm thinking of writing something that makes Bissic's "The White Devil of the Moon" a Fused Loop, possibly with an after scene for Sailor Moon in one of those loops where they meet their younger selves that has the Looping!Tuxedo Mask drag his younger self off the introduce him to the wonders of lesbian porn