Nanoha Time Loops


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More Nanoha in Hoggwarts

This takes Place in Year 2


Fate waited for Nanoha to arrive on the muggle side of the train station between platforms 9 and 10. Glancing at a near by clock it confirmed her worries, her friend was late. Finally she saw her brown haired friend who looked completely pissed.

Nanoha saw the confused look on her friend and stated simply, "I do not want to talk about it."

As Nanoha walked towards the Pillar to take them to the Magical side she walked into the Pillar and promptly bounced off harshly. Irritated Nanoha tried again, carefully this time, and the pillar still had the same issue, "Fate? This is the right spot isn't it?"

Fate nodded and felt the pillar, something seemed off. She stepped away to think on the matter, she watched as Nanoha pulled out a wand, not her usual one when she realizied what she felt. She went to shout a warning to Nanoha when the spell was cast, and explosion based one.


Nanoha stomped into the last car on the train and took the usual room and sat down hard, frowning the entire time. She had been lucky that she hid her extra wand so well as when they tested her usual wand they were forced to find her innocent of wrong doing. Although they seemed to be sure she cast that spell, it was more a matter to them that they could not prove it. But that was not why she was in such a bad mood.

"This was all Ranma's fault, I just know it is."

Chrono sighed, "Nanoha we have been over this, there is no sign of Ranma, and everything that has happened seems to be normal for a Hoggwarts loop."

Nanoha shook her head, "No I think I have proof this time."

Fate raised her eyebrows, "Does this proof have to do with why you were late?"

the brunette sighed and closed her eyes, "I somehow doubt that Harry's family are all cross dressing freaks that..." She shook in terror. "It was like they put on all the cheap make-up and frilliest dresses they could find."

Chrono went to say that some girls were like that, then the first part came back to him, "I hessitate to ask, but the women?"

Nanoha shuddered, "Only my 'Aunt' Pete." really was it so wrong for Petuna to use her real name, must she do that, "Don't ask what that person did. I think every Tomboy who saw that would vow to act 'girly' from that point onward."

Nobody wanted to point out that this was again not proof for Ranma being around. Although if Harry himself had to deal with that there would likely be blood.


Ranma had finally found a way to manifest himself with far fewer limitations. After studding the bindings that held him he came to the conclusion that Voldemort was an idiot, a very lucky idiot. The first thing Ranma did when he discovered the problem was to summon all his soul fragments into one location, The griffindor sword.

He had no intention on using the ring as his home, as nice as it was having help with Dumbledore but, he had no intention on being bound to another man's hand.

At the moment he was looking like ghost of some random genin ninja, minus the equipment he saw in his last Naruto loop. He just hoped it was good enough to hide him from Nanoha.

Dumbledore was eating some lemon drops and glanced at him, "Problems?"

Shaking his head he tried to stay to his cover, "No but being bound to the sword means I can not go far for now."

The headmaster nodded, "I know you could figure out how to recover your body at anytime, but do hold off for a bit."

"So how did Nanoha enjoy her surprises? I have to admit that that was creative."

Dumbledore smiled, "Ohh that was nothing, I did that to Harry once. Although this time casting magic to hide it from others was easier. Now the suitcase pile, that was classic best use of non-magical items I have seen in a long time."

Ranma nodded, "Seems Nanoha is letting her common sense slip." he paused then smirked, "Phase 3 ready?"

Dumbledore nodded, "It took some work, but I managed to convince some people to go with it."


There was an odd class, normally a class only contained members from two houses, this class contained members from all four houses. They got a new DADA teacher this year which apparently was normal for Hoggwarts. Fate sat next to Nanoha but the others were scattered, oddly Yuuno was missing.

The Class hushed as in strolled some sort of undead being, looking more like a zombie than anything else. Although the slightly glowing yellow eyes, and black robe was not Nanoha's first clue something was up. Given that this was Hoggwarts, a school where ghosts literally roamed the halls, and paintings of dead people lived in their stead. Well seeing someone like him was not too far fetched. and oddly the rest of the class seemed to take it in stried as well.

As the Zombie reached the front of the class he turned and spoke, "Welcome second year students to Dark Arts, I will be your instructor Richard, Chief Warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance," To this he tap danced a little to demonstrate his skill," and mayor of a little village up the coast."

He cleared hes throat or seemed to anyway, "Now as I work tireless to guide you all down the dark path, some of you may not survive, but fear not... wait you have a question?"

Some random student in the back nodded, "I thought this was suppose to be Defence Against Dark Arts?"

Richard blinked, "Are you sure? I mean this is a school known for putting its students in life or death struggles, is openly haunted, and has had at least one Dark Lord stalking its halls, not to mention it was somehow attacked by a troll. So it seems like it would make sense to me that this is an academy of evil."

Several students looked uneasy at each other.

Richard continued, "You even have a house that is almost like a guarentee that you will go dark just by being assigned to it."

The students shifted silently, before the student in the back asked, "Well what did you think DADA stood for."

Without missing a beat Richard countered, "I just assumed it was so awesome it had to be said twice."

Silence dominated the room.

"Well I can see when I am not welcome. Good day." With that he gathered up items in the room, items that included things that had been here last year, and left the room.

After a few minutes the class seemed about to make a decision on leaving when Snape walked in, irritated as ever, "Well I have to admit it, that was a record. we have never had a teacher quit during their first five minutes of their first class. I would say how this impress me but I have been advised not to be as sarcastic for medical reasons. So here is the plan you all stay here and treat this class as a detention for now."

With that he left.


Class/detention was almost over when Dumbledore came in, "Well I think I have cleared up the confusion so DADA will be on again this year. Mr. Richard has agreed to stay on.


To be continued...


Well-Known Member
That is the most innacurate rendition of the kills for giggles Richard I have ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you obviously stopped reading Looking for Group some time ago. a ) he changed muchly, and b ) This is not Richard, this is someone pretending to be him.


Well-Known Member
You mean there was a time Richard wouldn't kill a class full of children because he just wasted his time?


Well-Known Member
he's obviously practicing his drama, needs to ham it up all dramatic like next time the moment calls for it and since this isn't his home timeline what he does doesn't matter, or it's just because ranma is being ranma

on another note, that oddly enough makes sense that hogwarts is really a school of evil


Well-Known Member
Actually I am thinkine that Yuuno is stuck in Nerima atm. Richard is being played by random unnamed extra.

Ranma is being Ranma. He wants to push things but not too far, after all he does not want the others to get a grasp on just where he is. Dumbledore makes a good distraction, but if the others looked hard enough they would realize its not him. Snape acting as out of character as he is being forced is another false lead Ranma has setup. Also a really funny prank from his angle. Teaching Nanoha the hard way to do things as the better way...

and ZeeBee1 Richard is not currently an undead warlock in lfg, because he stopped senseless killing. His Village has become mortal as a result. He also has at more then a single point in the past done a good deed and saved lives when he thought nobody was looking.

But yes the person acting as Richard is not perfect for the role they are supose to play. But that is intentional, they are doing a role of someone they had described to them and are doing the job. Essentially the character is skewed for that reason. Its Richard enough to be recognized as such, but remember its someone who isn't Richard pretending to be Richard so some things like random death and destruction are out.


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After seven long years Nanoha was very twitchy, she would say that she knew whe was being messed with, but she was convinced of that in her first year. Fate still was willing to stick with her, though keeping her at arms legnth. With this being the last year of the loop she just knew that Ranma would have to make his appearance soon. She had a few choice words for him, Avada Kedavra were two of them. Had she been of clearer mind she would recall that it was pointless to kill a looper.

Across the room Dumbledore was hiding a smirk, he had, with Ranma's help removed the horcrux and curses from the ring, which he currently had on his finger. Ranma could not be here in person as he was now alive again and had prepared for his appearance tomorrow. All this planning came down to one last prank. One final act before the cover is blown. Only one thing left to do, he only hoped Snape would forgive him if he ever remembered the loop.


Nanoha and her friends were stareing at the smoking corpse of 'Ranma.' Fate looked at it and muttered, "You were right, he was here."

Chrono looked closely and cast a dispel spell on the body and it returned into Snape. "I am not to sure about that."

"Well if he isn't here then who would use Ranma's appearance to do this?"

"Dumbledore?" Fate asked.

Hayate frowned, "Unlikely, Harry had once stated that he never noticed the headmaster looping."

"I still say he is here."

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the room, as the group exited and inquired what was going on one student cried out, "The Death Eaters are attacking!"

Frustrated at the issue Nanoha and the others charged into battle.


The group now were in shackles before Voldemort as he smiled down at them. "So this group is the one to try and stop me are they?" He asked a near by agent. Only to get a nod in answer.

"So what did you think you could do to stop me? Especially you Yuri?" His lip curled upward in a smirk that Ranma had used to frustrate all his foes. Nanoha was so angry at being beaten, at Ranma not showing up, and at the general chaos that had accumulated over seven long years of prank after prank after prank. Honestly she was spitting nails.

The most evil being in the room then turned and walked towards his throne and sat down upon it, "I suppose this is the part where I tell you my master plan, and throw you in an easily escapably situation where only you can manage it through teamwork, and trust." he paused for a moment, "Well I must say I am over all disappointed in you. You should have really known that this was comming. After all surely you were told by now to expect this." With that Ranma returned to his usual appearance. he stated simply with only his arrogent smirk and no cheer, nor malice in his voice, "Surprise."


The next thing the group, including Ranma, noticed was they were on a street in Tokyo, next the girls looked down as they realized what happened, Ranma grinned, "Hmm Eikan, still worth it."

There was a tear that appeared around Nanoha, "Starlight Breaker." she continued for seven Eikan loops hitting Ranma every time, killing him and restarting the loop, eventually all the 'guys' from Nanoha's world were now girls with the same problem as the real girls. Ranma was now no where in sight. "Okay let's find him."

Chrono raised a finger to point out he was likely in another loop by this point, only for Fate to shake her head. He realized that the last Hogwarts loop showed him what happened when he doubted her.


Sorry for continuing that last loop, but I wanted to resurrect this thread as the loops were fun and should be continued, even this one.


Well-Known Member
There should be a follow up where Ranma gets so acclimated to Eikan that he sabotages things so he'll keep coming back.


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Nanoha, Fate, Aruf, and Yuno were sitting at a table in a local restaurant trying to plan out the loop. Nanoha sighed, “Well we have done a lot of fused loops so it’s kind of a switch to be just us here.”

Fate nodded, if she saw Ichigo anytime soon she would have words, words translated through Bardiche. “Like a vacation really.”

Yuno sighed, he had to re-catalogue that forsaken library enough times that he had the index backed up to the small device he had kept tied into his linker core. Thus if followed him like Raising Heart did to Nanoha now. “Perhaps we should really take a vacation. I don’t want to go back to that library again. No offence Fate but your brother was cruel when he made that assignment.”

“Could we get away with a do nothing and hide loop?” Nanoha asked.

Fate thought for a moment, “Well Precia never did have anyone else to do her dirty work, so somehow I do not think that she would be fast enough to not get caught.”

“Yuno, would the TSAB come looking for us?” asked Nanoha.

After thinking a moment he shook his head, “If I hide in my ferret form and you deactivate the beacon in Raising Heart they wouldn’t be able to find you or me, and Fate would have to do the same. That aside without knowing what, if anything to look for they would probably assume I died in the crash, the ship scattered across Japan and in the sea would certainly give some thought to reinforce that.”


Seven years later Aruf in her puppy form twitched as she heard the sounds from the next room over. She had long assumed this would happen and had arranged for an apartment for all of them, oddly Nanoha’s parents agreed, then again they always agreed to everything she said. She looked at Yuno who was in ferret form and asked, “How can you sleep through that?”

No response.

“Don’t ignore me ferret boy!”

Still no responce.

She kicked him off the table and he climbed back up looking annoyed before seemingly casting a spell, or rather dispelling one. “What is it?”

“You have a spell that mutes all sound just on yourself?”

He nodded, “I worked in a library, think about it.” He restored the spell and went back to sleep.

Aruf promised herself she would learn that spell.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Nice. Very nice.


Well-Known Member
I found it funny that about the time that Nanoha and Fate started sharing a bed in the original story that Aruf seemed to disappear. Granted she had 'legitimate' reason to do so, but the other familiars (Hayate's) still hung around except for Zafira... and they were noteably not with each other so there was no 'dating' between familiars.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Fate. It's a great idea to antagonize the guy who was an eldritch abomination before the loops began. Nothing can go wrong outside of a short and painful death.


Well-Known Member
Well she could have just come from a loop where she replaced Ichigo and Nanoha replaced Orihime... (I think I need to write that now...) Thus she was an "eldritch abomination" too...


Well-Known Member
Learnable skills can be duplicated. But genetic changes are temporary.


Well-Known Member
meh its more of an, 'she had a bad loop that she was blaming Ichigo for' generic thing. Never stopped Naruto from blaming Ranma everytime he has to endure Nerima.


Well-Known Member
She just has bad allergies. None of it is actually Ranma's fault.
Hayate sighed as reality reasserted itself in that irritating manner it always did. Another day, another loop...

Just from the position she was laying in bed and the single light coming from her lamp she could tell she had started this loop in the usual moment--nine years old, middle of the night, can't walk worth a damn. Or so she thought--looking at the clock, it was morning. That... that doesn't happen. Something was off.

Well, whatever. She can figure out what was up in a little bit. Any moment and--yeeeep, there's the eerie light show coming from the Book of Darkness.

She pushed herself up from her book and spun around to patiently wait for her family to appear from the Book of Darkness and it's fancy summoning light-show. Reinforce does like to show off, whatever she says, she thought.

Within moments, they were all here--Reinforce and Reinforce Zwei, Signum and Vita, Shamal and Zafira. She gave them a moment to let their memories reassert themselves. "Good morning, everyone!" she said cheerily. Rein promptly tackled her; Hayate caught her by instinct.

"Good morning, Master," Reinforce said, smiling warmly. "Have you thought of what we're doing this loop?"

"Well... about that. This isn't the usual time we wake up, you know?" Hayate said.

"You know the loops' starting points aren't definite anymore, so why--"

Vita cut off as the door opened and a strange woman appeared, talking. "Hayate, what is that awful racket you're mak... ing...?"

The woman stared at the group gathered in the room.

Hayate and the others stared back.

"What's going on!?" the woman demanded. "What are these strangers doing in your room, young lady?"

Suddenly, it clicked for Hayate. Her parents didn't die this loop.

Hayate rubbed the bridge of her nose and grumbled. Oh, this is going to be a fun one to explain...


The door to the Yagami household slammed open, the noise loud in the house.

"Hayate-chan, come on, you're late!" Nanoha called, storming into the living room. "We got things to do, worlds to conquer!"

She was met by the stares of Hayate and Reinforce and the others, plus two adults she did not recognize in the slightest. Hayate sat in her wheelchair, looking contrite at the woman standing before her; Reinforce and the Wolkenritter all sat on their knees in a line behind her.

"... did I come at a bad time?" Nanoha asked.


Well-Known Member

Yes, Nanoha, yes you did.

You've been spending too much time around Ranma and Naruto lately then.


Well-Known Member
Well... yes. Care to continue? I suppose "Prime" Loop is mandatory now (otherwise Hayate won't forgive in a few hundred loops from now on, try having her real parents? that would be a new experience)


Dear Princess Celestia,

Thanks for letting me know you are awake this loop. As usual, this is my Frisndship report for the loops you weren't awake.

I learned Friendship can come in many shapes and forms. Not long ago I met one of those "human" creatures, another looper, who showed me her ways to do Magic of Friendship. And while I was bit sceptic of the methods at first learning the full the stories and the results she showed me of how her friends had lived after its aplication put my fears to rest. I'd like to request a meeting with you and Princess Luna to compare and contrast the Magic of Friendship used by the human Anchor Nanoha Takamachi.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

PD: I'm sorry for this report being being so short but as result of a practical test of her Magic of Friendship the loop ended suddenly, leaving me in that strange pony land (please don't ask me about that loop, I'm still trying to recover from it).


1. Not using the B-word (this time) because it felt overused

2. It was for a pony loop. As it involved Nanoha I added it here.

3. The "strange pony land" is a previous Generation of MLP (not sure which), their local equivalent of Eiken being the FUBAR loop... because nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
Considering the typical abilities of unicorns in G1 was apparently making bubbles that would work.


Well-Known Member
Filraen said:
Well... yes. Care to continue? I suppose "Prime" Loop is mandatory now (otherwise Hayate won't forgive in a few hundred loops from now on, try having her real parents? that would be a new experience)
No real "prime" loop for Nanoha and Co. They just woke up one day (well, Nanoha did, Fate did later) and found out they were looping.

Hayate and the others slowly started to become aware of what was going on, sometimes they're conscious of the loops, sometimes they're not.

Nanoha and Fate, on the other hand, are ALWAYS conscious of the looping that happens.

There's two terms that's used for them...

Nanoha and Fate are Anchors

And everyone else is either awake or normal.

Jail being awake could be a very interesting thing though.


Well-Known Member
Nanya said:
No real "prime" loop for Nanoha and Co. They just woke up one day (well, Nanoha did, Fate did later) and found out they were looping.

Hayate and the others slowly started to become aware of what was going on, sometimes they're conscious of the loops, sometimes they're not.

Nanoha and Fate, on the other hand, are ALWAYS conscious of the looping that happens.

There's two terms that's used for them...

Nanoha and Fate are Anchors

And everyone else is either awake or normal.

Jail being awake could be a very interesting thing though.

I think we aren't communicating well. I meant that as "better continue the loop without more changes" (so Hayate can have parents one loop, conquering the universe can wait until the next one).

Because, as far as I understand, the Prime Loop is their main canon, before any loops.


Well-Known Member
Filraen said:
Nanya said:
No real "prime" loop for Nanoha and Co. They just woke up one day (well, Nanoha did, Fate did later) and found out they were looping.

Hayate and the others slowly started to become aware of what was going on, sometimes they're conscious of the loops, sometimes they're not.

Nanoha and Fate, on the other hand, are ALWAYS conscious of the looping that happens.

There's two terms that's used for them...

Nanoha and Fate are Anchors

And everyone else is either awake or normal.

Jail being awake could be a very interesting thing though.

I think we aren't communicating well. I meant that as "better continue the loop without more changes" (so Hayate can have parents one loop, conquering the universe can wait until the next one).

Because, as far as I understand, the Prime Loop is their main canon, before any loops.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I think we lost something there with the communication. :wacko:

Yeah, I would like to see a continuation of this.