Need a bit of help with this one


Well-Known Member
I've been dwelling on this idea for awhile now and i still haven't managed to work out all the bugs from it.

the idea was inspired from all the sg1- battlestar gallactica xovers out there though few in number most of them are fairly good and i thought i would ty my hand at one.

It starts out in season 6 episode 19 i think, it's the episode where sg1 goes to the replicator planet to help out the asguard. I've only seen the episode once but this fic would branch off at the point where fifth (the human form replicator) leaves sg1 to decide on what they are going to do after telling them that blowing the hyperdrive would not work.

Now i thought about it and the idea came to mind on what if Daniel who was asended at this time placed a few stray thoughts into sg1's heads, well not thoughts really but memories as Daniel while he is ascended is not supposed to interfere.

the memories he places in sg1's minds are using a goa'uld cargo ship to take an asteroid into hyperspace, making the asteriod miss it's inteded target, (earth, it happened sometime in season six) and the episode where Jack had to drop a nuke down a wormhole that had been dialed into earth from a sg team on a planet that was near a black hole.

these memories would spurn carter to think up an alternative, drag the replicator planet into hyperspace and drop it off in a black hole. I thought that if a goauld cargo ship can drag a very large asteriod then the promethues should not have that much of a problem dragging the replicator planet as from screenshots it does not look much bigger in comparison as the astroid was massive.

Now i figure that things never really go as planned with sg1 so i figure that although the replicators don't know what is going on they might think something is wrong when they get dragged into hyperspace perhaps even attepmt to board the promethues, i'm not sure though.

thor who was observing from a distance notices that the planet goes into hyperspace and follows behind to continue observing.

the promethues would drop out of hyperspace in the middle of the milky way where i believe(its been awhile since i read anything about astronomy but) there should be three very large black holes there being fed constantly by a few gas gaints.

now if thety did not know before dropping out of hyperspace into the event horizon of a black hole would tip them off so the replicators would attempt some last ditch effort, once again not sure as to what but it would include using the time dilation device.

so as the promethues drops out of hyperspace it breaks away from the planet and then attempts to go back into hyperspace to break through the hold of the black hole.

well the combined forces of the gravitational forces of the black hole a solor flare and the time dilation device work together to send sg1 into an unstable hyperspace window one that is collasping as well as flinging them along faster than even the asguard can maintain.

Thor on his ship knowsd something is wrong the second the promethues goes into hyperspace and begins persiut becuse sg1 had just saved his race

Unfortunatley thor's ship can not keep up so thor forces his way into the hyperspace window with the promethues causing all sorts of damage to his ship.

with his systems begginging to crash thor discovers that radaition is going to kill sg1, he tries to beam them aboard but there is too much interfearance and he has to settle for plan b,

plan b is where thor takes his ship past the promethues and uses it to collaspe the hyperspace window knocking the promethues out of hyperspace.

So while he is doing that thor is also beaming aboard asguard technology becuse he knows that with the distance sg1 had traveled so far it would take them decades to get back home and even with asguard tech the journey would be long and dangerous.

so the tech he beams aboard,

stasis chambers, sg1 is dying at the moment so stasis chambers would hold some means of keeping them alive.

enough technology to upgrade the promethues to have faster engines, better shields and beaming , as well as improved computer core and asguard sensors.

i think that that is more than enough for them

the promblem is though that the promethues cannot be fixed in space and would need to be docked somewhere to install the upgrades.

well thors plan works and right before his ship is destroyed he beams aboard the promethues and beams sg1 into the stasis pods.

but do to the collaspe of the hyperspace window the promethues is now heavily dammaged and it's systems are barely working.

the first thing thor does is attempt to get the sublight funtioning again and manages to get them moving to the closest sypstem.

then thor turns his attention to sg1 and begins to attempt to treat them, he soon realizes that even with asguard tech he is fighting a losing battle. So he tries something desperate, being an asguard he was familiar with what the ancients could do and knew that oniell possed the gene.

his plan was simple remove the marker that the asguard placed on oneill to prevent tampering with (exactley what thor is aobout to do) and manipulate Oniell's gene to make him a fully fledged ancient, then transplant the gene into the others to make them partail ancients. Then thor would try to filter out thier bodies by taking all the impurities out of them.

the filtering process will slightly change sg1, they will all look younger from having all the toxins taken out of thier bodies- but not look any younger than late to mid twenties.

Now while thor is doing this the sensors are still down except for rudementary navigation wcich would tell him if the ship was going to crash.

--- Now we go to bsg- a year and a hlaf before the fall

So while thor is preoccupied a couple of small ships make thier way into the small hanger decks of the promethues.

it's the cylons.

thor is caught unaawre when he suddenly hears clanking sounds coming down the hallway, at first he mistakes them for replicators and hides in a supply closet while he figures out a cuasre of action.

Fortunately for him the storage closet he is in contains tauri weapons that he beamed abourd before they left for the replicator planet.

Unfortunatley thor can not wield them as he is a bit too small in statue and has no experaince using them, but he is able to rig something and using the asguard technology that allowed onliell to make the replicator gun in season 8 thor fastens himself a mobile tank out of his command chair and a ffew weapons.

thor is suprized though as the moment he leaves the room he runs across a human form cylon and this small distraction proves nearly fatal for thor as in his shock at seeing a human where there should not be one leads to him getting shot becuse his appearance would spook the human form cylon.

in the end though thor pulls through but not before taking the huamn form cylon into a stasis pod and climbing in one himself too becuse his body was too damaged.

so with his body nolonger able to substain him and knowing that someone had to stand guard over sg1 untill they were heaealed enough to get about on thier own thor ties himself into the promethues competer core and networkes himself to whater asguard tech is onboard.

this way he is able to get the sublight drives working more effectivley leaving the cylon base ship in persiut but not able to catch up to them or something.

Also thor realizes that without a body he would be not as usefull as he would be with one so he begins to scan the cylon body and finds out that the body is primarily human- geneticly engineered but basically human with a few additions

thor discovers that the cylon does not use its organic brain to hold the majority of its memories and finds a buffer that is vapable of sending the cylons memories away like a transmission.

thor delete's the cylons core memories and then using the gene sequenses found by freya in season six he intergrates a asguard gene into her body the process could take some time i''m not sure when i'll have thor emmere with the body.

meanwhile the promethues makes it into colonieal space and sg1 is woken up by thor and told what has happened.

the first ship sg1 encounters is the valkerie under Adama's command while it is patrolling the borders

or they could meet from the stealth star finding the promethues and the pilot enters one of the promethues landing bays and makes his way to the bridge.

i'm not sure on which one to use

so this then leads to sg1 being taken to fleet command and then to a trade of technology to get thier ship fixed as there was alot of structural damage as well as most of the primary and secondary sstems crashing.

President Adar meets with sg1 during this time to give the final go ahead and after learning how much more advanced the promethues is in terms of defensive and computrer tech he agrees but has his own agenda

he wants to cut military spending in half but knows that it will have to be gradual but he could start doing it sooner if he distracted the poeple with something else.

his plan is this

use sg1 and the technology they have to upgrade his fleet but he does not want the existance of sg1 to become public knowledge- so instead of simply starting to upgrade all of the battlestars and thier support vessels he desides that he might as well use the opprotunity to help him with his re election.

his newfound format, colonial pride.


well basically there are old warships from before the cylon war and the early stages of it so he comishines sg1 to use thier tech with the help of the colonial military to revamp several outdated vessels from before the war that are outdted do to desighn flaws

the though behind this is that several of these vessels contain elements that were incoperated into the battlestar design but lacked something in thier effectiveness leading to the battlestar design.


a vessel that holds three very large landing bays for fighters but no offensive weapons

a vessel that was biult for use with the cylons that has many heavy guns but do to the design has a massive depresurized hanger deck going through the middle of the ship

a vessel made for atmosperic bombardment so all of its weapons are on the underside of the hull and the top side has no armor- leading to the reason why the gallatica has to manuver its top to the enemy to fire the majority of its guns

I'm open to any other vessel ideas, the only requirement is that there must be a fatal flaw that is fixed in the battlestar desihn,


anyway back on track the whole operation is being kept secret only a few poeple know about it and the station that is used to do the refits is hidden away possibly formerly abondoned

the technitions are kept isolated and are not allowed to comunicate with the outside about what they are doing

this is done becuse adar intends to double cross sg1 as the exisitance of aleins not from thier world might spell trouble especailly since tealc and jonas are not even from earth

So Adar has the project maneger keep sg1 busy with refitting the older vessels but that still leaves jack and tealc as the two less technically inclined as well as thor

i figure sometime during this timeperiod thor could leave the stasis pod in a new body and try to focus on repairing the promethues

i figure the colonials could give the promethues a few upgrades in anti ship guns and perhaps larger fighter bays under the giuse of structural damage

so basically sg1 gets the run around untill shortly before the attack.

carter when looking to figure out why a ship was having problems she stumbles avross the hidden programming in the CNP program and figures out that they were intentional and tries to warn somebody

at this time adar figures that sg1 is nolonger useful to him so he orders thier arrest.

there is a fire fight and during this fire fight is when the colonies come under attack.

Jack and tealc are stalling off thier would be captors while jonas thor and sam are readinging the promethues which is now nearly fully completed just has no armament

as soon as sensors come on line they find out what is happening as thier sensors are a lot more powerfull than the colonials and when jack is told initially he says forget it but then changes his mind and surrenders to the marines coming to capture them so that he can convince thier commander to help them becuse they dont know what is going on.

sort of like how tealc joined sg1

then sg1 and whatever personell they can find go to the vattle where admiral Nagala is killed and try to help the problem is that no ship in the newly revamped fleet has weapons so the fleet is just using thier shileds to cover nagala's fleet. this action saves a few battlesars as theyt are able to get back online beofore being destroyed so two or three make it to ragnar with adama.

the others are destroyed but sg1 uses the newly installed beaming device to save as many colonial military as they can and then turn their attention to the planets filling up all available space inside the vessels in the fleet and then tells the others to return to the station and offload personell to take more on.

Using thier hyperdrive sg1 is even able to tow several vessels that were about to be destroyed over caprica as Rosolin orders the rest of the fleet to use thier ftl to get to ragnar

this intervention on sg1 leads to three fleets

Adama's at ragnar with a few extra battlestars and a few thousand more civilains

the station that the pegasus was at had two battle stars and three other smaller craft well the two battlestars were taken to be refit with sg1 tech and not at the station bt the three smaller craft were being upgraded with just colonial technitions as a test to make sure they understood the technology

So the pegasus can escape with three smaller support vessels to add to thier fleet

then sg1 has a large armada filled with military and civilain refugees but nothing in the terms of armenment or rations

then these things happen

Jack is all for letting the colonials deal with it by themselves but changes his mind

perhaps that little girl that died on the agro sgip in the minnie series is reponcible for jacks change of heart not sure yet maybe daniel appears again and convinces him

anyway that leads to jack appearing before the refugees in a pressurized hanged onboard the station but there is a cylon there as well and the cylon i think it will be a boomer version tries to shoot jack but sam gets in the way

Jack accidently taps into ancient powers when sam is shot and heals her leadins to the belief among the colonials that he is there as a messenger of the gods and there to save them

wanting to put a stop to that jack tells jonas to get them to understand so jonas tells them about who they really are and gives them an extensive history lesson and is further able to supply them with some history from earth that is kept onboard the promethues computer

that leads to the refugees with sg1 eventually forming a new goverment taking aspects from earths history

instead of a quorum of twelve and a presidentcy there is now a triumvent and senate with jack reluctantly being on of the three

before that though there is the matter of supplies and over crowding on the ships and station

to solve the issue sg1 and thor use the newly upgraded sensors of the promethues to locate somewhere where they could re supply

the planet


where there is an ancient city well more of an ancient subdivision of alantis that contains several zpms and enough space for all of the fefugees

so all they have to do is stock the city and take off with it

at this time though daniel finds out that the region of space does have asended ancients living there and that they manupulated the entire fall of the colonies

they battle in the astral plane but others step in first and decend all of them but this time instead of deleting all of daniels knowledge they leave the majority of it intact

the problem is though that he appears on the deck of a battle star not with sg1


thats about as far as i woeked the plot with the exception that sg1's group will meet up with the galacticas around the time that new caprica is founded

also i figured that there might be some resentment and trension between some poeple too, from those that rosolin left behind when she ordered the jump to ragnor to those that envied the poeple that live on the city subdivision fleet

i figure that the ancient who was responcible for the fall of the colonies could join the cylons giving them the technologival edge they are going to need once sg1s fleet has weaponss


So thanks for reading this and hopefully dropping some advice on wwhat i should put in or take out and such