Ranma ½ Night Shift Side Story


Well-Known Member
Since I haven't actually put out anything in a while and because I am nothing if not petty when some asshole tells me what to do. I received an anon review after posting the last guest omake of NS on ff.net demanding that there be no more ponies. So now I'm working on my own little thing inside that omake setup cause I don't take being threatened well.

Setup is that Ranma has come up with a vacation plan for summer break that involves getting completely away from everything, by visiting the pocket dimension holding Equestria. One part is that Akane gets almost immediately upset about something, because Ranma surprise turning her into a pony for a vacation on a foreign world definitely didn't help her mood, and storms off on her own


“Akane, how are you so chipper in this heat?” Sayuri asked, leaning back in her desk and fanning herself with a notebook. The school’s air conditioner was broke and Principal Kuno was unwilling to fix it because he thought it made the whole place seem more like Hawaii. Some saintly teacher would get it fixed but for now they all had to sweat it out.

“I bet it’s because she has something planned for summer break,” Yuka was less affected by the heat than her friend but still looked uncomfortable as they sat between periods. “Something she’s unwilling to talk about.”

“As I told you, it’s not that I’m unwilling it’s that I really don’t know where we are going so I can’t,” Akane rolled her eyes. “Ranma is the only one who knows where we’re going.”

“I thought you weren’t exactly a-- thing, anymore. Why so secret about a trip?” Yuka questioned.

“Just because we’re not engaged anymore,” Akane paused as if swallowing a particularly foul tasting liquid, “Doesn’t mean we aren’t still good friends.”

“Well have a great time, how long are you going to be gone?” Sayuri asked, choosing to ignore a lingering thread that Akane had never seemed half as interested in doing anything with either of them as much as she did with Ranma.

“The plan is a week, but Ranma said we might stay longer. Said something about it being too much to really take in all at once.”

“Without details, that sounds kind of like it’s supposed to be romantic,” Sayuri teased.

“Ya-- well-- things came between us, so it’s not,” Akane gave a withering glance

[rest of scene redacted due to haven't figured out how to avoid heavy spoiler for main story with it yet]


48 Hours later

Akane dove to the side, barely avoiding being impaled by a massive stinger attached two a six legged bear with wings and stinger of a bee. With a loud roar of buzzing of wings, the monstrous bugbear rose back into the air leaving a long trench dug through the floor of the forest. Akane scrambled on all fours to duck behind a boulder breathing heavily.

A fuzzy body immediately joined her, roughly bumping into her flank. The steel blue bat pony cuddling up to invade her personal space in a distinctly uncomfortable way. “Uh-- hi, sorry about all this,” he nervously stuttered.

“Just-- what is that thing? And why is it so pissed at you?” Akane pushed the boy a more comfortable distance away before noticing that she hadn’t escaped unscathed from close flyby. Almost all of her tail had been cut off. ‘Luckily the stupid thing is mostly hair,’ she breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s a bugbear, I know they’re pretty rare around Ponyville but you seriously haven’t heard of them before? And as for why it’s angry with me, I sort of flew into it while it was sleeping.”

Rolling her eyes, she peaked around the boulder to see if she could spot the bugbear, ears actively turning in every direction to hear as well. ‘Come on vacation to magical pony world, you’ll even get to be a pony, it’ll be great fun!’ She sarcastically mocked Ranma’s stupid smug voice. ‘I swear I’m going to pound you into the ground the next time I see you Ranma!’

Awkwardly twisting to get her equine body back up onto all fours, she looked further around the makeshift barrier. Freezing, her ears pinned back when the other pony was again at her side looking in the same direction.

“See anything?” he asked timidly, big golden slitted eyes looking around wildly.

“No,” she started to say before a loud buzzing stopped above them. Both looked up to see the bugbear glaring down at them. The bat pony screamed and ran, the bugbear roared as it lunged down at them stinger first, and Akane screamed before she took off running.

Having no where better to go, Akane followed the bat pony as he followed a path out of the clearing deeper into the forest. Running faster to the sounds of crashing tree limbs behind her, she quickly caught up and passed the blue colored pony. “Hey! Where does this path lead?” She called back, the sounds of the bugbear crashing through the forest having grown more distant.

“I’m not-- sure!” He answered, clearly struggling to breathe.

Akane slowed and turned to see how far back he was, realizing she was leaving him behind she slowed enough to let him catch up. He may have brought this mess on her but she wasn’t going to leave him to get turned into a pincushion. The forest path opened up into a deep ravine crossed by an old run down rope bridge so fast she was a quarter of the way across before she was able to skid to a stop, her hooves failing to find grip on the damp wood.

“I don’t know about that bridge! Doesn’t look all that safe!” The bat pony called from the edge, having stopped before getting on it.

“I NOTICED!” She exclaimed and crouched low when a sudden gust of wind caused the bridge to swing wildly. “I hate not having hands!” Akane struggled to keep herself from sliding around as the bridge settled briefly back into place before the bat pony running across threw it back into motion.

“Bugbears back,” he informed her in a small voice, pausing only briefly next to her.

Akane forgot about her precarious position overlooking a twenty meter fall into a river to resume running. A shadow passed overhead and the bugbear dropped heavily onto the bridge in front of them. The entire bridge sagged from the sudden weight before bouncing and sending them rocketing upwards. Screaming she ran wildly in the air along with the bat pony before gravity asserted its hold on them and dropped them down into the rushing river below.


Back in Ponyville

Ranma stretched out on her stomach, high above the town, enjoying her alicorns ability to use clouds as beds. “You just have to land on it and trust that’ll hold you,” she instructed Kasumi who as a pegasus was reluctantly trying to land on a nearby cloud.

“But what if it doesn’t hold me?” Kasumi asked worriedly, hovering in place.

“You have wings,” she flared her own majestic crimson and gold wings for emphasis.

Kasumi’s muzzle scrunched up in determination and she dropped forcefully onto the fluffy cloud that dipped briefly before holding in place. “I did it!”

“Great job!” Ranma clapped her hooves together.

“It’s too bad Akane wasn’t turned into a pegasus, she would have loved this,” Kasumi carefully tried to get herself into a more comfortable position, clearly not trusting the cloud to keep her from falling.

“Maybe next time I’ll have the transformation spell specify race next time so she can.”

“Where did she go anyways?”

“Dunno, but I’m sure she’s having fun.”


Akane grunted loudly, one front leg wrapped around the comatose form of the bat pony as she hauled him out of the river along a muddy bank. Falling face first into the mud, her body still halfway submerged, she snorted and made another effort that got them mostly free before collapsing again.

“You alive?” she gasped.

“Wish I wasn’t,” he answered with a groan.

Akane struggled to get back up to a standing position and winced, the leg she had been carrying him with finally protesting now that the adrenaline had left her system. Limping forward she dropped onto her side onto some grass. Holding out her right foreleg she tested the motion, hoping it wasn’t broken.

The bat pony struggled to a standing position far slower, one wing hanging limply. “What a fall! I haven’t had a drop that far since I was colt,” he laughed briefly before wincing in pain.

“What are those wings ceremonial?” she grumbled, deciding that she hadn’t broken her limb.

“Well-- I-- when I ran into that bugbear I hurt my wing. Otherwise I could have got away,” he explained, gingerly laying down in the grass as well.

Akane didn’t have anything else to say so she remained silent, trying to work out what direction she needed to head in to return back to Ponyville. She got turned around fleeing from the angry bear and she really just wanted this adventure to be over already.

“Thanks for saving me, by the way,” he broke the silence first. “My name is Dire Straits, what’s yours?”

“I’m Tendo Akane,” she answered.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Crimson Flower, and thank you again cause if I hadn’t run into you I would be a bugbears dinner,” he laughed to himself in a self depreciating way. “Guess my mom and dad had the right idea when they named me, always find myself in these kinds of things.”

“That sounds sort of like someone I know,” Akane muttered under her breath, ignoring how her name was translated to the occupants of this world. “So-- any idea how I can get back to Ponyville?”

“Um,” he sat up and started to point in a couple different directions in confusion “Which way is Ponyville again?”

“So no.”

“If my wing wasn’t hurt I’d be able to find it. How do you Earth ponies find anything without wings? Everything always looks the same from the ground.”

Akane was about to protest that she had no idea how Earth ponies did until realizing that as a human she was just as ground limited. “I’m a city girl, this woodsy stuff is what Ranma likes to be out in. I don’t even know what’s around Ponyville, I’m not from around here, and I don’t have a map.”

Taking a second to remember the direction she had taken out of Ponyville and where the sun was currently, she gingerly got up to hooves. “I think I need to head north east,” she stated flatly. It was the exact direction facing a vertical cliff face.

“Seeing as I got you into this mess, miss. I’ll have to do my best to help you get back to Ponyville,” Dire Straits helpfully affirmed with a big smile showing off his prominent fangs.

“Thank you, that’s very nice of you,” she answered back, happy to have some kind of companion after being lost on her own.
