Nine branch magic


Well-Known Member
I've been writing a fic lately that has a ridiculously powerful magic user. The thing is that I need nine branches (or schools) whatever that you want to call it that covers EVERY bit of magic there is. From manipulating time and space to spamming fireballs to technomagics.

That is my challenge. Write a fic of a random fandom that has this feature. Nine branches of magic that the character can do but to keep the character not OHmyGODsuperMANpowerFULl his weakness is close combat.

Sure he can defend himself somewhat, but in a true hand to hand combat he will be overwhelmed quickly.

There are no limitations from where you get the magics. But remember that they need to be at least SOMEwhat balanced.

For example if the first school the character masters is black magic (from Final fantasy) s/he won't get access to the most powerful spells. However, when s/he learns the second school the first school spells are enhanced. That means that s/he can do the more powerful spells of the first school. That continues until the ninth school.

And the higher the school is the 'more powerful' the magics get. because the ninth school can't be enhanced anymore see? that means that only time can enhance the ninth school.

It is in this way that the magic user won't be TOOOOOO powerful because the eight school can only be enhanced one time. the seventh school two times and so on and so forth.

I'm curious to see if the challenge will be accepted.

But more importantly I stilll need nine schools for magic with a bit of info on what they can do.


Well-Known Member

any magic that's really well-rounded will have way to enhance close combat, or at least make him immunes to it.


Well-Known Member
:huh: You want us to write Squishy Wizards? Hm. Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

You might find the AD&D magic schools interesting, though, if you haven't already looked at them. They're set up much the same way.

I don't remember what offsets what, or all of the schools, either, I think- I usually stuck with martial or divine spellcasters, not arcane- but I do remember Necromancy, Abjuration, Illusion, Evocation, Transmutation and Divination. I think there's Invocation and one or two others, as well, but I don't remember off the top of my head.

Ah, scratch that: here's the Wikipedia article.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Nine branches? OK, go have a look at the Spheres of Magick from Mage: the Ascension. That might fit what you want, or be adaptable to it, depending on his chosen paradigm.


Well-Known Member
ringlhach said:
:huh: You want us to write Squishy Wizards? Hm. Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

You might find the AD&D magic schools interesting, though, if you haven't already looked at them. They're set up much the same way.

I don't remember what offsets what, or all of the schools, either, I think- I usually stuck with martial or divine spellcasters, not arcane- but I do remember Necromancy, Abjuration, Illusion, Evocation, Transmutation and Divination. I think there's Invocation and one or two others, as well, but I don't remember off the top of my head.

Ah, scratch that: here's the Wikipedia article.
Even AD&D wizards aren't squishy at all.

Sure, they are compared to melee people of similar levels, but not compared to realistic people.


Well-Known Member
Tom_Badgerlock said:
ringlhach said:
:huh: You want us to write Squishy Wizards? Hm. Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

You might find the AD&D magic schools interesting, though, if you haven't already looked at them. They're set up much the same way.

I don't remember what offsets what, or all of the schools, either, I think- I usually stuck with martial or divine spellcasters, not arcane- but I do remember Necromancy, Abjuration, Illusion, Evocation, Transmutation and Divination. I think there's Invocation and one or two others, as well, but I don't remember off the top of my head.

Ah, scratch that: here's the Wikipedia article.
Even AD&D wizards aren't squishy at all.

Sure, they are compared to melee people of similar levels, but not compared to realistic people.
Low level ones are horribly squishy compared to even their own familiars.

High level ones make you wonder if anything can get close enough to actually hit them.