Nothing is Scarier


Well-Known Member
Since its getting close to halloween in the states I thought I might share an idea that has been nibbling at me for a while but that I have come to the conclusion that I cannot write it to my satisifaction.

In the idea the Centauri first contact lacks one thing actual contact. instead of meeting the humans they find empty colonies, derilict spacestations, and entire ghost fleets.

The focus would be on the captain and crew of a ship that is part of this strange sequence of events. I would probably have something innocuous that a relative of the captain's said or that he incountered before he left for the journey start popping up subtlely at first but incessantly and somewhat urgently the closer the Centauri get to where Earth is suppose to be.

You know to kind of hammer in the horror without really showing anything. Maybe have odd but not unexplainable things happen to other ships in a fleet if it went on that angle.

All of this based on the trope nothing is scarier, which I am choosing not to link to for the sake of those who might get drawn in at tvtropes.

On an unrelated note I would love to see humans are cthulhu appiled to the most inapropriate series like V :wub:


Well-Known Member
I had another idea. During World War Three a small New England fishing villiage

with an inordinate amount of orphans and fatherless children is rendered

unlivable. The orphans are put into foster care and the remaining villiagers are

relocated around the world leading to all of hunamity being related to someone

from said villiage by the time of the Dilgar war.

Can anyone guess the crossover?