NUTS for Jericho


Well-Known Member
Alright quick show of hands, hown many people on the board were fans of CBS's Jericho? For me, it was one of the few shows that premeiered last fall that was worth watching. The critics loved it and on CBS's website it was one of the most downloaded and discussed shows. Thus in the executives' infinite wisdom at a dip in the raitings, never mind a new season of American Idol was showing, they decided to cancel said series. And to replace it, they created the reality series Kid Nation in order to properly reach out to that overlooked demographic of released child predators and sex offenders.

However, fans of Jericho have made their protest known with a campain called NUTS for Jericho, with the centerpeace being shipping nearly 16 tonns of nuts to CBS corporate headquaters so far, and the ammount is still rising. For those wondering why the nuts, it's a reference to the final episode where Skeet Ulrich's character appropriated General Anthony McAluiffe's famous response of "NUTS!" to German demand of an unconditional surrender at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge. Anyone who has seen Band of Brothers will probably remember that scene. As a fan of the show, I have to admit this is one of the tastest means of protest I've seen yet.