Odd rant.


Well-Known Member
Heh, when I can I try and be somewhat of a 'peacemaker', I will get involved in the occasional argument, though I actively avoid whatever looks like it might evolve into a flame war as I prefer to just dodge them altogether.


Well-Known Member
When I do get involved in a flamewar, it tends to end quickly. Why?

Simple. The others bring flamethrowers. I bring nukes. Nuff said. :lol:

Funny thing is, I was never banned for flaming, because I tend to simply be brutally honest, and what I say tends to not be nearly offensive enough to warrant a modding, let alone a banning.
SimmyC said:
Ah yes. I'm more of the kind to avoid flame wars whenever possible. Even when I was a lowly newbie, I knew what battles to join, and what not to join simply because, well, I started mostly as a lurker for most forums. Though I guess that makes me a "Me Too" kind of guy since I'd usually only join a discussion if others were already in it in the first place.

There are a few exceptions of course, and usually this involves politics. Given how bad the situation can deteriorate due to bringing up politics, needless to say, I now avoid most discussion of it whenever possible.
I didn't quite have enough foresight to lurk around and see how things worked first... I just dived into the pool and discovered where the sharks and pirhanas (or however you spell it) were later.

As for politics, while generally I stay away from that topic, there's a forum I go to called EuropeanAffairs where, aside from partaking in a giant political roleplay we do there, we often discuss politics and the like in a rather mature and reasonable manner. It's a great site, although the forums are unfortunately down at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I see. So it is like the situation between wariors and killers from the movie "The Fifth Element".

"Wariors fight for a cause, willing to die for a cause. While a killer is cold, cool, and methodical. I like killers because as soon as they picked up the RX-7, they would ask immediately ask about the little red button..."


We see a number of alien wariors playing with the net launcher attachment. One sees the button. Scratching it's head, it pushes the button.


Zorg(villian) is walking away when an explosion occurs from where he came from.

Favorite Bruce Willis comedy movie.(Said with clenched fist and teers streaming down face)