OldWho vs NuWho


Well-Known Member
Having watched Doctor Who for the last 25 years or so, I've been glad to see the new series that are being made these days. Do you have any preference about what you like, or don't like? Personally, I've heard a lot of people complain that the new series is too dark at times, but Who was always dark at times, some more than others, just look at T. Baker's first 4 seasons, and C. Bakers 1st season, well, he was a killing machine. The 7th blew up stars, and then the latest stuff, with the 10th, and his punishment for the Family, it just rocks at times.

What do you think? Do you watch, or is Who just a show you don't get into?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I prefer the new Who. The Doctor seems more human with the 9th and 10th Doctor.

The older ones are interesting, but they seem to draw themselves out a bit to much and it is hard to watch a complete story with them.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I like the directions NuWho takes at times. When Tennant is on his game, he's just ferocious. Just finished watching Family of Blood the other night, and it's creepy how it goes, and the final fate that the Doctor gives the Family for the most part.

"He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing -- 'the fury of the Time Lord' -- and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden... He was being kind.

He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there, forever. He still visits my sister, once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is. Can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you just for a second, that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time and the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England as their protector. We wanted to live forever... so the Doctor made sure we did." John/Son of Mine

I rember reading the original NA novel, and think they did a nice job adapting and updating it, and if this is more of what we have to look forward to in series four, then bring it on, as I can't wait! :D :mmm: :D
For me, the true prime of Doctor Who, at least in my opinion, are the UNIT stories, particularly during Jon Pertwee's time as the Doctor. An elegant, dashing man of action, with a mighty brain, his sonic screwdriver, and a mastery of Venusian Aikido.

Of course, UNIT just isn't UNIT without the brave and honourable men drawn from all walks of the British Army. None are more brave or honourable, as the commander of UNIT, Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, and his permanent shadow and aide-de-camp, Sergeant John Benton.


Well-Known Member
I love the new series. I really, truly do. I missed Eccleston's series, and the first of Tennant's - so the second is all I have to go on. But it's been very, very good stuff so far. (Don't! Blink!)

There are, however, two things that define the older series' for me. Firstly, Tom Baker's Jelly Babies. Secondly, Jon Pertwee eating a sandwich while debating with Delgado's Master during The Sea Devils. Very civil, very polite, very much in control. Sums up Pertwee's Doctor, for me.
If anyone wants i can give a good site where you can watch all of the new season.


Well-Known Member
Here is a site that you can watch them at.

TV links

They have also got alot of other shows, cartoons, movies and music videos.


Well-Known Member
I like Doctor #10, he's my favorite. In fact I can tell you the exact thing that made me like him the best and that was in the christmas special when he first woke up and he asked Rose was he ginger that was it for me ive loved him ever since.


Well-Known Member
David Tennant is really, really good in the role - he can switch between contrary emotions at the drop of a hat, has impeccable delivery, and isn't afraid to act like a total fool when it's asked for. But then, Doctor Who has always lived and died by the actor who plays the man, so after a twenty year break, the BBC had plenty of time to get the casting right. ^_^

(Paul McGann? Who's he? Never heard of him.) :p


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to bring up an old thread. But I've just gotten into watching the new series and I have a few questions.

Am I missing out on anything big, by not watching the confidential shorts?

Any opinions on the The Sarah Jane Adventures?

Seeing as I took in some spoilers (damn wiki articles). Does anyone miss Rose Tyler?


Well-Known Member
BakaNeko said:
I'm sorry to bring up an old thread. But I've just gotten into watching the new series and I have a few questions.

Am I missing out on anything big, by not watching the confidential shorts?

Any opinions on the The Sarah Jane Adventures?

Seeing as I took in some spoilers (damn wiki articles). Does anyone miss Rose Tyler?
Necro is always welcome with Doctor Who, dood. ;)

I haven't seen a lot of the confidential stuff, either - as far as I can tell, it's just some background info on the way the staff approached the roles, the amount of retakes they had to do, and general ass-kissing.

"Oh, working with Christopher was wonderful. He's such a great actor for getting into the minds of the characters," et cetera.

The Sarah Jane adventures are something I haven't gotten to see, yet - I'm rarely home when they air, and I can't quite work up the interest to view them on-line.

Rose. . . damn. I do miss Rose. A lot. But equally, there's only so much UST I can take before I just scream at the TV "Just shag already, damn it!"

Watching the final parts of Season Two while knowing exactly what was coming up did make it a whole lot more angsty, though. I was trembling by the beginning of the finale, and I was wrecked after it.

Martha Jones is pretty damn awesome too, though. ^_^