Akamatsuverse oni kanrinin chapter1


Well-Known Member
oni kanrinin chapter 1 (working title)
cursive= spoken dialog
(whitin parantese)= thoughts, telepathy etc

The sound of footsteps could be heard against the cold stone floor.
An old woman could be seen carrying a torch.

A bitter frown could be seen on her face.
This wasnÆt anything she would enjoy.

She placed the torch at the side of a secret stonedoor and pulled a lever nearby.
Making the counterweighted mechanism open.

A foul stench could be smelt in the stale air.
The old woman cleansed her nose shut.

Well what had she expected?
The room had been sealed of for close to 70 years now.
It smelled like something had died in here.
Witch were partly true.

The shadows on the floor reacted on the distant source of light and withdrew from the pain it suffered from it.

Her old eyes adapted to the dank room and she could see a thin frame nailed on the wall.

A beastly form barely humanoid whit a long tail ending in a fanged scythe.
Midnight black wings nailed far apart from the body
most likely long broken.

Awake i have orders for you abomination the old woman spoke
The dried carcass didnÆt react.

Be it your way then demon the woman said and unsheathed a black katana she had obviously brought with her.

She let herself become possessed by the dark sword that would turn everyone not of her bloodline save the strongest
into raving lunatics.

She didnt even had to touch the carcass whit the blade before it roared in pain.
Loud enough to make smaller stones fall from the roof.

The old woman silently thanked the Kami that her hearing was leaving her since the sound would probably have killed her otherwise.

What you want human bitch the dry raspy voice sneered.

I?m Hina Urashima oni, and you will refer to me as mistress.

The onis only answer was a long snarl fit of the lord of darkness himself.
While laughing inside as age was about to claim another one
of the worthless humans plaguing this world.

She remembered the young Hina girl finding the room where her ancestors had imprisoned her for the last 200 years or so.

I?m heir of Umiko Urashima. The great samurai that defeated you. Honor demands that you serve me Hina said.

Make me the oni sneared and tried unsuccessfully impale the human on its razor-sharp tail tip.

Hina plunged the katana into the leg of the creature.

The oni screamed in pain.
It burns, it burns take it away.

Only when you promise on your burning blood that you will serve Hina said clenching her teeth.
Trying to keep back the lump of bile that travelled up her troat.

I promise on the seven hells:
Make it stop the oni screamed, writhing in agony.

Hina ripped the sword out off the weakened body that hung limply on its spikes.

She dropped the cursed blade to the stone floor with a high clatter.

The creatures snakelike eyes watched her with contempt.
Had she only been within range.
She would have used her tail to cut the human in two.

Hina sheathed the katana once again and left the room.
In the adjutant room the lever to control the spikes that the creature
hung on was located.

With great effort of strength she managed to shift the rusty lever.
She could hear a tormented veil as the spikes
returned into the wall.
Drooping the starved creature to the cold floor.

The old bat returned to the former room and found the creature on the floor face down.

Seemingly having no intention to rise anytime soon.

Getup fiend
I know decades in hibernation have little effect on your body.

The creature slowly got up from the floor and glared at her with poorly concealed fury.

Change into a human shape and follow me Hina said.

Without a word her followers shape started to change, the broken wings and long tail melted away into her body.

Femenine curves appeared and long black hair sprouted from her skull.

At the last stage of the metaphysical transformation a skin-tight black minidress and knee-high high-heeled boots appeared seemingly
out of her sickly white skin.

The duo left the secret passageways under the Hinata-sou and entered an old kitchen.
That hadnÆt seen any service since the dormitory was an inn.

Hina led the way to the kanrinins room and handed the oni a rooster over the current tenants.

What do you want me to do old bat?

Hina pretended not to hear the insult and started explaining the duties.

Your orders are to clean the place, feed the tenants.
Repair the building, help the tenants with any problems they might have.

And collect the rent once a month.

Additional duties and some information about the tenants can be found in the rooster she added.

The black clad eyed thru the rooster.

Narusegawa Naru 17 room 304

Kaolla Su 13 room 301

Konno Mitsune 19 room 205

Aoyama Motoko 15 room 302

An Aoyama? So they still exist?
Tthis will be interesting she mused.
She sniffed the air, and caught a scent.

She walked over to the door and ripped it open.
Causing two of the tenants to fall into the room.

Your tenants? She asked coldly.

Yes this is Naru and Mitsune Hina informed her.

She snorted rudely

And this is your new kanrinin... Tomoe Keiko Hina said.

The blackclad woman accepted her fake name without much emotion.
And continued to observe Naru and Mitsune coldly.

New kanrinin? Are you leaving? Naru exclaimed.

Yes it has long been my dream to visit the worlds all hot-springs
and now is the time that i should Hina said.

In fact i will be leaving tonight already.
I have already informed Haruka about this.

She and Keiko will take care of the duties while im gone.

Keiko why dont you go down and prepare dinner for the girls hina said.

Be it your way old bat Keiko sneered and pushed her way out of the room.

Jeez where did you dig up that sour-puss? Mitsune asked

You dont want to know, but she was the only one i could persuade to work here for that low salary Hina lied.

Don?t you have any relative that could fill in? Naru asked.

I tried to have my grandson take the position but he said he was already busy Hina confessed.

A boy as a kanrinin? Motoko wouldnÆt like that, i bet she get happy now Naru said.

(Girl you have no idea how wrong you are) Hina thought.

possible end of chapter

this was written on wordpad and i?m not a native englishspeaker so expect
spelling and grammer errors.

this was written from the animeverse since i needed Motoko out of the picture in chapter one.

if this ever make it onto the net and isnt horribly flamed i might write a prelude and a background story.

last is it true that you need two spaces between each word on ff.net for it to be readable?


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, this is painful to read as it is. Punctuation is a mess, dialogue is clunky and awkward, and generally the fic needs a massive amount of polishing before it can be called anything remotely presentable.

I tried to proofread it, but there are too many grammar, punctuation and general mistakes to do it without entirely rewriting the thing.

That... is all the help I can give you, I'm afraid. Doing anything more would defeat the purpose of my analysis, which is to drive you to better yourself.

If it is any consolation, I like the idea. ;)


Well-Known Member
thank you as i hope ive written i didnt write this in words and the final product will
hopefully be more readable.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with GH here.

To be blunt, your grammar EATS...

But yeah, the idea has some merit. I'm not bemoaning the grammar for the sheer joy of kicking you when you're down, but I'm trying to prevent another case of "When bad things happen to good ideas," where otherwise originals plots are lost or made unreadable by either horrific grammar or character assassination...

With more time and care, and a good pre-reader willing to drop the hammer when necessary, this could be a remarkable story.

First steps are always difficult...


Well-Known Member
i mangled the thing in words.
correcting some spelling errors
rewriting a little
and made more space between, hopefully its more readable now.


Well-Known Member

Okay, first off, Word formatting, like italics and bold, does NOT carry over on these boards. If you want to show us the format the fic will have, you need to manually edit it with phpBB code.

Secondly, it is... honestly... still clunky. The dialogue is awkward at times, and the Hinata characters feel... forced.

If you truly want to do this, I advise getting someone who's good at writing English to write it up for you, making it a cooperative effort.

I understand perfectly how hard it can be to write in your second language: I may 'sound' like I'm American or English, but I'm actually Italian, and it took me years to get this good at writing in English. So, hang in there and practice hard!


Well-Known Member
And the sad thing is that even spellchecker is limited in use for correcting his errors... :( Ah...another of the many shortcomings of spellchecker...