Digimon Open Windows


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æHell yeah, Takato,Æ Guilmon thought.

He understood the effect of the card almost immediately. It uploaded a virus in an enemy Armor Digimon, disrupting their evolution in the hopes of returning them to their lower leveled forms.

In the card game, it was a perfect effect, unless countered. Once played, the opponent would immediately revert to their Child level form and that would be the end of that.

In Reality, things were not so simple.

Things werenÆt as simply as æworkÆ or ædoesnÆt work.Æ The results were dependent on a number of factors; the power of everyone involved, their skill with code, the amount of time they had, the stress of the situation, etc. Otherwise, there was probably a card out there that let you automatically win the battle or devolve your opponent to Child or something, and it would pretty much make whoever had it God.

On the bright side, Guilmon was very skilled with writing Digital Code. Even as the remains of two former Royal Knights, he was one of the best around, combining, at least, a shadow of DukemonÆs skill with a shadow of UlforceV-dramonÆs speed.

Rinkmon couldnÆt beat him in that department.

But he hopelessly outmatched him in most others, at the moment. He was stronger, faster, and of a higher level.

But, again, things werenÆt as simple as that. While RinkmonÆs natural firewalls and anti-viruses were enough to keep him for actually reverting to a lower level, it wasnÆt enough to truly ignore the effectùeven now, the virus was playing havoc with RinkmonÆs systems.

The term æArmor DigimonÆ was somewhat misleading. He wasnÆt truly wearing æArmor;Æ or rather, his armor was a part of his body. In addition, the body æbeneathÆ the armor was itself a part of the armorùFladramon was not simply a V-mon in a fire-themed armor, for example. An Armor DigimonÆs entire form could be considered their æArmor,Æ so what was being torn apart at the moment was Rinkmon himself.

Even so, Rinkmon was quickly trying to counter the problems in his system, and slowly succeeding. His armor still fluctuated, but it would be only seconds until he recovered.

Guilmon did the obvious thing and attempted to approach, hoping to use his opponentÆs weakness to win, but as soon as he began moving, Rinkmon backed up twice that distance.

Understanding, Guilmon stopped.

As expected, Rinkmon was pragmatic. He wasnÆt going to try and fight through his weakness; heÆd simply wait at a distance until heÆd fixed himself. HeÆd stay close enough to view whatever was happening, however, not wanting to be surprised.

But Guilmon would never be able to get close enough to hurt him without Rinkmon coming to him. Rinkmon was moving slower, now, but it didnÆt matter. Even if he was at a tenth of his normal speed, he was still ten times faster than Guilmon.

And as soon as he fixed his problems, heÆd go right back to his full speed.

Thenàwhat was the point of this Takato?

ôGet ready, Guilmon; this is it!ö His Tamer said, ignorant of his questions. In the distance, Rinkmon tensed wearily. ôFull Charge! Holy Healing! Ultimate Recovery! Activate!ö

In an instant, the cards began to take effect, healing all the damage that Rinkmon had done to his skinless hide, bolstering his already powerful healing abilities. In moments, he was recoveredùbut it didnÆt matter. In moments, Rinkmon would be as well and theyÆd be right back where they startedùwith Rinkmon ripping him to pieces.

All this had done was reset the battle.

But even so, Guilmon believed Takato had a planùand his faith was rewarded by his TamerÆs next words.

ôAre you ready, Guilmon? Because IÆm done! Aim for the Strongest Evolution! Activate!ö He said, slashing one more card.

In that moment, everything that was wrong became right. His systems realigned and corrected all errors, easily finding an answer that hadnÆt been there before Takato had created one for him. Power filled him, along with a bottomless joy and anticipation, and he knew exactly was it meant.

He was evolving.


Well-Known Member
Awesome.. can't wait to see what happens..


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His framework shifted and expanded, no longer uncertain in its path. His limbs lengthened, as did his teeth and claws. He felt hair begin to sprout from his scalp, as bladelike growths began to extend from his arms.

And then, best of all, tough, armor-like skin began to grow around him, finishing the picture. His body was colored red and black and his hair a stark white.

He snorted plumes of smoke from his nostrils and narrowed his eyes at Rinkmon. Even though he hadnÆt moved a step, Rinkmon took a nervous step back.

Suddenly, Guilmon shuddered, his body bulging in strange placesùhis arms, his neck, and his back, mainlyùas the æenhancementsÆ caused by the cards began to add themselves to his new form. For a moment, he thought they would tear there way out of his flesh again, but just as they seemed ready to do so, they slide smoothly through instead.

ôAre you ready, Growmon?ö Takato asked, naming his new creation. At his words, that name carved itself into his partnerÆs data and suddenly became so obvious to GuilmonÆs mind that he wondered how he hadnÆt known it before.

He nodded to his partnerÆs question, narrowing his eyes.

He exhaled a sudden burst of flame, more as a distraction than anything else. At their speed, it burnt through the air so slowly that a tall candle could have melted fully before it reached Rinkmonùwell, if a candle could burn normally from their perspective.

But even at speeds like theirs, a sudden burst of flame could be distracting and distractions could still be dangerous.

Growmon covered the distance that separated him and Rinkmon in a blur of red and black. The blades on his arms had extended and begun to glow an electric blueùunlike the fire, they were actually part of his body, and would move as fast as he could swing his arms.

But even distracted, Rinkmon was on the lookout for attacks, due to his weakened state, and immediately retreated at the sight of GrowmonÆs approach.

Rinkmon may have had only a tenth on his normal speed and Growmon, whether because of something Takato had included in his design or because he was now able to draw on more of his former power in his new form, could at least match that, but a hundred meter head start wasnÆt something that could be removed that easilyùespecially when Rinkmon now had a tremendous desire to stay away from him. They both knew that Rinkmon was in trouble. They were now in the same ballpark, speed-wise, but it was obvious who was the more powerfulùif he could land a single, solid attack, he was fairly sure he could kill Rinkmon.

So Rinkmon had no intention of letting him land that attack.

But he had to end this, soon. He had Rinkmon backed into a corner at the moment and he had to kill him quickly, before he had a chance to recover his speedùlast time Rinkmon had been backed into a corner, his solution was to kill hundreds of innocent people; he knows what he might try to do, now?

Best case scenario, heÆd run away and get away with his crimes.

More likely, heÆd start involving innocent people again and taking hostages. Growmon may have been able to keep him away from Takato, but they were in the middle of a city full of innocent men, women, and childrenùhe couldnÆt protect them all.

This had to end, here and now.

But by the time Growmon had reached the place heÆd been and swung a plasma coated blade through the space heÆd occupied, he was on the sidewalk in front of the red colored building down the street. By the time his fist had crushed the side walk an instant later, Rinkmon had backed up to a telephone pole nearly a block away, which Growmon immediately chopped down, missing his opponent completely.

The pattern continued from there, Rinkmon dodging leaving Growmon to wreak havoc wherever he had stood. Growmon was wise enough to avoid harming any of the buildings where people might have lived, but there were destroying this street. Every light and telephone pole had fallen, claws and blades had left gouges in the streets and walls, and the surface of the road had long since been reduced to rubble.

Tearing a mass of the street out of the ground, he chucked it at Rinkmon in frustration, knowing it had no chance of hitting. Absently flickering back to his TamerÆs side, he batted away the shrapnel that was falling towards him æslowly,Æ which could have torn him apart.

He couldnÆt catch up to Rinkmon like this. To do that, heÆd need TakatoÆs help, but therein lay the problem.

All through the fight, Takato had been making him faster and faster, in order to compete with RinkmonÆs speed. But his Tamer wasnÆt sped up with him, which had caused more and more delays in his reaction times, from GrowmonÆs perspective. Hours of combat couldùand hadùbeen fit into the time Takato needed to choose and swipe a single card.

Why, right now, he was in the process of slashing a card, but in GrowmonÆs eyes, he was a statueù

And then GrowmonÆs eyes caught glimpse of the card in his TamerÆs hand.


Of course, he wasnÆt the only one to realize that problemùnaturally, Takato was even more aware of it then he was.

And heÆd solved it the only way he couldùhe had planned all his moves in advanced.

GrowmonÆs eyes flickered over his TamerÆs other cards in an instant and he understood what Takato had planned. Naturally, Takato wasnÆt fast enough to communicate his plan to Growmon, so he had operated under the hope that his partner would be able to figure it out on his own.

And Growmon thought that maybe he had. And with that knowledgeàit was obvious what he had to do.

He had to adapt his own strategies to make the plan work.


Well-Known Member
He made Guilmon into more of a tank and instead of trying to catch up to Rinkmon in speed, Takato will try to debuff him?


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Pursuing Rinkmon was futile and, thanks to TakatoÆs plan, unnecessary. As such, it was a better idea to simply stand guard over his Tamer, just in case, so Growmon did.

Rinkmon watched him silently for a moment, expecting a trap or another sudden attack that was sure to failùbut it never came. Growmon just huddled around his Tamer, ready to spring to his defense in an instant, if needed, but unwilling to move otherwise.

Surprisingly, this complete lack of action unnerved Rinkmon more than any amount of deadly attacks, because the predatory gleam that promised death never left GrowmonÆs golden eyes.

But even so, Rinkmon silently continued to repair the damaged areas of his own data, for that was all he could do. No matter what happened, he would rely on his speed to see him through it, as he always did.

For his part, Takato surely must have noticed his partner looming over himùbut to his credit, he didnÆt waste even a moment acknowledging him and swept the card.

From GrowmonÆs perspective, it had taken ages from that card to slide through his TamerÆs D-Arc, though from TakatoÆs, it had happened in a second.

But either way, it was definitely worth it.

ôCommon Switch, Activate!ö Takato said, but nobody heard. His Partner was long gone and by the time his voice reached him, both he and Rinkmon would be moving far too fast to perceive sound meaningfully.

The purpose of æCommon SwitchÆ was simple: It switched GrowmonÆs location.

One moment, he curled protectively around his Tamer.

The next, he was right in RinkmonÆs face.

Even as RinkmonÆs movements were paralyzed by surprise, Growmon swept a glowing blue blade down like an executionerÆs ax. Recovering in an instant thanks to his training and experience, Rinkmon tried to dodgeùbut his movements were slowed by Armor Pause.

By some miracle, he managed to avoid dyingùbut GrowmonÆs plasma-like blade opened a deep wound from shoulder to waist.

Growmon was moving too fast to hear sounds effectively, just as Rinkmon was moving too fast to speak in any way that could be understood.

Otherwise, Growmon and Takato would both have been able to hear him scream.

While a bit disappointed about that, Growmon knew better than to not follow up while he had the chance. He continued to lash out in a storm of plasma blades. Rinkmon dodged as well as he could, but they were equally matched in speed at the moment and Rinkmon no longer had the advantage of distance to protect him. He used his smaller size as best he could, but glancing blows still made it through to cut at his flesh.

If things stayed like this, Rinkmon would die before long. Even if he could completely dodge ninety-nine out of a hundred attacksùwhich he couldnÆtùthe one that remained would still hit him and they were moving so fast that a lot of attacks would hit him every second. He couldnÆt even counterattackùwell, he could, but this new form had been keyed towards preventing damage and RinkmonÆs attacks would probably just bounce right off of him.

Then, the only variable was whether or not Rinkmon could regain his speed.

ùBut even if he did, it wouldnÆt matter. He and Takato had prepared for even that. As long has he could at least drag this on long enough to let Takato slash those next two cards, then it wouldnÆt matter whether Rinkmon regained his former speed. HeÆd long since finished the code heÆd been working on, so all the pieces were already in place.

Rinkmon had already lost this fight.

He just didnÆt know it yet.


Well-Known Member
Takato is badass..


Well-Known Member
Behold! Part one of Ryuugi's annual Thanksgiving update spree!


Growmon began aiming slashes at RinkmonÆs legs as he knew he was running out of time. Several seconds had passed since heÆd first used Armor Pause, and he was surprised that Rinkmon hadnÆt countered it already, but at this point, it was probably just a matter of moments.

Even if it probably didnÆt matter, if he could score a few wounds on RinkmonÆs legs, it would do nothing but help.

And alsoà

For their plan to work, he needed to buy his Tamer a second or two of ænormalÆ time to slash another card. Preferably, two cards.

Each of his blazing hot blades sheered through space at relativistic speeds, blows falling like rain.

Sometimes, he pushed forward, hammering down on his opponent with all his might, raging like a storm, yet tightly controlled, making each blow count.

Sometimes, he fell back, just a step, before sliding forth a blow with unbelievable speed, sliding his blades in at angles that should have been nearly impossible to strike from, or extending a blade past Rinkmon to pull it back like a scythe, trying to remove entire limbs.

He swung his blades forward, pulled away to strike with the back, and even used them as spikes, drawing from his knowledge of battle to use the weapons in any way that could give him an advantage.

And in the end, Rinkmon realized something.

If he wanted to survive, then he would have to attack. Even though his opponent could match him in speed and was superior in all other ways, if he wanted to survive until his speed returned, he had to do more then be pushed backùhe couldnÆt retreat from this opponent, so he had to advance.

So he did.

As he moved back to avoid a fatal blow from GrowmonÆs blades, he turned the step into a speed that could have left lightning feeling slow.

ôùSpinning Cutter.ö

He put his all into it, releasing a multitude of blue lasers and a massive gust of wind. But long before the wind got, the much faster lasers burnt through the space separating him from his opponent, slamming into his chest with surprising force.

Even if he was slower, the speed of his attacks hadnÆt changed. They probably didnÆt hurt his opponentùmuchùbut Rinkmon was sure, down to the core, of his being, that Growmon hadnÆt expected him to suddenly stop retreating.

And Rinkmon was right. Having fought him before as an Ultimate, against whom Rinkmon had no hope of even attempting mount a defense, much less an attack, Growmon had seen Rinkmon as someone whoÆs fight or flight instinct was set purely to the latter.

But Takato hadnÆt seen that fight. He didnÆt know how Rinkmon had acted against a much stronger and faster opponent many years in the past.

All heÆd seen was the Rinkmon here and now. And all he knew was that he and Guilmon had been pushed deep into a cornerùand had come out swinging.

And he had prepared for Rinkmon to do the same.

And so, just like that, Rinkmon began to sink into the grave Takato had dug for him.

ôCounterattack, Activate!ö Takato had said, a second before or hours, depending on who was asked, though no one could hear his words in the first place.

One moment, the attack had taken Growmon by surprise. Striking him in the chest, he had fallen a step back with widened eyes, and Rinkmon was already taking advantage of it, rushing forward in the hopes of changing the tide of the battle.

And the next moment, things were completely different. Growmon was back on his feet, an arm raised but sweeping down towards Rinkmon, who was too slow to hope to dodge.

There was time between these moments. Growmon had not covered the space between those two positionsùhe had simple been in one place, and then the other. It was like a movie had skipped a few seconds ahead, but Growmon was the only one the change places.

In that moment, Rinkmon truly though he was going to die.

But then, a program finished executing and the last of the errors in his system were repaired.

In a fraction of a second, he was leaning back and the suddenly sluggish blade passed slowly in front of him.

For a second, Rinkmon thought he was safe and was preparing himself to finish things.

But in truth, all he was doing was falling deeper in the trap that was closing around him.

ôùConsecutive Attacks, Activate!ö Takato had said, just seconds before, to unhearing ears.

It was like Growmon rewound. Again, he was standing, blade sweeping down, though now with a differently angled attack. If Rinkmon had a heart, it would have skipped a beat.

But it didnÆt matter, he thought, calming himself in an instant. Another attack didnÆt matter at all, since it was still moving so sluggishly.

He began to take a step backùand in that moment, he hit the bottom, as a program finished executing.

Where did RinkmonÆs speed come from? Not æhow did it workÆùhe knew the answer to thatùbut where had his ability to move so fast come from.

The original Rinkmon was a result of Hawkmon evolving with the Digimental of Friendship. His speed could not have come wholly from Hawkmon, for Hawkmon was not particularly fast. And yet, it could not have come wholly from the Digimental, for not all Armor Digimon that came from it could boast of such speed.

Noàthat speed came, without a doubt, from the combination for both Digimon and Digimental. Somewhere, in the code resulting from Hawkmon evolving with the Digimental of Friendship, was the data that allowed from RinkmonÆs speed.

And within Guilmon was the data of the æDigimental of Friendship.Æ In which, to puzzle out the truth behind æRinkmon,Æ all he needed was the data of æHawkmon.Æ He had no such thing, sadly, butàif given time, he could figure out how to make the code work based of the results of different codes.

And heÆd had all the time in the world.

From his perspective, how long had this fight been? How many days? Or had it been weeks? Months?

It didnÆt matter. All that mattered was that heÆd had the time and heÆd made it work.

The algorithm that gave Rinkmon his speed? Right now, it was inside Growmon, too.

It wasnÆt perfectùwell, the code was, or close to it, but it wouldnÆt run perfectly. It was a code meant for æRinkmonÆùnaturally, it would run differently if used by Growmon. They were basically two vastly different programsùeven if they were commanded to perform the same operation, there would be differences between the two. He was running a program meant for something else.

For him, making full use of the program was impossible. HeÆd never be able to go from normal speed to ninety-eight percent the speed of light.

But, if it was simply to make him move ten times faster, that was still possible.

In that instant, Rinkmon and Growmon were suddenly the same speed.

And that bladeàit went without saying that Rinkmon had no hope of dodging.


Well-Known Member
It's a good update, and I'm glad to see this pivotal, long ass fight coming to an end sometime 'soon'.

Rereading the whole fight against Rinkmon has got me wondering just how far would have Takato and Guilmon gotten by now in Devil's Advocate if Lucemon had managed to come up with a good/plausible reason for Takato to bring his entire collection of cards to the Digital World?


Well-Known Member
sworded said:
It's a good update, and I'm glad to see this pivotal, long ass fight coming to an end sometime 'soon'.

Rereading the whole fight against Rinkmon has got me wondering just how far would have Takato and Guilmon gotten by now in Devil's Advocate if Lucemon had managed to come up with a good/plausible reason for Takato to bring his entire collection of cards to the Digital World?
What Conflict?

Seriously, it would be over so fast, only UlforceV-dramon and Mercurymon would see it happen.



This fight only lasted about ten seconds, not counting the part's with talking and System Freeze.

This fight took less time than it's taken me to make this post.


Well-Known Member
Digimon Tamer's, instead of fighting time to slide cards, they write code to exploit their partners' and enemies' abilities.

That's so dirty.

Thanks Ryuugi.


Well-Known Member
Third Snippet of Thanksgiving.


And just like that, it was over.

RinkmonÆs back hit the ground. A moment later, his legs hit it as well, before exploding into data, which Growmon swiftly absorbed.

ôGahàkuhàö Rinkmon tried to speak and failed.

But if he had been able toàwhat would he have said?

Would he have cursed his opponent?

Growmon no longer cared what he had to say.

Would he have begged for mercy?

GrowmonÆs eyes made it obvious that he had none to give.

Rinkmon could say nothing, but in the end, there was also nothing he would say.

Growmon loomed over his fallen opponent, golden eyes focused and sharp.

ôI hope you donÆt believe IÆm going to let you live after everything youÆve done.ö Growmon said, grabbing Rinkmon in one mighty hand and lifting him from the ground. His grip was painfully tight, to the point that if Rinkmon had been a human, he would have coughed up blood at the force of it.

Growmon raised him to eye level while Rinkmon could do nothing but glare in one final act of defiance.

ôI canÆt think of any way that I could make you suffer enough for everything youÆve doneùand even if I could, I probably wouldnÆt have the time to do it. So thank your Olympians for getting such a light punishment as this.ö

And with that, Growmon exhaled in a slow sigh, breathing out a small cloud of fire that covered both Rinkmon and his hand.

The flame danced gently across his scalesùhe felt nothing but a soothing warmth from the flames.

Rinkmon, however, immediately caught flame.

Even if he hadnÆt had the power to speak, he apparently still had enough to scream. Growmon watched dispassionately as Rinkmon began to burn alive, his eyes already distant.

Rinkmon was already dead to him, even if he continued to scream. As such, Growmon was already thinking about what he would do next, and truthfullyàthe future troubled him.

It was only after Rinkmon released a final scream and burst into data that Takato began to approach. Growmon focused on him completely, even as he loaded RinkmonÆs data, because there was simply something about TakatoÆs eyesà

Without a doubt, they were completely focused on Growmon. And the look in themà

He knew.

ôWhat now?ö Takato asked, though he sounded like he already knew the answer.

Growmon forced himself not to look away. The enhancementÆs Takato had given him had finally begun to fade, receding smoothly into his skin.

ôàI thank you, Takato. For everything. If not for you, I wouldnÆt be hereùô

In more ways then one.

ôAnd I never would have been able to beat Rinkmon. But nowàö

ôYou have to go back to the Digital World.ö Takato stated.

ôI canÆt stay here,ö Growmon tried to explain. ôIf I do, more Digimon will be sent after me and more innocent people will get hurt. Maybe even you, Takato. So I have to go back.ö

Takato nodded.

ôI know.ö He said. ôSoàwhen do we leave?ö


ôàI know you have to leave. I can even understand why and accept it. Butàdid you think for a second that IÆd let you go without me?ö

ôTakato, you canÆt do that.ö Growmon said firmly.

Takato ignored him completely, quietly gathering up his cards.

ôYouÆll be in danger if you go,ö He tried.

That got the TamerÆs attention, and he turned around with a glare.

ôAnd youÆll die if I donÆt!ö Takato all but shouted.

Growmon opened his mouth to reply, but couldnÆt think of anything to say.

It was true, after all.

HeÆd won against Rinkmon because of Takato and his cards. If he had to fight MercurymonÆs forces alone, heÆd surely die.

But even with the power his Tamer could give him, if he had to fight Mercurymon, they would both die.

ôàAre you that eager to leave, Takato?ö

The Tamer looked at the ground.

ôOf course not. I wish we could both stay here together and never have to worry about fighting. Butàmore than anything elseàI am your Tamer. And I canÆt just let you do this alone, right?ö

ôAnd what if I just go alone?ö Growmon challenged.

ôThen IÆll follow you into the Digital World.ö Takato stated quietly, but his resolve was clear. ôEven if it puts me in danger, I wonÆt let you die. And besidesàdo you even know how to get to the Digital World?ö

Growmon winced at that, but quickly recovered.

ôIÆll find a way,ö He claimed.

ôIÆm sure you will,ö Takato smiled, showing that he didnÆt doubt his partnerÆs words for a second. ôBut youÆre the one in a hurry, right?ö

ôAnd you have a way to the Digital World?ö Growmon asked, attempting to appear dubious.

It largely failed, because the boy in front of him had just given him the power to match Rinkmon.

ôOf course I do.ö Takato said. ôSoàare we gonna do this or not?ö

Growmon stared at him for a long moment.

And then he laughed. Uproarious, uncontrollable laughter that seemed natural to him, though Takato had never heard him laugh like this before.

Calming in flash, he nodded.

ôAre you sure about this, Takato?ö

ôIÆve never been surer about anything in my entire life.ö

ôThen lead the way.ö

Takato smiled and drew a single card.

He glanced one last time at his houseùthe ruins of his house, really. For a moment, he closed his eyes.

IÆll be back, he promised.

And then he swept the card.

ôùDimension Crossing Hero, Activate!ö



Well-Known Member
Plot advancement. In this fic. I don't even...



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Minervamon closed her eyes in annoyance.

ôIÆve already told you what happened,ö She said, doing her best to keep her tone diplomatic.

She was annoyed, but it was important to be diplomaticùor, at least, to seem like they were all diplomatic. That was one of the unspoken rules of the Olympus Twelve. As an organization that could rival even the mighty Royal Knights, it was important they stay on good terms with each other, less someone find a way to turn them against one another.

If things degenerated, the other Olympians would get involved, which she didnÆt want to happen.

ôAnd IÆm telling you itÆs a lie.ö Mercurymon growled, apparently not feeling any need to do the same.

Minervamon could not fault him for his impatience. She could understand why he was unnerved by what was happeningùand given his speed, who knows how long heÆd already waited, from his own perspective.

So she decided to take the higher road and repeat herself.

ôI pursued Dukemon while you were recovering from your battle and killed both him and the injured UlforceV-dramon. Whether you believe that I killed them or not, IÆm sure you are well away their neither of them were ever seen again.ö

ôYou still expect me to believe that, Minervamon? Even when I can sense him so clearly!?ö Mercurymon demanded.

If it was meant to shake Minervamon, it failed. Her usually childish expression was a carefully constructed mask of boredom. This situation was as unnerving for her as it was for Mercurymon, if for somewhat different reasons.

ôI fail to see what that had to do with my report,ö She replied, her feelings completely hidden. ôIf I remember correctly, you assured me that the virus you had had infected him with would keep UlforceV-dramon from reforming, even as a Digitama.ö

Mercurymon snarled.

ôDonÆt you think I know that!? Dukemon must have done something!ö

ôIÆm afraid that I wouldnÆt know. And we canÆt ask him, eitherùbecause he was nothing but data when I left.ö Minervamon stated firmly. It was easy to do, because it was actually true. ôThe only question is what do we do now?ö

MercurymonÆs emotions had apparently calmedùthough when exactly that had happened, she had no idea. After all, he moved and thought so fast, keeping up with them with complete accuracy was impossible, even for her.

ôIÆve already sent Rinkmon after him. By now, he should already be dead.ö He said, apparently believing those words.

Minervamon wasnÆt sure how feel about those words.

On one hand, Rinkmon had been sent, which could ruin everything.

But on the other handà

ôAre you sure, brother? Because I donÆt sense Rinkmon at allùand UlforceV-dramonÆs presence has done nothing but grow.ö She said.

Mercury paled almost instantly, though she only caught a glimpse of the expression as it shifted just as quickly through shock, rage, and finally settled on disgust.

ôRinkmon!ö He spat. ôI canÆt believe you managed to screw this up!ö

ôHe was humiliated by UlforceV-dramon in the past,ö His sister pointed out. ôHe probably lost his temper and acted stupidly. I admit heÆd a good choice if you look at his powers alone, butàyou should have sent someone more levelheaded.ö

She chided her brother, knowing it would anger him and that anger would be directed towards Rinkmon. While he was distracted, she could gain control over her own emotions, as well as the situation.

Sure enough, Mercurymon took the bait.

ôThat stupid littleùHe better hope he got deleted! If I see him again, IÆm going to crush him!ö

ôI canÆt be helped now,ö Minervamon said, sighing as she stood. ôPerhaps this is a situation where leveler heads will prevail. I shall send some of my own forces to deal with him. The Southern Quadrantàö

She nodded to herself, purely for show.

ôWitchmon and Wizarmon should be able to pierce the barrier between worlds. Shall I send them brother? Opening a gate large enough to send Rapidmon or one of your other Servants may take some time.ö

This was a fortunate turn of events. Getting a Perfect level Digimon into the real world was much more difficult than getting an Adult or Child through. If Rinkmon had died, Mercurymon would continue to send his forces through, even if someone who had defeated Rinkmon could buy some time.

But she was well aware of the type of things MercurymonÆs men were capable of doing. If she could convince him to wait until sending a more powerful Digimon, it would save lives on both sides.

Mercurymon opened his mouth, but his reply never came.

As one, the siblings shifted their eyes to the South as the Dimensional Boundary shook as something tore through itùfrom the opposite side.

Thatàwithout a doubt, someone had entered the Southern Quadrant from the Human World by simply brute forcing the boundary.

And their senses made it obvious who it was.

ôHmph. Hiding in ZhuqaiomonÆs realm?ö Mercurymon spat. ôI hope you donÆt think thatÆs enough to save you, you bastard! What should we do, Minervamon?ö

His sister didnÆt reply.

ôàMinervamon?ö He asked, frowning.

Again, she didnÆt say a word.

Noàrather, she couldnÆt say anything. In that moment, she was truly speechless.

Her emotions raced so fast that, for a moment, she thought she could understand what her brother felt like all the time.

Annoyance at how her plans were destroyed before they could even beginùbut that guy had never followed anyoneÆs plans, had he?

Anger, not at anything in particular, but simply at how things were developing, far beyond her control.

Fear, partially for herself, but mainly for the one who was now in so much danger.

Pain, sorrow, guilt, melancholy, despair, and hope race through her mind as she remembered what had happened in the past.

So many feelings threatened to overwhelm her as she stared towards the South. But in the end, the one that came out on time was a quiet, simple happiness.

æWelcome home, my love.Æ


Well-Known Member
He had a red, draconic visor and Takato saw symbols like the one of Guilmon's chesk on his armor.


He knew in a way that was beyond all doubts and needs for explination.

need, explanation

Now prepared, Rinkmon had rolled perfectly with the blow and brought up an arm in a instant.

an instant

He could barely draw on a pale shadow of Rinkmon's power and only because he already possessed the date of the Digimental of Friendship.


He'd forgotten the aspect of himself that before he'd always clung too, and he was ashamed at that.

of might be better then at

The attacks came a hundred timesùa thousand timesùdirected towards his eyes, his head, his groin, his legs, and ever place Rinkmon knew would hurt.


He slide aside a blade that would have gouged out his right eye,


It uploaded a virus in an enemy Armor Digimon,


While Rinkmon's natural firewalls and anti-viruses were enough to keep him for actually reverting to a lower level,


And he'd solved it the only way he couldùhe had planned all his moves in advanced.


But long before the wind got, the much faster lasers burnt through the space separating him from his opponent, slamming into his chest with surprising force.

the wind got what?

They probably didn't hurt his opponentùmuchùbut Rinkmon was sure, down to the core, of his being, that Growmon hadn't expected him to suddenly stop retreating.

I don't think there should be a , between core and of.

Having fought him before as an Ultimate, against whom Rinkmon had no hope of even attempting mount a defense, much less an attack, Growmon had seen Rinkmon as someone who's fight or flight instinct was set purely to the latter.

to mount

It was like a movie had skipped a few seconds ahead, but Growmon was the only one the change places.

that changed, or to change

Somewhere, in the code resulting from Hawkmon evolving with the Digimental of Friendship, was the data that allowed from Rinkmon's speed.

for Rinkmon's

And within Guilmon was the data of the 'Digimental of Friendship.' In which, to puzzle out the truth behind 'Rinkmon,' all he needed was the data of 'Hawkmon.' He had no such thing, sadly, butàif given time, he could figure out how to make the code work based of the results of different codes.

The air quotes shouldn't be after the punctuation, I don't think anyway, and 'off different codes', not 'of different codes'.

Mercury paled almost instantly, though she only caught a glimpse of the expression as it shifted just as quickly through shock, rage, and finally settled on disgust.
