Other decent fanfiction sites not tied to fandoms.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows about FF.net.

Most other fanfiction sites are tied to a particular fandom. Sometimes that's good, but I'm looking to list any decent sites that host to general fanfiction. Alternatives for FF.net for those looking for a place to read or post some stories other than FF.net.

I'm looking to branch out, but reposting a lot of my stories will take a while. So I've been lazy lately and not done much towards it. I'll have to reformat a lot of them as I've only got HTML versions of older stuff. Pretty much unformatted blocks of text for earlier chapters. I won't lose them if something goes wrong with my PC, but it'll be an awful mess and very time consuming to repost them, so I've been lazy. Sooner or later, I do plan on 'branching out' in the near future.

Mediaminer isn't a bad place if you're looking for something similar to FF.net with a different format.


Darkscribes is another place, but considerably smaller. There's not much there to read at the moment, but lots of fandoms and plenty of room to post. It's got that 'small community feel to it.


Any other suggestions or haunts for 'general' fanfiction not related to any particular fandom?


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
FictionPress.Com -- Main Page
FicWad fresh-picked original and fan fiction
Sanjiyan's Anime Forums - Fanfiction Mailing List (FFML)

The Lost Library of Florestica


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Caught this just now on Sanjiyan's.


Hey All,

This is just announcement letting everyone know that the AniFics.com forums
are online but sadly they're lacking any restored data. Do to several
problems between hard drive failures and MIA server admins all my back ups
were corrupted and I was locked out of the sever for the last few months
before it went offline with no way of creating backups of the database for
the forum or anything hosted for that matter. The only back up I have for
the AniFics forum dates from way back in 2005 and they are not even
remotely compatible with the newest beehive software. I do have a full back
up of all the hosted site dating from February 2007 I will look into
restoring asap if requested.

If people want I'm willing to try and spend a weekend looking into
converting and restoring the old forum data but this will over write all
the new user accounts and settings. If you all think this is a good idea
let me know and I'll get to work on it. This will mostly consist of
installing and upgrade previous version of beehive to the newest version
until I get it to work -.-

Anifics Admin