Ranma ½ Pigtailed Time Loops


Well-Known Member
Well, we still plan to mine this in Naruto, but why allow him to have all the fun?

Loops came, Loops went, and Loops would continue.

He could still remember how it all started, shortly after the failed marriage attempt that had destroyed the Saotome home. Not even a week laterùmore than enough time for Nabiki to write up a bill and subtract what she got for selling the wedding giftsùhe ended up right back at the beginning.

It wasnÆt too bad. He didnÆt go back to being as weak as he had been. It was kind of nice to have the good ole M÷ko Takabisha when he was first there, same old stamina, speed, etc. Hell, he enjoyed it because no matter how long he spent, he always had his martial arts to further perfect; an infinite year to become perfect.

Then boredom set in, had he actually started à reading! And not just scrolls eitherùthough the Imperial Palace did have a nice cache of forbidden techniques in a sub-sub-sub basement that required the EmperorÆs personal key to enterùbut books on science and such.

Of course, you could only work so hard before boredom returned, and thus the knowledge from a certain small tomboy of a Goddessùwho in typical Nerima fashion, showed up while he was soaking and got upset for æhimÆ being naked. After a nice chatùand he finally got her to stop claiming that she was now æimpureÆùhe learned not only what had occurred but that there would be an ending.

Hope can keep any man going when all seems lost.

Of course, also in typical Nerima fashion, sheÆd been unableùor more likely unwillingùto change where he entered the Loop.


This was why just after the Loop started againùliterally fractions of a secondùand there was no time to get hisùnow herùthoughts together, she once more felt the cold impact of a stop sign to the sweet-spot on the back of her head, rendering her unconscious.

The Old Man will die this Loop à painfully, were her last thoughts as unconsciousness claimed her and a panda picked her up.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... Interesting fragment.

So... is there more to this, or is it in the Naruto thread, which I won't go to?

If there is and it is elsewhere, then where?

EDIT: Never mind... I just caught something similar in the NGE section, so yo must be going this across series.

So, the new question, where is the initial setup so it makes sense, or the connecting sceness tying the series together?


Well-Known Member
I made one for the Evangelion Loop as well.

Like the Naruto thread, anyone can add to it, as long as it follows the rules of the Loop.

Considering how there are no real rules except for spelling and grammar--so we can actually understand what people are trying to say--have fun.

Anyone can do the setup, I was just starting it off. The main point is that unless it is a Fused or FUBAR Loop, the starting point is always a split-second before Genma-panda knocks Ranma-chan out with the STOP sign.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Innortal said:
I made one for the Evangelion Loop as well.
Ahhh... you must have missed my edit.

I was wondering, where is the master setup, as is the snippets really don't make sense to me...

I'm assuming 3rd imapct and some deal or aspect is the cause for the NGE one. For hear, assuming some meet and insult session between Ranma/Skuld, but unclear why time is repeating for him.


Well-Known Member
Here is supposingly how the Loops started, as stated in the Naruto Loop:

ôMy name is Urd, Goddess of the Past and Yggdrasil System Administrator and Manager. IÆm here to give you a quick bit of info and will try to do so every time this Loop begins. But donÆt take it as a given and go kill yourself, we need time between each Loop to reestablish contact, so weÆll need some time.

ôNow, youÆre not the only one suffering. The System got attacked from an entity around the tenth dimension. As such, dozens of universes are stuck in a loop, key players on the planet stuck in the center as an anchor keeping them viable, going through the same issues you are, and weÆre contacting them as quickly as possible. But it took us this long just to try and get the System rigged enough for this.

ôThe point is weÆll be sending what help we can while trying to fix this. WeÆll let you know if we fix it, but several issues will pop up. We canÆt even be certain we can keep the universes separate much longer. And in the current flux, we canÆt predict when, if, or how it will happen, let alone if they will separate or stay fused. In that case, escape will leave you in a world that is at best a partial copy of your own. We canÆt even tell if it has already happened or when, just that the possibility exists that it might.

ôAlso, donÆt think Kami-sama is going to hold your old evil actions against you. Mortal minds are pretty fragile, and the fact youÆre not a gibbering mess at the moment speaks highly of you.

ôBut à if you see a woman who looks like me with red facial tattoos à be careful. Mom runs Hell.ö

Naruto gulped at that. ôGood to know.ö

ôRight then,ö continued Urd. ôHopefully soon, we can figure a way to include more people with you in these loops. WeÆre hoping the more people, the more stable the universes will become, perhaps even help keep them from fusing permanently. Nod if you understand.ö

Naruto nodded eagerly. It was happening! It was new!

It might mean à freedom! Sure, he might end up in Hell and made a strong mental note to never hit on tanned females with red marks for the rest of his miserable life, but he had a chance now.

Urd smiled as she checked her watch. ôWell, I have to go now, cutie. I have to inform a certain pigtailed martial artist the same story and make sure my youngest sister didnÆt kill some boy with green eyes she was supposed to inform. IÆve heard heÆs gotten pretty good at using profanities.

ôHope to see you soon with good news,ö she waved, fading from sight.
I tied in the A!MG group, as they are all 10-D beings. As such, the can theoretically exist anywhere in the Multiverse they wish. The System is the same, the giant Yggdrasil that controls it all. So if it got messed up, all reality or a good bit might feel it. As a result, key time periods are stuck in the Loop. For Naruto, it starts right after he gets assigned his team. For Shinji, it starts when he gets off the train at Tokyo-2. As stated above, for Ranma is starts right before he gets clobbered by Genma.

The ending is never set in stone.


Well-Known Member
It's all in the Naruto forum, unfortunately (for you).

The underlaying plot that everyone mostly agree to is that there was some major SNAFU in Yggdrasil recently which create time loops in a numbers of universes.

At one point, someone in a loop did something REALLY stupid to try to break free, from which the first "Fused Loop" was born, which are loops where characters for several different universes end up in the same verse for the duration of that loop.

Originally, FLs always send the character to the Potterverse, but it had been expanded to any universe lately.

Another pretty recent development are the "FUBAR Loop" which basically send characters into another universes than their own at random. FULs generally only send a small number of peoples into those other universes and they generally are the only one aware of the looping during that loop.

Main Characters are always "Awake" for every loops, other characters being Awake or not seem to be mostly random, but the more important you are to the plot, the greater your chance to remember.

Or at least that what I observed in the "New Intro" thread.

Did I miss anything ?


Well-Known Member
Right. One FUBAR Loop was created by the Evangelion Pilots trying to use their three Evangelions to break free. According to Kaoru, it failed, not just failed, but literally created a planetary cascade and destroyed the whole planet. The result dumped Harry Potter, Naruto, and Ranma into a Hogwarts Fused Loop with the Pilots, who finally had the 'rules' explained to them.

Depending on the strength of the attempt to break free, it could either alter the time you enter the Loop--always earlier than your normal arrival time--or creates a Fused Loop, where the characters end up living in a universe not always their own. During these Loops, the other characters will have memories and a history they never actually lived, but done so by a failsafe in Yggdrasil to minimize errors.


Well-Known Member
Also, while other universes have been mentioned (particularly into the latest Narutoverse Fused Loop) the so far most represented players are :

-Ranma 1/2
-Harry Potter

All four Main Characters of those universes seem to have become good friends and Ichigo from Bleach seem to be entering the arrangement.


Well-Known Member
Innortal in your first post, I think you meant to say either the Tendo dojo, or the Tendo Home. Not the Saotome Home.


Well-Known Member
I never was all that clear of which place was destroyed in canon. So it was the Tendo Dojo or their home?


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
I never was all that clear of which place was destroyed in canon.? So it was the Tendo Dojo or their home?
The Saotome home was destroyed by the fiancee's looking for a ring (really a pill box). Resulting in Nodoka/Ranma/Genma moving back in with the Tendo's till it's repaired. The dojo was destroyed (just the dojo nothing else) during the wedding.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing this story continues with Ranma waking up while she's slung over Genma's shoulder. Then she proceeds to beat the crap out of Genma and goes back to China to cure her curse before meeting the Tendos again for the first time.

Am I right?


Well-Known Member
If that's where you want to go with it, sure. This is essentially TFF's own Addventure.

Based on the amount of time loops were implied in the first loop, I'd have to say he's pretty much used to the curse by now, and probably wont go change it.

IMO, he'd probably be a little more upfront with the Tendos about the curse before letting Akane spar with him.

He also probably has some favorite inventions he's figured out how to quickly make and will do what he can to assemble those again.

And then? Hrm... a lot of the chaos is -fun- so I doubt he'd try to "solve his problems" so easily, but maybe throw a new wrench into the chaos.

Say, when Ryoga shows up, he'd challenge Ryoga to an arm wrestling mach. Or if he chops Akane's hair off again, he tells Ryoga that he has to go bald as penance.


Well-Known Member
Ordieth117 said:
If that's where you want to go with it, sure. This is essentially TFF's own Addventure.

Based on the amount of time loops were implied in the first loop, I'd have to say he's pretty much used to the curse by now, and probably wont go change it.
Ah, it's not really a Ranma story then. Just a story with an original character with Ranma's name and curse in it. Got it.


Well-Known Member
It is basically "how would he act if he had to relive the same year constantly?" It can be SI, I suppose, but the original point is to sow chaos during the Loops, doing what he shouldn't either be capable or willing to pull off.

He could pick a different fiancee before the girls and Soun shove Akane on him, etc.

The main rule about the Loop is that at times, certain conditions must be met. In the Naruto fanfic, "Chuunin Exam", that condition is that Team 7 must pass the initial exam and Naruto must make Chuunin after the finals, or it all resets. For this one, the only rule generally is that the Main Character, the anchor for the reality, must survive. If Ranma is killed, it resets and he wakes up to receive a Stop sign to the back of the head before he could ever react (those who watched Stargate remember Teal'c suffering a similar fate when he was stuck in a Loop).

There are only two ways in which a Loop will reset: the MC dies or the time period ends. For Ranma, this is the year at the Tendos', + a few days after the failed marriage attempt at the end of the manga. For Shinji Ikari, it is somewhere around 3I, for Harry it would sometime after Hogwarts. We have done episodes before where they can extend these (Naruto has actually become an old man before the Loop resets), but no one is sure what the condition is and if it is different for each world. It simply could have been Yggdrasil working for a moment before the code failed.


Well-Known Member
"Daddy is this your friend?" Kasumi anxiously asked over her father's shoulder.

"Oh so this Panda just decided to visit! Happens all the time!" Nabiki countered in slightly less than a yell.


With that Genma presented his child directly in front of his old buddy Soun.

"You...," Soun asked hesitantly, with uncertainty writ large on his face. "Wouldn't be...."

Ranma paused for a moment to blush extremely cutely and proceeded to lie like crazy. "Kurenai Saotome. Sorry about this."

Silence echoed inside the Tendo home for a long moment as all the others involved froze solid, as if uncertain about what next to do. Interestingly enough it was Akane who gathered her courage to start to speak before Ranma continued to screw with, errr, muddle the situtation.

"Isn't Big Brother supposed to be here already?" Ranma asked in a cute but energetic manner. "Father's postcard said to meet them here."

"Ah ha ha ha," Soun laughed in relief. "Genma never mentioned he had a charming young daughter. Or one with such an usual pet."

The panda in question was currently collapsed on the floor dazed and confused thanks to an unseen series of vicious elbows to the gut, courtesy of one Ranma "Kurenai" Saotome.

Gazing at the floor in a rather demure manner, 'Kurenai' commented in a sweet manner. "Oh Mr. Panda isn't a real panda at all."

"Then what is he?" Nabiki asked curiously as she cut in front of Akane, leaving the youngest Tendo sister to fume in frustration.

With a serene look upon her face 'Kurenai' meet Nabiki's gaze and replied gleefully. "An unholy fusion of Mad Science, Magic, and my panda plushy. The Professor got the idea to form a team of magic girls. So the Professor started with attempting to create a magical mascot, resulting in Mr Panda. Of course the Professor got diverted with coming up with ever more ridiculous and perverted costumes."

"Typical male," Akane managed to finally get around her sister and actually speak for once. "I hope you punished that pervert but good."

Kurenai giggled at that. "Oh I don't know, the Professor had ever so much showing them off to her husband."

"Her what?" Kasumi asked slightly shocked.

"Her husband the Doctor," Kurenai replied. "Mother mentioned something about variety being the spice of life."

Akane just froze at that, the idea that females could want to do perverted things with men was clearly a shock to the system.

"Well you're more than welcome to wait with us for Genma and Ranma to show up," Soun graciously replied inviting Genma's daughter further inside. "Kasumi perhaps some tea?"

"Of course father," Kasumi replied before inquiring. "Will Mr. Panda require anything?"

"Oh not at all," Kurenai replied with a smile as she lifted Genma up by the scruff of his neck. "I'll just set him up outside if that's alright. No need to get hair everywhere."

In a conspiratorial tone Kurenai added, "Just between you and me Mr Panda is starting to go a bit bald."


Dropping his old man unceremoniously on the grass in front of koi pond Ranma dusted off his hands and squatted closely next the very upset panda.

"Growf" Genma complained in a very upset manner as he tried to shake off the effects of the pressure point Ranma had hit.

"Stuff it pops," Ranma commented in a hard tone. "I'm in no mood for your shenanigans. There's no way in the Six Hells that I'm meeting my fiancee officially as a girl. The Tendo girls are pretty good looking after all."

"Growf?" Genma asked in a slightly upbeat tone.

"Yare, yare," Ranma replied. "So I changed my mind on the whole fiancee thing alright."

"Growf," Genma stated sounding very smug and pleased with himself.

Rolling his eyes Ranma continued on. "Thus my little sister 'Kurenai' and her magical panda. I go have tea with the Tendo's for a bit, make some small talk and then we leave and hit a hotel for the night. You give Mr Tendo a call saying we were delayed but will be here early in the morning."

"Growf," Genma countered gruffly.

"Ge-ez Pop don't be an idiot. There's no way I'm showing off the curse now. I want the girls first impression of me to be as a man not a chick got it." Ranma countered. "Oh and if you cause me any trouble there's this 'useless' pressure point I remember learning that don't sound so useless anymore."

"Growf!" Genma barked out in outrage.

"It's called the 'Cat's Tongue' and makes you super sensitive to heat," Ranma paused a moment, well several really, for Genma to start mulling it over. "As in you use hot water to change back and it will feel like you just took a dip in molten lava."

Genma went pure white at that.

"Got it Pops," Ranma growled out.

Genma nodded vigorously at that.

"Good," Ranma said sweetly.


"So what's Ranma like as a martial artist?" Akane asked curiously.

"The best," Kurenai said with great pride. "He could take the Grandmaster of Anything Goes two out of three falls."

It was the truth too, after nearly a full century of loops Ranma knew he could take the perverted troll on in an all out no holds barred fight and win two thirds of the time. Best form of stress relief ever.

Next to raw passionate sex with one of his female acquaintances of course.

"Although," Kurenai added with a cute pout. "I haven't seen Grandfather Happosai in such a long time."


"Oh my," Kasumi replied in a concerned manner. "Father you've seem to have crushed your cup, let me clean that up."

A rather ghostly looking Soun just sat there in shock at the mention of the very dreaded Grandmasters name, his tea cup crushed into bits in his grip.

"Although it's been nearly twelve years since I've seen Grandfather Happosai last either," Kasumi replied sweetly as she quickly tied up the mess up. "I still follow the advice he gave me on how to grow up to become a beautiful woman. Plenty of milk, exercise, and a thousand strokes of my hair each night."

"Huh looks like dad's out of it," Nabiki replied after waving her hand in front of her father's face.

"Ranma can't be that good," Akane said in disbelief.

"Oh you'll see," Kurenai countered swiftly. "He can do stuff that boggles the mind."

"What Ranma can throw Hadoken's around like he's a video game character?" Nabiki asked in disbelief.

"Yup," Kurenai answered cheerfully. "Among other ki attacks. All Big Brother has taught me thus far is how to make a ki ball though,"

"Oh my," Akane said in a slightly shocked tone as she stared at the blazing blue ball of energy floating over Kurenai's open palm.


That loop ended a few days after a rather hurried shot gun wedding nearly a year later.

It was rather fortunate for the civil servant who registered the legal marriage of Ranma and Kasumi Saotome would forget his traumatic experience as soon as the loop ended.

After all it wasn't every day Kasumi Tendo calmly offered to shove her shot gun up his ass and pull the trigger if the civil servant in question didn't stop holding things up with needless red tape.

Kasumi wasn't going to give up her twenty minute lead on the rest of the girls that easily.


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
If Ranma is killed, it resets and he wakes up to receive a Stop sign to the back of the head before he could ever react (those who watched Stargate remember Teal'c suffering a similar fate when he was stuck in a Loop).
Ah, but remember Teal'c eventually avoided it and got even.


Well-Known Member
spooky316 said:
Innortal said:
If Ranma is killed, it resets and he wakes up to receive a Stop sign to the back of the head before he could ever react (those who watched Stargate remember Teal'c suffering a similar fate when he was stuck in a Loop).
Ah, but remember Teal'c eventually avoided it and got even.
It took him, what? 600 attempts to avoid it?

When I'm not so sick, I'll think of something.


Well-Known Member
Nanya said:
spooky316 said:
Innortal said:
If Ranma is killed, it resets and he wakes up to receive a Stop sign to the back of the head before he could ever react (those who watched Stargate remember Teal'c suffering a similar fate when he was stuck in a Loop).
Ah, but remember Teal'c eventually avoided it and got even.
It took him, what? 600 attempts to avoid it?

When I'm not so sick, I'll think of something.
Since they were stuck in the loop for 3 months that's probably about right.


Well-Known Member
Really fun addition, Fitzgerald. I like the slightly psycho little sister act.


Well-Known Member
Ordieth117 said:
Really fun addition, Fitzgerald. I like the slightly psycho little sister act.

I was just going off the mental image of Ranma deciding to go with something to really throw a wrench in the works. After all he's known the actors involved for about a hundred years at this point.

Thus a slightly out of touch "cute but crazy" sister.



Well-Known Member
Ranma could only cringe, looking at how this Loop was turning out very badly. Nothing good will come of this, he mentally cried, wondering what Gods he had pissed off for this to happen. He had been so petrified by the sight before him, he hadnÆt even noticed when Soun Tendo poured the boiling hot water over him.

ôYouÆre problemÆs not so bad,ö smiled Soun, oblivious to any discomfort/fear Ranma was feeling. ôNow I know you have a hard choice. My little girls all take so much after their mother.ö

ôDaddy!ö giggled the eldest Tendo.

ôNow then: Serenity, age 19, Usagi, age 17, and Usa, age 16,ö he said, pointing to the platinum blond, pure blond, and pinkette in turn. ôChoose the one who will be your fiancÚe!ö

ôIs he okay?ö asked Usagi. ôHe just went pretty pale.ö

ôHe must have eaten some of your food,ö smirked Usa.



As a whole, the trio of oddly hairstyled girls and fathers looked at the Saotome heir à collapsed on the ground, twitching heavily.

ôI à think heÆs having a seizure,ö mumbled Usa.

ôWAAAAAH! WE NEED A DOCTOR!ö yelled Usagi, panicking.

ôIÆll get the first aid crystal,ö said Serenity, as she dashed into the kitchen.

ôStop acting like that, Boy!ö bellowed Genma, offering what æhelpÆ he could.

Ranma fought to regain control over his massive nervous twitch, but could do nothing to stem the fear of an entire Loop à of magic girl fiancÚes.


Well-Known Member
Ranma blinked. Then he blinked again for good measure.

Odd...why wasn't he in pain ? Why was he male ? Where was the rain ? Why wasn't he slung over the shoulder of a panda ?

And most importantly, where the hell was he ?

Last he remember, he had just finished doing something VERY stupid, killing himself in the process, which mean the loop should have reset...

The loops, Ranma had found after the novelty of the experience had worn off, had become mind numbing boring pretty fast. After all there was only so much you could accomplish in the span of a little over a year, even if the sex was nice.

As such, finding something to do had been paramount to maintaining his sanity in one mostly intact piece.

At first it had been finding an actual working cure for Jusenkyo, of which he found severals with varied success rate and final effect, from complete destruction of the curse to control over it. It still had taken him over 40 loops just to get to that point tough.

Next had been the Nekoken. He still couldn't control it consciously but at least its killer instincts were fully taken care of now. He still remembered that loop where he had literary carve his father in two...not a good memory at all.

And now he was in the middle of his most MAJOR project to date, even more involved that his "Humiliate Nabiki at every turn" project : Ki mastery.

Which was why in the latest loop, he had processed to find the biggest Dragon Nest of Japan (which accidentally was also the biggest of the world), wrench open all eight of his Chakra and leech the world's life energy right from the tap so to speak.

All for the purpose of determining what was the upper limit of the human body in channeling Ki before it was reduced to ash by the energy.

He had just reach Saffron level time thirty when he had hit his limit and lost control. His aura, already as bright as a supernova, had suddenly expand and...

And he had, for the smallest of moment become part of the World Dragonlines and felt his surrounding as if they were part of him and gotten a glimpse of that area just beyond it before his vitals failed him.

By his reckoning, his aura had expand in a perfect sphere and literally vaporised Tokyo in his entirety and 3/4 of Mount Fuji.

Maybe he should postpone further test in that area of research for now and look in those possibilities about direct connect connections to the World's consciousness...without Ki overdose this time hopefully.

But all that didn't explained just WHY he was currently standing on a bustling train platform wearing jeans and T-shirt, looking up to a black and red old school, if gleaming, train and...wait...

What the hell ? Did he swallow a magical mushroom or something ? Why did he look like a freaking 10 year old ?!

And why did the name of the train gave him such a felling of draid in the pit of his stomach ?

"Hogwarts Express ?"


Well-Known Member
spooky316 said:
Innortal said:
If Ranma is killed, it resets and he wakes up to receive a Stop sign to the back of the head before he could ever react (those who watched Stargate remember Teal'c suffering a similar fate when he was stuck in a Loop).
Ah, but remember Teal'c eventually avoided it and got even.
Actually Teal'c never avoided it. He just got so annoyed he slammed the door back at the clerk.