Evangelion Pilot Katsuragi

Lord Raa said:
Got some good news and some not-so good news.

I've got some more for this one, almost enough to warrant a thread of its own.

Not so good is the fact that I can't decide what to call this one.

"Pilot Katsuragi" is not an option.

However, I might go with Steel Cougar.

Thoughts/suggestions for titles?
How about "Katsuragi's Legacy?", referring to both Misato as Katsuragi's daughter and his sacrifice to save her? And the fact that Misato carries the legacy of Second Impact in being able to pilot?


Well-Known Member
Lord Raa said:
How is the fact that Misato already lives with Shinji and Asuka not a huge conflict of interest? How is she not too close to the other pilots if Shinji's the one who does her laundry and makes her meals?

NERV has always operated outside of most of the normal military guidelines. Not that you actually have a manual for dealing with what they do.

I might try working on something for this fic idea, but I promise nothing.
Misato being Shinji's and Asuka's guardian while she is their military commander is inappropriate, especially in Shinji's case. She is essentially taking advantage of Shinji for a role that is not a part of his job requirements (live-in cook/maid service). However nothing is done about it because Gendo Ikari apparently doesn't give a damn about Shinji beside him piloting, Fuyutsuki won't go against Gendo, Ritsuko doesn't give a damn at all (and she KNOWS what Shinji is doing in Misato's appartment - she's visited there AND she was Misato's college roommate) and no one else either knows or has the authority to do anything about it.

If he had any kind of cojones, after putting up with some of this crap (especially after Asuka arrives and makes him her personal whipping boy) Shinji would grab his two bags of personal belongings, go back to the Geofront, and demand to be assigned living quarters there (presumably there are officer quarters there, as it is fanon that Gendo lives in the Geofront). Hell, being assigned a former supply closet with a futon, a dresser, a desk and a chair close to the pilot locker rooms would be a massive improvement. If Misato starts kicking up a fuss about his not being properly suppervised, Shinji can point out that 1) he was the one looking after a certain often drunk purple haired captain and 2) Section 2 could keep a better watch on him in their HQ building in the Georfront than having a couple of agents parked outside Misato's apartment building.

Keep in mind that in the first episodes Shinji was presumably going to be assigned quarters and live by himself before Misato shanghai'd him into her apartment.

As to Misato being too close to the pilots to risk their lives if the situation calls for it, from what I saw in the series, Misato has NO problems ordering the pilots to carry out whatever insane, off the wall, highly risky plan she developed on the fly to stop an Angel. In fact, Misato is probably more concerned with her vengeance against the Angels than the wellbeing of the Children. After all, Misato saw how Asuka treated Shinji and did nothing to stop it. In fact, she just teased Shinji about his being attracted to the Red Devil.

The sad truth is that Shinji Ikari is completely p****ywhipped by Misato and NERV without any of the few benefits that usually entails. :(

This being said, I hope to see more of this story. :D
I don't know that anybody else gets the double entendre involved in the title "Steel Cougar"...

That said, it's got my vote :snigger: