Polls are open for TFF Rules.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Well, that was the idea of the rule.


Well-Known Member
I left a comment in the poll but I wanted to state this here as well (and expand on what I said).

I think some of the voting sections should be separated out. For example I think necro's should be allowed so long as they are on topic no matter the time limit (somewhere between alternative 3 and 4 basically). Say a new member finds a story post that is really old and leaves some constructive criticism that should be allowed. On the other hand I'd like to see off-topic posts kept from totally taking over a discussion and going on for pages (alternative 2).

As far as insults go I generally don't have a problem with them though I have seen that allowing them to get out of hand tends to degrade the average level of conversation. On the other hand racism I tend to find incredibly stupid and given that I have to deal with enough stupidity already I'd prefer to not have to deal with that.

On attribution and copyright I think as far as fanfic of fanfic or similar it should always be allowed but it should also always require an attribution for anything that isn't yours.

edit: Mostly cause I have nfc where I should post this but I was under the impression that accounts were supposed to be moved over but it seems that either mine wasn't or it let me create another account with the same name


Well-Known Member
Just read the comments on the poll and read something I didn't think of at all...
'Category 10 - Full disclosure, I have a pseudonym I use to post stories.'
I'd like to change my vote to reflect my belief that a pseudonym is a perfectly valid and acceptable use of a sock puppet account.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
No matter the name... I'm against secondary accounts myself... Sure I can see it for the admin, but that is it.

The issue to me is while anyone can make a justification for a secondary account, there is no guarantee it will be used for just that purpose... it will in essence allow a back door into the forum for anyone whom has it and had moderator action... it is in effect an unfair advantage and a fallback position... *no-one* should have that ability.

Just my personal take on it.


Well-Known Member
I'm Wingthesword on everysite I have an account on. It's simple.

However sometimes I want a different name or just want a cool name. So long as you don't spam the board with them it should be fine.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
I don't feel like it's a problem... as long as the alt is announced. If you need people to not know who you are, then it's a sockpuppet.
I voted to allow sockpuppets myself. The Admin can tell if they're all one person and take appropriate measures if absolutely necessary.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
The problem is that sometimes you can't tell. Dynamic IPs DO exist, and some of us log onto accounts from multiple points.


Staff member
Poll has closed. I won't be saying the different percentages or such, you can check those yourself.

Default Rules
NSFW in the restricted forums, no exceptions.
Nothing illegal.
No spamming.
Report things that break the rules.

Category One: Undesirable Posts
1. Necros are given a lot of extra time if the post is constructive, i.e. follows the secondary purpose of the thread. Necro length is 2-3 weeks, or 3-6 months if constructive. A post that follows the primary purpose of a thread can never be considered a necro.
2. Off-Topic and useless posts should be kept under control, but only in the case of getting to the point where a new thread would need to be made for the original discussion. Users will be warned and posts moved in the case of violations.
Necro rules only apply in story and idea threads to anyone who is not the author of the story/idea.

Category Two: Author Rights
1. The author will have authority on necros, threadjacks, offtopics, and useless posts.
2. The author will be required to accept constructive, on-topic posts.
3. Rules must be declared formally, with notice, with no exceptions.

Category Three: Personal Attacks and Racism
1. Slurs are allowed, as long as they aren't obviously intended to be harmful. That is to say, in the absence of absolute evidence of harmful intent, no action will be taken.
3. Personal attacks may be taken down at the target's request, at which point re-posting will be discouraged.
4. Insults are a way of saying "hello."

Catergory Four: Curse Words, Vulgarisms, Obscenity
1. Curse words will be allowed, as long as they are not the only contents of a post.
2. Stories will be allowed to feature a limited amount of graphic violence and any amount of cursing. Graphic depictions of sex will be limited to the restricted section.

Category Five: Attribution, Copyright
Alternatives will be expanded upon, a secondary vote will be taken.

Category Seven: Links
1. Link posters are normally under no special obligations, however:
2. Warn people if you are linking to something that asks you to vote, give points for referrals, or otherwise benefits the link poster with little or no benefit to the clicker.

Category 8: Tags
Tagging a story is not required, but it is always encouraged.

Category Nine: Moderator Accountability
1. A forum will be set aside specifically for disagreements with moderators.
2. Moderators will be required to justify actions taken in punishment, IE against the wishes of the affected posters.

Category Ten: Sock Puppets (Except TFF_Admin)
Sock puppets are not allowed. A limited number of alternative accounts (whose owner is announced in the member note) are allowed.

Category Eleven: Thread Moving
Threads posted in the obviously wrong place will be moved as soon as possible.
2. Posters will get a warning for repeated incorrect locations of threads in a short period of time, or else a small warning % for each incorrectly posted thread.
3. Threads which are not obviously wrong will be moved at the request of the author or when the correct uses of the thread eventually make it obvious that it is in the wrong place. For example, if a thread is posted in previews, but replies and examination of the post reveal it is really an Idea post, it will be moved.

Category Twelve: Advertising
1. You may shill for your fanfictions.
2. Do not shill for your product, aside from a low key link in your sig or something equally ignorable.

Catagory Thirteen: Punishment Level
1. Punishments for minor infractions are warnings.
2. The punishment for any repeated infraction, major infraction, or any refusal to cooperate with moderators is a temporary ban.
3. In cases of repeated temporary bans being required, the duration of the ban will be increased each time.
4. After a certain number of temporary bans, a permanent ban will be used.
5. Grievous violations before punishment can be issued will result in a permanent ban.


As you may notice, this list is extremely unwieldy and could probably be pared down to a decent 8 sentence "rulebook" for forumgoers to abide by. The original text may be consulted in the case of moderator appeal to prevent bias.

I'll have the short and sweet version up soon, I'm reinstalling windows at the moment which is always... fun.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
A thought for you when you go to do this...

You could always post both versions in a locked thread... have the short version first, note for deliberations on transgressions the longer version can be consulted, and have that in the post immediately below...

That should satisfy most parties then, and provide transparency...

One question, not interested in all the individual results and whatnot, but can you tell us how many votes overall were processed?


Not The Goddamn @dmin
108 people voted.


Well-Known Member
I assume that signatures are covered in the "no NSFW" rule? Because on the old TFF that was a big issue. I had sigs turned off all the time because there were so many NSFW pictures. I hope that isn't an issue anymore.


Well-Known Member
Well, as long as it isn't TOO blatant, I would be fine with it. Don't know if they will be covered.


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
So I just showed up and just saw the poll had already closed; but I think the outcome was reasonable, and I like it, so I have no complaints complying with the rules-as-they-be.

Well, except for the default rule: I think "NSFW" is a bad criterion, in theory and practice.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
For fairly obvious reasons, hentai/porn/etc have to go in restricted. This includes signatures.

Daniel... there might be some way you could be more vague, but I'm not personally seeing it. How is it bad? Why? I can't read your mind.

EDIT: just found your post. For those wondering, he explains here: http://thefanfictionforum.net/showthread.php?tid=19448&pid=1152279#pid1152279


Not The Goddamn @dmin
TFF Rules- Abridged.
1. Adult content (as defined by Google Adsense policies) go in the restricted forums, no exceptions. This includes signatures and avatars. We disallow spamming, as well as posting illegal things, like roms, warez, etc.

2. If a story preview or idea thread has lain dormant for more than two weeks, don't post in it unless you're contributing to the original purpose of the thread.

3. The author of a preview or ideas thread may disallow threadjacks, necros, offtopics, and useless posts in his opening post. Please respect this.

4. Heated discussion, arguments, and name calling are fine. Don't make it personal, though. If you find you absolutely need to make it personal, don't do it in public.

5. Stories featuring adult content or excessive cursing/graphic violence vulgarities go into restricted. Curses can not make up the entirety of a sentence, nor a post. Don't try to.

6. Recursive fanfiction is fine- just use your own words or get permission. You aren't limited to just one account- but your alts must have your username in the member note.

7. Please link to what you're talking about if possible, and if you wish to sell something, keep the advertising tasteful and out of our faces. If you want to link to your fanfiction, go ahead!

8. Don't post things in the wrong section. Threads get moved if they're in the wrong spot. Offtopic and silly posts are fine- but don't lose sight of the original purpose of the post or it will be moved.

9. Punishments will start out as warnings, but repeatedly breaking the rules will turn that into increasingly-long temp bans, and finally a permanent ban. Flagrant violations will result in a steps being skipped.

10. Finally, do the mods a favor- report things that break the rules.


So, thoughts on this as a short, less verbose rule of thumb for people to follow?


Well-Known Member
So how did the personal attack option even get in there? Why is that even an allowable option, much less the one that won?


Not The Goddamn @dmin
...I may be misunderstanding, but what are you asking? It sounds like you're asking how a vote works, and that's clearly not right.


Well-Known Member
How did an option that says "You are allowed to personally attack others on this forum" even make it into the poll list? That was one of the bigger issues TFF had that needed moderation, that people talked about needing a mod for.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Stormfury said:
How did an option that says "You are allowed to personally attack others on this forum" even make it into the poll list? That was one of the bigger issues TFF had that needed moderation, that people talked about needing a mod for.
Apparently this seems to be a case of the loud minority. /shrug.


Well-Known Member
can you guy stop having polls that are open for half a day and then expire? Please?