Rag-tag Hope-Discussion


Well-Known Member
Actually, the meeting seems to be mostly rapped up now, in the best case scenario, Shaderic will be posting it after adding his current part.


Well-Known Member
Oh cool.

Next Arc on it's way.


I love being me.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, Aarik...Part of what I wanna do once the meeting's done is the Opposite Armor fight with Sora returning to Traverse Town. If one of us ctaches Riku talking with Maleficent, since we know Maleficent's a villain, should we try to ask Riku not to listen to her?


Well-Known Member
Shaderic's being held up by something called PCS, don't know what that is off the top of my head, but with the exception of some typo's I'd want to fix, he has, or will be adding what would hopefully be the last part, of our conversation.


Well-Known Member
Aarik, can I announce the name of the next Arc?


Well-Known Member
I'm relatively certain I don't have the authority to do that.


Well-Known Member
I'm still around guys. Work is just crazy, almost got arrested in Tennesse.XD


Well-Known Member
Ah that would explain it.

With the exception of the 'literal' typo (Should be literally) I can't find any of the rest, so I guess we're good to go then.


Well-Known Member
So...We're going to be going on an inter-dimensional space trip?


Well-Known Member
Yep. Current plan is to seperate into two teams.

Team A: Seek the source of the Anomaly (OPERATION Title: Searching the Cliffs)

Team 1: Earth-dar Investigation. (OPERATION Title: Dark Remnants)


Well-Known Member
Tempo, just stop.

WHY would you head to Kurt's workshop while you where eating in the TFF base me and him were going to end up in anyway?

It's called patience, in game it's been about ten minutes, are you telling me you can't wait more then ten minutes IRL? While eating?


Well-Known Member
Yo, Lwave is in the process of getting a new adapter for his laptop. At the moment I'm using my Wii to type this. I'm going to jack someone's computer tomorrow. I'm on team 1. hehehe


Well-Known Member
Oh, one more thing, I'm thinking of trying something like the chem bot again, but a bit different.

It will be in the format of a DVD video I give to Kurt to show everyone, it won't have any dialogue, just a fight scene gathered from various cameras.

Me, Chris and Andrew in Ranger/Rider form Vs a Neoshadow.

It fucked our shit up, HARD.

It'll also show some terrifying 'cosmic horror' shit, like the fact Heartless can control whether or not they have bones, or being able to smooth out their skin if they twist their limbs around, or their creepy ass ability to turn injuries into functional organs, like mouths or eyes, or stretch their limbs like rubber, or control their mass density, like being hard as diamond one second, then tar the next, although, technically, that last ones unique to the 'shadow' genus what with their 'melting into shadow' ability...

It'll also give some scale for levels.

The Neoshadow is level 30, it get's some power boosts from RoP just like we do, so let's say 40, at one point, it will tear a ten story building out of the ground and throw it at us, grab Andrew's Rhino mid charge and use it as a club, and slice a car we throw at it into chunks in mid air.

We're at level 4, in base form, with the power boosts... let's say mid teens, since I'm going under the format that they basically add 10 to level.

It ends when the Rangers show up and we all swarm the thing, since it would be at about 3/4 or 1/2 HP by then, the video would cut off when they show up.

If asked me Andrew and Chris will all attest that it kept beating on all of us until it finally died, which also gives us the wonderful fact that Heartless don't weaken as their injured, they fight at 110% as hard as they can, until they finally discorporate, they even regenerate decapitated limbs, or just pick them up and pop them back on, they seem to randomly alternate, even their heads.

It is greatly unsettling to cut somethings head off, then it just pick's it up and pops it back on backwards, then it spin's it's head around, it's skin tearing, the torn skin becoming frothing fanged maws and yellow gleaming eyes and the crinkles of skin melt and smooth out, and it's smooth lower face rips open, to reveal a curved gaping fanged mouth with purple depths that darken as you look in further, and it screams at you, a wretched howl the likes of which man was not meant to hear, ready to keep fighting as if nothing had happened.


Well-Known Member
Laptop now has power again. Yay.


Well-Known Member
God damn it Tempo. Don't just suddenly pop in just like that!

Besides, you couldn't find me that quickly. I've been wondering around for like sometime now going in random directions. And considering that we both are new to Traverse Town, it would be easy to get lost.

Seriously, your post format is pissing me off. Maybe it's the lack of sleep talking but your script format just grates at my nerves!

And besides, if you've read my previous posts, I may tell from my in-game personality that the thugs would have be anihilated by now.

And I was planning on going someway with this!


EDIT: Ah fuck it. Whatever, I need to sleep more. I should be able to follow along with your post.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, my bad. As for Tempo...He got lucky in finding you so quick. Also, in my newest post, he's left things alone after seeing the carnage.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be off so lets just say Vog is there already


Well-Known Member
Guys, my lap-top died.
I'm going to go shopping tomorrow, hopefully.
Man, my GMing for this game is sucking something awful.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm trying to help take some pressure off.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, Shaderic. I pity ya. The main big thing we're waiting for this the TFF meeting..Once that's thorugh, I suggest we can begin with the next part of the story(AKA, Sora returning to Traverse Town.)