Rag-tag Hope-Discussion


Well-Known Member
Sorry I havn't been around much guys. I just got a new job this week and I lost my usual computer and internet connection. So until I can afford a new labtop and internet acess, which should be within a month, I'll be more off than on. PLay with Vog as you will.


Well-Known Member

Wait I'm confused.

Aarik is in Kurt's workshop, so is Kurt.

Nicholas is with Andrew.

Andrew is at the TFF base.

Chris just LEFT the TFF base to GO to Kurt's workshop, to help Aarik, who is barely conscious at the moment.

TFF base is in one of the district's, though I can't recall if we've ever mentioned which one, Kurt's workshop is past the big door that leads to the Gummi docks.

So how is Nick talking to Aarik if he and Aarik are about a mile away from each other?


Well-Known Member
Nick went to find Aarik, and found him. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Before Chris, who left fifteen minutes before he did?


Well-Known Member
Tempo might also have an advantage of knowing the area, and possibly shortcuts. Though it'd be nice if he wrote that sort of thing out and possibly described it..


Well-Known Member
Could you at least STRUCTURE your post?

The way you write your posts...

It's REALLY HARD to react like it's really happening, and your blithe emotionless one liners, the way they have no DEPTH to them, it's jarring trying to CREATE an atmosphere to react to.

EDIT: Look at it this way, I'm talking to someone that may or may not actually be Kurt, I don't know anything about him in game, what he looks like, how he talks, what he's wearing, nothing, I left the post like that as an opening so Shaderic could start our conversation.

Then, in the half second before he responds, you walk through THE DOOR RIGHT BEHIND ME, spit out your line, set up your computer, then after KILLING THE OPENING I SET UP, while, at the same time, preventing me from reacting to your first sentence that you randomly appeared and blurted out, because it would take several minutes to do what you did after saying it, during which your post implies I was sitting there doing nothing, forgot that the 'meeting', or the first one anyway, is between ME AND KURT, and ONLY me and Kurt.

Presumably, during this meeting between me and Kurt, the whole co leader thing will be set up, maybe, maybe not, but still.


Well-Known Member
According to your lastpost before that one, you were with them eating, you never said you left, how are you in a fight?


Well-Known Member
You were AT the TFF base, you were eating while waiting there.

It's not really a base so much as where the guys in traverse live, pretty much.


Well-Known Member
Sheesh... would you like to place your affinity as 'Gummis'?


Well-Known Member
That was an indicative of what's become of my life.

I've been overworking myself so much that the first thing I think of when I see something related to that work is working, to the point of forgetting that I don't have to, even in the middle of a conversation.

I'm so out of it from sleep deprivation that I can barely tell where I am or what I'm doing.


Well-Known Member
I was making an obscure Fate/Stay Night joke (Emiya Shirou's Elemental affinity is... Swords.)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about not doing much, I've been 'sick' for the past... 17 or so hours.

I'd describe the symptoms, but none of you want to know, but one of them is that I can't seem to sleep for more then about 2 hours or so without having to get up and go to the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
I have a good reason for bunch of people to not like us at all. It's pretty simple at the end of the world we were bathed in the darkness of the end. It attracts heartless, simply because we taste better. Thus giving Remnants a bad reputation as we can fall into world's with the barrier still up, allowing heartless a small crack in the shield.


Well-Known Member
No, the barriers are (Nigh) Unbreakable, if we get jettisoned to a World with one, we bounce right off and drift somewhere else.

The only reason I got to the Digimon Tamers World with their barrier up is that, while 'the Real Worlds' barrier was still up, the Digital Worlds was not, Digimon just don't have hearts in a form the Heartless recognize at the moment, and Calumon is the Digital Worlds heart, and he was gone.

So their was nothing in the Digital World to attract the Heartless.

I landed in the Digital World, and fell through to the Real World, I went AROUND the barrier, I didn't go through it.

The other stuff is fine though.


Well-Known Member
Another Idea I have is that a couple of Remnants fell through into a pretty much normal world SAN around 80 or so middle ages type place and took over a few towns as bandit kings due to the enhacing effect and superior knowledge of how the world ticks from being from our Home planet. Good, Bad, Subpar?

Edit: A thought at the end were going to be at the door to kingdom hearts with Sora or close enough to be blasted by the opening of said door's light. How would that affect us? Well besides balancing the darkness of the end in us with the light of the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Name: Aarik Rathell
Current World: Traverse Town
Level: 4
Hope Gauge: 79/100
Insanity Gauge 4/100


Necklace Rack
Zero (Zord)
Gummi Ship
A lot of Unused Gummi Block's
44,283 Munny
5 Grinders
Laptop (Gummi Space Upgraded)
House Marble.

Falvern (G-Saber)(Ship Capable)
Other G-Weapon's (Assorted)
<s>G-Rifle (Experimental, doesn't work)</s> On RoP
<s>Lightning Shotgun</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it.)
<s>Ironwood Staff, 5 feet 1 1/2 inches.</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it.)
<s>Scratch (Magical BB Gun)</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it)
<s>Magic Machete</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it.)
Assorted Knives
Barbecue Fork
<s>Club's (2)</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it, the same one that has the machete)
<s>Very Small Scimitar</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it, the same one the has the Pirate Saber)
<s>Short Pirate Saber</s> On RoP (One of the Grinder's is using it, the same one that has the Scimitar)

Valiant Mail (Enchanted)
Leather w/ Armored Plates. (The outfit I described near the start of the disc thread, Nicknamed Aarik's Armor from now on.)

Phys ATK- Low/Medium (Most of my Weapons) Very High+ (Falvern)
DEF- Medium- (Aarik's Armor) Very High+ (Valiant Mail)
Mag ATK- N/A
Mag DEF- Medium- (Aarik's Armor) Very High (Valiant Mail)
Agi 5 - Becomes 0 when in Valiant Mail off RPM, and 10 when on it.
Luck - High (so far.)

Skill List:
Wiring: 6
4-Wheeled Vehicle: 4
Computer User: 5
Animal Care: 3 1/3
Control Adaption: 6 1/9
Sharpshooting: -4 9/10
Problem Solving: 4 1/2
Puzzle's: 4 1/2
Riddle's: 2 1/4
Swordsmanship: 3 3/4
Survival: 2 1/2
General Heartless Knowledge: 7 1/7
Piloting: 5
Gummi Technology: 9 1/9

Easily Bored
Drowzy: Dozes off constantly.
Sleep Deprivation: Needs some rest, badly.
Mildly High: Is High from lack of sleep.

Notes: Aarik is not strong enough to wear Valiant Mail without the massive boost the Power Ranger's World give's the Armor, he would barely be able to move at all, even with the strength enhancement's on the Armor.

Chris and Andrew are both also level 4.


Well-Known Member
*lightwave?laughs as his plans come together



Well-Known Member
Bad luck comes in threes


Well-Known Member

Okay, since we're stuck in because of a meeting between Aarik and Shaderic, can we just time skip ahead?